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Update on my summer activities and odds and ends



About the Farm:


Carl takes the back roads to Mr. Parks grocery store. The store is owned by a little Korean man. He carries some unusual products plus he is less expensive than the Big known grocery stores.


Back to Carl taking the back roads, one day in spring on his grocery run passing the Mennonite Church his curiosity peaked. He drove threw the parking lot.





Carl came home and picked me up and we went to ask questions. See Carl with his aphasia when talking w new people and to keep his illustration down wants me to ask the questions. No mind you this is May of this year 2011. We get to the Mennonite Church and I notice they have potatoes growing out front. They are having a plant sale. There is pretty sparse choice. We meet the Pastor, Pastor John. He explains to us they are a CSA Community Supported Agriculture Farm. That means you can buy shares, the shares go like this: for $ amount all seasons every week you will pickup a portion of what ever crops are producing. Another way $ just Spring season, or just summer or fall. Or the one we chose was all seasons every other week. John told us about the open farmer markets we could find the farmer running the farm at to sign up for shares. The following Thursday we went to the Market and found the farms stand and met Cece the farmer and her helper Angela.


After we sign the agreement and put a forth of the total $ amount to secure our share, the women we call farmers told us they needed volunteers to harvest, weed and many other outside as well as inside jobs done.


Our expectations of what we are capable of doing is to be seen. Carl and I decided we will volunteer for what ever the farmers need help with. They put us out in the fields picking snap beans. It's hot and not as fun as you can image. But, we wanted to do it. On out second time out Carl got to pick beets and I picked turnips. In the middle of harvesting Carl need to make a run to the store (to this date I don't know why) lol. In the mean time I'm walking threw the fields to the school to re-leave my self when stepping over one of the water hoses OOOOPS down I went. One minute I was standing erect the next I'm meeting the ground. I get up brush my self off and continue. Well low and behold Angela seen me walking and then she said you were gone. ?????? She rushed over when I reappeared making sure I was ok. After talking we had ourselves a good laugh. (everyone needs to laugh more). Well with that happening Angela sent me inside to work. And from then on Carl and I became the inside volunteers. The farmers like that they can rely on use showing up when we are suppose to, know what were to do. We count, weight, and batch the harvest.


Now Angela asked us if we wanted to work our share off. Of course, I jumped on that. As of today our volunteer hours have added up that are share is paid up. But we are going to still volunteer cuz it's fun, Carl gets to talk alotttttt. Great therapy for him and I can see how happier he is. l


Last week 6/20-24 Pastor John and Brenda a Elder of the church had Peace camp for 12 kids. Pastor John asked for use to help and we did but this week I'm tired.


I am enjoying being so mobile this summer 6/2011. I couldn't have done it without the shots and therapy for my knees. God has blessed both of us which has in turn enabled us to give back to those less fortunate .


Pastor John is a part-time Pastor for the Berea Mennonite Church in East Atlanta.


Pastor Johns full-time job is property manager to pay off his law education. He married a Mennonite women and they had a beautiful baby girl 6 months ago. She is such a happy baby, always smiling. I had to make some booties for her.


Sunday we go to bible class before services. About 8 people plus us and we discuss the readings for the services. It's been very interesting for me cuz I grew up Roman Catholic and never understood the bibles writing. I've heard the stories but gotta say really never understood.


It's the Fourth of July 2011. I'll be watching fireworks on PBS with music.


I enjoy them that way, no bugs, a/c, food if I want, and no crowds to put up with.


But, I will be able to see the fireworks downtown from Centennial Park just sitting in a chair in my own driveway! I'm looking forward to both ways maybe I'll build a fire in our portable fire pit. That should keep the bugs at bay.


Well Happy Fourth of July to all. Be safe. Half of the summer is over.


Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:


Recommended Comments

Jeannie: what a wonderful story. I have read your blog now twice before responding. That Carl is something! I know how hard farm work is, but to have fresh produce, just picked! Plus the fact that you are out, working, interacting. As you said, Carl is loving it.


Bruce grew up on a farm and I can't wait to share this with him tomorrow. A close friend wants to build Bruce a raised bed for next year that Bruce can tend to from his scooter. This will give him great incentive I am hoping. I offered to do pots on the deck, but did not get any response.


Both Kira and Bruce are having trouble settling this weekend due to the local fireworks. We have a house full of college students just across the street. They have done a terrific job. Like you, I open one of the fron windows and have a terrific view from inside my own house.


Thank you again for that terrific find and I am certainly going to see if we have anything like it around here. Bruce couldn't help much-maybe transfer stuff in the scooter, weigh. But a terrific idea. You rock Carl! Debbie

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Jeannie, how fortunate you can help others and in doing so help yourself. That is what I call helping the world to keep on spinning. You and Carl are legends!


I helped out at a school that trained Missionaries and as a "love job" it was perfect. I helped clean the students accommodation between sessions. Funny how you can clean a room that is not yours much more cheerfully than you'd clean the same room at home!


Being a volunteer is great, knowing that what you do is also helping others is priceless.



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That's the best deal since migrant farm workers which my family done a whole lot of before I was born. I guess it was share cropping back then, they always got a portion of what was harvested but no money! Good luck to you and Carl in this venture and healthy eating when it's home grown! :happydance: :Clap-Hands:

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Thank you Debbie, Sue and Fred for your loving comments. I believe helping others is yelping yourself. remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:

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