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I really shouldn't let the back yard go so long....



We had a huge crop of spring violets all over the back yard this year, so I held off on mowing so we could enjoy them as long as possible.


Then my father-in-law passed away so we had to head back to New York for a week.


Then we had a couple of weeks of rain which severely cut into the time available for yard work.


I managed to find time between showers to run the mower over the front yard a few days ago and wound up with the drive belt for the wheels jammed. (I've got a new belt ordered, but it'll take a while to get here, so I'm using the mower as a straight push mower..)


Also, the back yard really won't wait another week (the dogs have been complaining about getting lost in the jungle, lately!)

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sounds like most of my yard. Up until this year my father in law was always out on the riding mower mowing the yards. Now I guess it is my turn to take over.

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