
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About 1967stingray

  • Birthday 05/08/1947

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  1. Sue, I seldom pull out Ray's old Nikon, I sold all the lenses except the one it originally came with. But my cell phone gets used daily, I take 99% my photos with it now.... the only calls I get are sales calls. I do take quite a few pix, although mainly to validate my life to my Facebook friends. But I often think, when the time comes that Ray is gone, will I continue doing so? I like to post pictures of him out and about, having a good time (if I can get him to smile!) and almost never put anything negative. A total PR campaign for me. Pix of me are so rare that everyone comments on it. I think I will pass into anonymity myself when the time comes....there may be nothing left to say at that point.
  2. You could pay for long term care insurance beforehand, or else you can hook up with Medicaid to foot the bills if you have very little money to start with. It takes some research and lots of paperwork, but there are social workers out there that will guide you through. And what about your VA, ours has a nursing home there too. Even a millionaire couldn't afford to pay for a nursing home nowadays! Not for long anyway.
  3. I've know people that say this is what worked for them, I am rooting for you!
  4. The VA is sending PT and OT to us too now, while Medicare gave up around March of this year, and that was it til January 2017. They also gave us a stair lift so Ray can have a proper shower upstairs, an electric Hoyer lift (after he fell and for the first time I couldn't get him up without the aid of a local cop),also another ramp is supposedly in the works (someone came to measure but haven't heard when he's coming back) plus I managed to get one plumber to give an estimate on redoing our bathroom with a bigger shower stall, although I still need a second one to get the grant. We live near the Hamptons so this time of year they are all busy with all their million dollar jobs ;-) so maybe over the winter. They also have nurses that come monthly and quarterly, as opposed to the Managed Care's new rules of once every six months and really just for paperwork. I feel like it was God's doing that sent that Medicare therapist when Ray came home at Christmas, he was so adamant that we call the VA. Would not stop badgering me! I will be forever grateful for their service to us!
  5. Wish I could share your optimism ;-) I do have an aide who is scheduled for 6 hours but is really here at least 8. I know that sounds wonderful, and I can get out a couple of hours here and there....but she is in her 70s so can't even take Ray into the bathroom. So a week away...maybe someday? Or not. I am so glad to hear of your plans though. Enjoy!
  6. You are an inspiration Fred! Sorry I don't write more often. Ray is turning 70 next spring and now everything that is wrong with him, they say it's his age not the stroke. He's about where you are now though. Luckily, a Medicare therapist we had in January, right after Ray got out of rehab for pneumonia with his stomach feeding tube, turned us on to the VA. Ray always belonged but never really used the benefits. Now,they are our saviors; they are so helpful and generous and I will never be able to thank them enough. We went for a new wheelchair yesterday, I was happy just to get a regular one but they were wanting to know why we didn't want a motorized one. It's a strange new world, but the VA definitely takes care of their own. Hang in there, tough guy ;-) At this point, it's almost six years for us....but who's counting really?
  7. Happy Anniversary 1967stingray!

  8. My heart breaks for you, Sarah. I am so sorry.
  9. Happy Birthday 1967stingray!

  10. Great news! Glad to hear you're coming along finally.
  11. Isn't that what travelling is about though? Seeing how the other half lives! I'm sure they'll be blabbing about it for months after they get home.
  12. Glad to hear, it was a long fight but worth it in the end.n As always, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  13. Wow that is so much to happen in such a short time Yvonne. I am glad you and your siblings know how to deal with it all though, you definitely know what to do.
  14. Thanks so much Fred, your prayers must be working. I seem to be the most concerned about Ray at this point, everyone else is moving on to bigger emergencies it seems! A nice feeling finally. You are in our prayers too, hope you're feeling a little better now.