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I've Had a Good Run



March 2, 1998, I reported, promptly at 9:00 am for my first day of work with my current company. I was 30 years olb, the single mother of 3, recently divorced entering the corporate workforce for the first time.


My assignment was as a technical service specialist for a computer call center. I had some knowledge of troubleshooting PC problems, though most of my experience was on a Mac. None of my family or friends really expected that I'd make it a year.


By my 2nd year, I was a part-time instructor in Microsoft applications, and a subject matter expert for MS Office Suite. I was also the goto for all questions concerning graphics.


In my 6th year here, I became the training coordinator for 3 accounts. When those contracts ended, in my 8th year, I became the Knowledge Admin for the entire center, responsible for making sure that all of the support documentation in our databases was accurate, easily accessable, readable, followable, and linked to any and all accurate additional information, without going outside of the contractual agreements of with the clients. I have held that position for the past 5 years.


I've had a good run.


But all good things must come to an end. I will walk out the doors of my office, the afternoon of June 30, 2011, and officially end my run here, or anywhere. July 1, 2011, I start my "medical retirement."


Oddly, I don't feel upset about it. I'm a little concerned about money issues because I will be "retired" before my inheritance comes in, but other than that, I feel calm about it. There is a strange sort of peaceful feeling, knowing the date when things will change. I'm going to miss a lot of the people here. Friendships have been made over the last 13 years, naturally. But otherwise, I am ok with this, even though it could be argued that the choice of when to retire was taken out of my hands. I don't really seem to mind.


I've had a good run.






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WEll for the stress and drama you were hving it's probably a good thing in some ways that yoou'll be done with it. I'm glad you can still look on it as a positive experience overall. It's always better to not be bitter and you certainly seem at peace :o) and that's a good thing

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I left a great job after my stroke and am living with my SSID as well as my husbands pay. Its tight but I get so worked up by noises at home I could imagine working. I'm glad I can rest.

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retirement is big step, & I am happy you are doing it on your term. I am pretty sure you will do well in your retirement since you have other things planned in your retirement. I felt quite at loss after my retirement since I wasn't ready. I never knew I had my so much selfworth was associated with what I did prestroke & how much money I made. I learnt hard way some tough lessons. but after struggling for couple of years I have found my new normal & enjoying my life of retirement to fullest. you have paid your dues in society, now enjoy the life.



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best of luck to you! I am going throug the same decision process about whether to persue medical retirement with 19 years at my employer. keep us posted on how things go with this transition.

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