Up Coming Care Meeting
Ever find that you have kept far too many concerns too closed mouth and just HAVE to dump all of them out on someone? That is where I was yesterday. I have no support network. My children are young adults and just do not “get it” so I rarely use them as a sounding board when it concerns Dick’s care. In addition to their youth, they tend to want to protect me from having concerns about Dick not realizing that that actually adds to my distress. Therefore I periodically spew everything out on poor Richard. There are three things that happen when I do this. Most of the time, it all goes over his head but at least I have talked it out. There have been times that he has gotten extremely upset because under it all he wants to protect me as well and he gets frustrated and confused. This is the main reason so much is held back from him. Then, there are the now extremely rare times when Dick has this flicker of complete comprehension. This was the case yesterday. And when I had finished my tirade he replied, “I had no idea you were under so much.” It didn’t fix anything but for a few glowing moments I had my partner back. And that felt so good.
I have blogged many times about the distress I have with the lack of care Dick receives at the nursing facility he has been at for a year and a half. Now after three months wait, I have a meeting on Wednesday with all the lead staff as well as the state ombudsman. I must prepare for this visit and I am battling the feeling that instead of having the ombudsman on my side she is only going to support the nursing home. She refuses to return my phone calls and it was the nursing home social worker who arranged to have her at the meeting. In the end I feel like it is solitary me against a big organization. And I am frustrated to think that just maybe they have done the very best that they are capable of doing. If this is true then I do not think any facility will be able to care for my husband. After all if it is truly his refusal that is keeping him from being cared for then that will be true anywhere.
The only option that has been presented to me thus far is Delaware’s “Money Stays with the Patient” program. In this program they attempt to send a person home while still providing the financial support so that outside care is paid for. My understanding is that Dick would be eligible for Day Care, plus home health aides to provide showers etc. But reading a bit deeper I learn that the only Day Care facility in this area is open only weekdays from 7:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon. Dick is a late riser and I can imagine that he would not really be ready to leave in the mornings until 11 or even 12. That does not leave much time during the day to fit all my doctor appointments and PT. And there is nothing available on the weekends. In addition these benefits apparently start disappearing after a year. So what good does that do me?
In the real world I am rather stoic and rarely complain about my lot so blogging has become my place to whine. The truth is that I have so many concerns about bringing Dick home. I plain do not know what the right choice is. I placed Dick in the home after he became occasionally aggressive to me and my teenage daughters. The girls are older and nearly out of the home so they do not figure so much anymore. Dick does not seem to have those aggressive bouts anymore. Furthermore he is so much weaker that he cannot even walk without assistance. Aggression therefore can be walked away from. Still, my back has not recovered from years of lifting then being in a car accident.
So, partly as an experiment and partially because I just wanted Dick around for a while, I brought him home to spend the night yesterday. I wanted to see how we would do during a time when my back was less than its best. I have to say that I was appalled at the decline that I found in his ability since the last time I had him at home. It is apparent that I would HAVE to have a wheelchair ramp put in because I could barely get him up the three steps into the house. And I would never be able to get him in and out of the tub unless it was converted to a shower. I all ready had learned this summer that taking him out into public is something that will have to be rare.
Instead of dropping everything and spending all my time with Dick, this time I continued most of my regular daily in house activities. Dick was content to sit alone in the living room and really did not prove to be a problem whatsoever. The only challenge that I had was when it was time for diaper changes. It meant lifting him up and supporting him plus a lot of bending. It didn’t feel so very well! But I did learn that even though I didn’t change him more frequently than every 5 hours in the day and 9 hours over night, he never had the slightest leak. I can only imagine how long he must be going between changes at the home in order for him to become so sodden.
Of course we had that refreshing heart talk and it is simply wonderful to have him there just to lay my head on or hold hands, those simple acts of affection that we all crave. But this was a change of scene for Dick whose daily goal is simply to come home. When he was home he was always pushing to go somewhere. When he was home he refused to consider day care. When he was home he didn’t like or cooperate with some of the aides that came in.
So I am in a dilemma. My children are very quick to tell me I cannot bring Dick home. My parents are on the same page. But not a one of them has any concern for Dick. And his needs cannot be ignored. I just feel that it is wrong to toss aside people because they have become old and sick and do not fit into our idea of how people ought to behave. How do I balance my life and his? I don’t believe there is any easy solution. I just hope there is something positive which comes out of Wednesday’s meeting.
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