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road to recovery

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catching up

thought i would update on what has happened this past year, my daughter and grandson went with me back to Indianapolis to get some things, from our house up there and get my car.found out when i let husband know i was coming that he had sold our house and he needed a list of things i wanted, i found out what i thought was mine wasn't what he thought was mine, he had sold or given away quite a few things, and some i have no idea what happened to it, so that is a definite end to that, i was going

lady k

lady k

back on site

thought i would update my blog, basically i haven't done anything new. been staying home, i have all new doctors and my diabetes got out of hand and had to change antidepressant had to be changed and i have been fighting a big funk, ans still fighting it, i rarely sleep, and doctor thinks it is depression, so we are still trying to find the right med, even the sleeping pills don't help, just make me feel worse. had a friend over who urged me to get back on here and after getting on reading ne

lady k

lady k


I have tried to add to this several times but it just disappears, so here goes another try, I am staying here in Texas, last I spoke to husband was May, he said basically don't call me 'll call you, so I know going back is not the right thing, I 'm really glad it happened before I went back, now I've received the first money from my Mom's estate, hoping will be enough to buy a small house and have my own place, I'm going to look at a place next week, I think with a riding lawn mower I will be ab

lady k

lady k


been a while since i have been on this site :forgive_me?: , everything has been fine just was a hard winter, the cold was difficult as it aggravated the spasticity, also this spring my allergies have acted up, not going out much didn't help fight the depression either so was caught up in the cycle of hurt to much to do much then depressed when didn't do much, now my husband wants me back with him and after much prayer and brooding i am going back, he wasn't bad to me and other than physically no

lady k

lady k

things you don't know about me

since so many have worked on this thought i would give it a whirl, don't know if i will reach 100 so i will just add until i think i can't think of anything else 1. I was a interstate truck driver (the big 18 wheelers) for about 10 years about 3 all by my self.i met my husband then the rest we drove together. 2. i was starting competition shooting in IDPA when i had the stroke. 3. i left the phone company after working 19 years and will still one day get a pension if i live long enough.

lady k

lady k

showing off my bottom

well did the deed and all OK, had the colonoscopy today, started throwing up after got up and on the way home, O joy, had some polyps but doctor thought they were OK, they are still sending to pathologist, i was told i wouldn't be able to get them back i was agreeable i didn't really have a scrap book for body parts, will have to stay off aspirin and plavix another week,apparently they fill you up with air so all day i have been gassy, at least it doesn't stink, i was home by about 100 pm, then

lady k

lady k

i can't believe it's been a month

here it is another month, time to update this, had appointment today with the Dr to see about the colonoscopy, is scheduled for 2 weeks, will have to stop blood thinners for a week. i think this will be another test i find i don't want to repeat. the cold has really been affecting my weak side. it seems it gets the spasms started instead of shivering. today we had a warm day with lots of wind. a welcome relief. I am not looking forward to running to the bathroom :Readpaper: , 1. I don't run. so

lady k

lady k

merry Christmas

:santasmiley: merry christmas everyone :bell: :fireplace: :wreath: we will soon start a new year, I'm wishing you will all have special recovery of some sort that will ease you in this new year. I had a money problem that forced me to be off the internet for a time, i believe all is in hand. oh to be able to work math like i used to. it was all my doing, numbers no longer work well with me, and i didn't keep a good watch on my bank account, and a business continued to charge me after the

lady k

lady k

nothing new

tomorrow my sister is coming to visit, they will just be here for a few hours, we haven't seen each other since mom 's funeral, about a year before my stroke.nothing has happened lately, Kat is learning the routine. she still rattles the closet doors so i will get up and see what the noise is, then sits there hoping i will open the door so she can go in and check things out, otherwise she finds a place close and takes a snooze.

lady k

lady k

i'm forgiven

i fed kitty her favorite food and am now back in acceptable status.she cuddled up on the bed after I had washed all that doggie slobber offusing soap, and showed her i still loved her. see album for kitty pictures

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lady k

big business

in case you were wondering do i go around and everyday is a good day, the answer is no definatly not.I just got through with getting the flat forehead award once again.the electric co decided hey could not wait for my paperwork for thecosigner of my electric in lieu of deposit, so Friday they turned off the electric, they insist they sent a notice out, but the one i got said the 29th, i called and just paid the deposit, i just got paid Wednesday, so when they processed the amount they entered i

lady k

lady k

is my kitty a cave lion?

