I found great purpose of life for me
right after my stroke I struggled for long time thinking why did I survive this seeming horrible tragedy like stroke in my life. I was trying to find what's purpose of my life. Finally I got great comforting answer for my question from Dalai lama by reading his book. he simply says & I quote I believe that very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness. after reading this I feel we can all train our mind to find happiness in our daily life. I know I am learning to train my thoughts towards positive aspects of my life. by watching my thoughts I am able to enjoy life to fullest. Sometimes when something starts frustrating me I realize its not the situation, but thoughts which are portraying those situation as hopeless is what making me unhappy & not the situation itself. Just that shift in thought itself makes things more clear. With those things clear I am happy that all of us are enjoying & doing what we all like to do in our free time, like kido is out to play with his friends, hubby is out on hammock with his newspapers & me enjoying my me time blogging after our fulfilling lunch.
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