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100 things you probably don't know about me.

Do we REALLY know each other?   I challenge other Stroke Network bloggers to make a list on their blog of 100 things we do not know about you!   1. I had a rare type of Brain Stem stroke on the Pons. It caused quadriplegia and loss of speech. My stroke happened in France while I was on a business trip. This occurred over 20 years ago in 1994. 2. I founded the very first on-line stroke support group on the Internet in 1996. This group became known as The Stroke Network i



Feeding Tube change

TGIF! I am really poopped! I got up early today. Well, early for me, 11 am, that is! Getting up after 12 pm is one of the perks of taking drugs that make you always tired, plus a fringe benefit of being medically retired. I put this blog in my Venting category because I'm burned out from getting up early to have my feeding tube replaced.   Do you know how they did it? I didn't even get out of my wheelchair. The doctor reclined me back, lubricated my tube with K-Y, worked it back and fo



100 things

Do we REALLY know each other?   I challenge other Stroke Network bloggers to make a list on their blog of 100 things we do not know about you!




My head hurts and I'm going to bed! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANOTHER WOMAN TONIGHT!



Valentines Day

Well, I'm finally finished my work for the day. It was relatively uneventful. I spent several hours tonight updating my anti-virus and firewall software. If my software ever got a bug or my sensitive information for our organization got sent somewhere without me knowing it I don't think I would ever recover.   I'm not worried about somebody hacking into my computer because it's never happened in 10 years! My computer is small potatoes compared to a corporation, which is where hacki

