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911 and a chipped tooth



William decides that he does not want to go to the pool. I decide not to argue with him. I tell him that I am heading to the ymca to do my thing.


I was just tired to spending 30 minutes getting him to agree to go .....


I get home and William is on the phone. I ask who he is calling. He has called 911. I tell him to tell them that they do not need t0 come out.

He calls them back and says "My wife demands that I call and tell you not to come!". Now they have to come out and make sure that I am not abusing him. This is just ridiculous.


Now, I am upset with him. But, I have to let 911 come in and speak to him. He tells them that he needs to be taken care of today. They ask exactly what do you need now.??? He does not have any specific thing. Just the vague I need help to get around. Of course, they cannot take the entire day to take care of him.


They are finally satisfied that everything is OK and leave. What a total waste of time. But, I do understand their point. They need to check out the call. Especially with the "MY wife demands that I call and stop the call"


He can be so exasperating!!!!


Later in the day he agrees to go to the pool. He does realize that I will not be satisfied until he gets the exercise done.


We get a new caregiver for Wm. Somebody that will take him to church.


Well, she has him fall as he is going to the car to Bible study. She does not know how to walk him. He chips his front tooth. and is bleeding and scratched.


she calls me and I call the dentist. I am at work. I get him in to the dentist. I call her back. She got two other people to help get him up and into bed. He did not want to call 911 AGAIN. tHE LAST 911 call was on Sat. Today is Tues.


When I got home. I asked how they got him up. One of the supervisors came over and they got a neighbor to help. So they had 3 people to get him up and carry him to the bed.


They got lost on the way to the dentist. Wm got her blocks away. They called me and I got them turned around. The teeth are both fractured. One was broken and they used a filling to fix it. We just have to wait and see if the root has been damaged. So in 2 weeks we will return.


In the meantime I am still trying to get a tooth extracted. I will call the oral surgeon tomorrow.


Wm can only have soft foods today. Luckily i had soup made.


There was a spot of blood on the walkway. When I came inside I expected a much worse mess. The dentist said that he sustained alot of trauma. He was hurting tonight.


I also got the direct tv receiver tonight. I had to program the remote to work. I spent hours on that. I was on the phone with direct tv for over an hour. We could not get the remote to turn the tv off. I kept plugging away and finally found the codes that worked.


Wm is sleeping and I am still thinking and running around.


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Sounds like your days and or nights never ends. I'm praying things will be OK with William and the new care giver lady.


I guess I'm very lucky...My health care lady probably tips the scale at 290 and she says I will not fall on her watch. She is stronger than me. She got me walking with a single point cane and without the cane most of the times.


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Ruth all this trauma for William and how scary and frustrating for you as well. You finally get a new caregiver and this happens! I hope things work out better for all of you. The 911 mistakenly happened to me when I was programming my phone one time. They have to come and check things out to be sure, which is good. Sorry about Williams fall and hope things go better for you the rest of the week.


I hate changing anything that is already programmed. :throw:


Have an uneventful rest of the week.



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Ruth: what a crazy couple of days. Once I got Bruce asleep and the remote working, I would be sitting with a bottle of vodka! As annoyed as you are, you have to kind of smile at William's problem-solving skills. Cognitively that is a big step. Instead of just sitting back and awaiting your return, he got annoyed and took matters into his own hands.


I am so sorry about the fall. He must be really hurting-broken teeth are horrid and I so hope all can be repaired without infection and minor cosmetic work. With the mouth injury, you were surely thinking he hit his head and depending on a stranger basically, altho she is a trained pro, to diagnose.


So glad things worked out, as frustrating as they were. Just the usual little "blip" we get every once in a while to remind us that we are in a new world. Take care, try to get some time out (without 911's help) and hopefully rest of the week will go smoothly. Debbie

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A very busy few days for you Ruth. Such a lot going on. I would be so frustrated with William calling 911. It would be considered a nuisance call here. And William would be "flagged".


You do a mighty job keeping everything going. I don't know how you manage to work with all this going on.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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I'm sitting here reading your post and laughing I can just see Don pulling a stunt like that on me and how pisssed off I would be at him :bop: but you have to be smiling a little about it now. Sometimes I get so mad at Don but then after I calm down I can find the humor in it. Hope that you have a less stressful week. Take care Sally

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