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life goes on

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Went to London, and stay three months

Hello everyone, it is good to be back. My Parents were over with me, to enjoy seeing my so graducated. We had six weeks of sun, and fun. So they left, and my sister called saying Dad was acting "strange". He was fine over here, even Mom enjoyed herself. Then she called and said i needed to come, so moving very fast, wnt to doctor got a letter that said I could travel, was on a plane to London. Did not know what was waiting fot me. Dad was out of hosptial, but looked tired and very confushed.



Hello, did a good deed ti weekend

Hello every one, have not been on stroke net like I do every day , got a bug on my computer. Do people not have better things to do? So I am using my grandkids one, funny how they want to use it when I get on!   So Saturday I got up very early, got husband out of bed I don't drive and went to help with an Alzheimer's walk. It felt so good for me to go and volunteer. I was so scared that I do something wrong. I wanted to part of it, since my Mom has the beginning of this sad thin



Farewell to Dr. Maya Angelou

My heart was a little heavy last week, the death of Dr. Maya Angelou. She was fill of wisdom, talked about love and doing right. Her poem about   "Phenomenal Women", I wrote it down, and loved to say it remembering all the caregivers on this site and how they are "Phenomental Women"   Another poem "Just do right, never go wrong by doing what you truly believe in".   Dr. Angelou, you will be missed, but God needed an angel, so he called you.   Yvonne



Just to tell you what is going on in my Life

I have been trying to write this blog for over two months. My computer that was my daughters, went to computer heaven, and it took my a while to go and get a new one. During this time, my husband's nephew got killed! The new was shocking and hurt. The furneral was down in Delray beach which is about 3hours away from us. What was great the whole family came together, but you know there are always one in the family that act like they are the only ones hurting! He was only 32years old, what time



Merry Christmas from Florida

Got the present wrapped, playing the christmas music. Wish the weather was a little cooler, but living in the wrong state(Florida). We are going over to my daughters to eat, she said no turkey or ham, we be eating light! I know my husband so I make sure we have a ham at home with some fixings. I am please, my doctor gave me a goal to lost weight by Febrary and I can get off some of these meds. :thumbsu:   My friend called she is having a party. I have not been to one this year, so Iam putti



A young man asked for food

So my husband and I were leaving the supermark, our shopping trolley full, when a young man stopped my husband. He told my husband his name and haded his ID in his hand. He wanted something to eat, he did not want money, so my husband took him inside, and brought him a dinner and a cold drink.   Iam so thankful that we were able to do that. We dont have money like that, we dont live in a fancy house, our car is on it last wheel, but there is always someone worse off.   Just wanted to share




I have been trying to post my pictures that I took in England no luck! I asked my son and he said my pics are too big!!! I used my dital which is a Kodak easy share C182 .Any help please? Also thank you to the people who remember my anniversary, I did not, to busy on my vacation LOL.   I had a cold for a week now. I had stop going for my walk, missing it going to start tomorrow, the doctor said if I lose weight I can get off some of my med's, maybe I can start to drive again. Of course



Back from England, but did not see the Queen

Hello my Strokenet family, hope everyone is feeling well, MaryJo,so sorry for your lost, my prayers to you and your family. I start by telling you the flight was good, Sandy, airport security was fine, and I haded my meds and needles. It was wonderful to see my husbands face as we saw the sights of London. My dad who is 85years old was our tour guide, he was excellent. I forgot some of the bus and where there stop, not my dad. The transportation is great, and there is a system that at the bu



England here we come

Hello my strokenet family, off to London we go! My husband and me, for the frist time we are travelling to London.This is the first time he is going to London. He would make up reasons to not travel with me and our son. Now my parents are getting up in age,and Dad keeps on asking hime to come over. We are leaving Florida which is 76, London is a whopping 36! but my husband has a postive attuide! I can not wait to show him , the home that I grew up, the school I attended. Meet my childhood



I need insurance

Hi everyone, I need life insurance for myself. My husband has and he always tellsme that any thing happen to him, Iam "safe". I want that for me. I have a wonderful husband, great son and a daughter that is not my husbands, and two grandkids. I want to make sure everyone is taken care of when I go to my final resting place. I just got turned down by Mutual of Omaha , who was my husbands employers insurance plan. The reason, my health history of diabetes and stroke. Yet, now it is under contro



Bumps in the road.

Hello everyone, just came out of the hospital on Friday. Been in for eight days! On last Thursday, woke up with my left side hurting and my left foot swollen and hurt to the touch. So my daughter came and took me to the ER. They were worryed that maybe it was another stroke or a blood clot. Seems that I caught a infection a while ago and been diabete, cannot fight like a normal person can. My view was it could be worse, and pray and move on. So while I was getting my tests I did what I am bes



Me enjoying Christmas in England, those were the days

So this year is coming to an end. I was speaking to my friend, is it we getting older, that the time seems to be going to fast.   My friend is also from England like me , we have been friends for over 30years,we grew up together. We able to talk about the "old days". We remember when you got one toy, and a coat, dress and church shoes. We were so graful that we got something. Every family in the neighbourhood worked hard, and there was a little money for gifts, so we got clothes which was



Not myself

For the last few days I have not been myself. I have been trying for the last six weeks, walking, watching what I eat, and to me I see no different,, and my blood pressure is still high. The doctor had said I may need to go to the hospital, but all they do is test, fill me up with drugs, ask me if Iam depress, and I just shake my head and think NO! I love you poking me,and talking to me when Iam full of drugs. Now I want to go and spend time with my Parents and sisters who live in England, but



I have retire my oven

My daughter haded told me about the George Foreman grill, but my mind not been the same, I let it gooverme. So last week, she gave me a chicken meatless burge, it was good! then she told me she used her George Foreman grill, and it only cost $15, she kept saying she told me well I was listening now. The next day , my son came home from school, and we went to Target and got my grill. My husband and I have used it every day. It is quick, cheap and healthly. Go buy one, it does burgers,chicken th



good things at last

:thumbsu: i feel so good, I am going out with my friends, and it feels so good, to want to go and be able to go. i look at how I was at first. i haded no feelings in my right side, plus I did not speak well, my self esteen was shot, I was a mess. So then my husbands insurance company turn me down for therpy. I sat in the apartment feeling scared,and alone. plus I was mad at every one, my husband and family who did not know who I was. My friends would call, but I could hear the shock in their