kitty who won't answer to anything else, sorry Fred, she just walked off when i suggested the name king, now I can't keep her out of the closets, she loves to go in them and hide, thank goodness she is so meticulous, she will not go potty anywhere in the house but her box. according to her she runs things around here. she is even making some friends which is new, my friend carol is one of her favorites, but even my daughter whom she developed a dislike for didn't get the hissing and growling, b

lady k

lady k

settling in

I am in the new digs, and am awestruck at how everything came together and looks so good, for everything coming from different directions and not seen together until arriving here. the furniture and even the throw pillows all go together maybe not match as same pattern but same colors, blue green burgandy and all the same hue, I am still getting toired legs from walking around here all day just arranging all the little nicknacs, into new little slots. feels good, to go to bed tired like that. ev

lady k

lady k

time marches on

I have been surprised at how fast time seems to be moving , very often when waiting for something we want it seems to drag it's feet, but this time it keeps on. been packing up for move. today signed lease and paid deposits and rent and got keys. walk through went well, they had redone before last tenant and she only stayed about 2 months . everything is nice. hung shower curtain and unloaded car full, also when got home reloaded another full carload, maybe 2 more to go, have prestaged most, the

lady k

lady k

getting close

today went out to eat chinese with my friend who lives in apartments I am moving to, hard to believe I will be moving next week, with the deposits and rent this payday will be tight but next one will be better, only have rent. I will gwet keys when I pay deposit next tuesday. really have to watch my pscking, I was making progress until I realized I had packed deoderant and had to difg it out, but still making some progress. also found out it is the buyebird capital of texas I look forward to han

lady k

lady k

gaining momentum

I think I must of gotten used to being slow, I got a call to come in to sign paperwork for apartment, had to take in Bank statements, now just have to get the SSDI paperwork in and take over, should get next week, was told should be here by next Friday, once we get that done , I should get the apartment, I was told apartment may be ready as early as next week and shouldn't be a problem moving on the 1st :bouncing_off_wall: , rent will only be 354 for 2 bedroom, and I only have to pay electric an

lady k

lady k

home of my own?

well got the application done for apartment in wills point, and took it in, I had given it to god to help me get where he willed, and I spoke to the manager and they will have a vacancy 1st of next month and I will get it, and I qualify for 2 bedroom and it will actually be cheaper than 1 bedroom, yipee. prayer is answered. I called some friends from the church and they think people from the church will help me get started with furniture, I will be able to do a exercise room/craft/office in 1 be

lady k

lady k


why oh why do we all think we are invincible and we just go on doing things we know are bad for us but never expect anything to happen, I had all the things that put me at risk for stroke or heart attack, well I got one but boy the other and this was even after my brother died from heart failure, he also had copd, but nah it won't happen to me, I smoked, I had high blood pressure and diabetes, and high cholesterol, but it won't happen to me , other people yeah, but not me maybe someone older, I

lady k

lady k

lightning hit my modem

last week lightning hit our wires and fried my modem and fried my daughters computer so I have had acute withdrwal from the internet again. tis week I stasryed out the week with a tooth abcess, after x-rays I found out that I need the tooth cut out, well sctually it was wher my wisdom tooth caused problems with tmy back teeth and this is the only one left do the will will cut it and the isdom tooth out, that is scheduled for friday. i have to stop taking tjhe plavix and aspirin, and my regular d

lady k

lady k

a long long winding road

when I left the hospital I will admit I was frightened, not of death but living. I had always enjoyed fairly good health at least in inconvenience to me, sure I had diabetes, and high blood pressure and high cholesterol, but it didn't affect me that much.little did I know what was happening in my head. my first warnings were before my first tia, my hands would go numb but I also had carpal tunnel, so just shook it off, next i had a tia, including partial paralysis, also affecting my face, nut it

lady k

lady k

good reports

Another week another doctor appointment, my last gp appointment, all my test came back in the normal range, I'll have to go in and get the numbers they ran my a1c cbc and my cholesterol from what the office said the dr was happy with them, today I saw the cardiologist, and I guess the depression I had knocked my appetite out again, I lost a few more lbs, I f I can keep losing a couple of pounds every couple of weeks for another year, I will be back to a normal weight. being only 5 ft tall, every

lady k

lady k

do over

I had a rough week, the depression hit me hard, and I erased all previous blog postings. :forgive_me?:   So I will start again. I was most pleased with my post on what a stroke is like for the survivor. :dribble:   Everyone has different experiences for their stroke. I didn't have any headache.   In fact THE BIG ONE happened at night. I woke up only half there. :tired:   I didn't even realize until I tried to get up. how can that be you ask. have you ever lost your house key

lady k

lady k