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Running Larry around but having some "me time"



Larry finally finished his colonoscopy last week. He had a small polyp removed which was benign. No more for 5 yrs. Yippee!


My kids have been telling me to get out more myself. I tried leaving Larry alone Sunday while I went to a volunteer party. I volunteerd for a thrift shop which supports developmentally disabled young adults. This was the best volunteer experience I had with great people to work with. I really miss the group and the interaction with others. I may try now to work that in again unless something unforeseen happens again with me, like my skin cancer, or Larry's health takes a turn. I had to drop out of my exercise class and need to go back to something. Now I just watch Larry do his workouts - not much help for me. Tomorrow I will go to a luncheon/fashion show with some friends. I'm looking forward to that and will have my helper here to stay with Larry.


I've been trying to get all my appts. caught up as well. I was 5 months behind in my dental checkup and finally got that in. It's important to go to the dentist as they can check for mouth cancer as well as checkup on teeth and gums. My mammogram is Friday so that should be it for me this year. I took Larry for his blood work today and he has his sleep study to finish up next week. Ugh!


The weather here was nice until today. This was bad as the World Series game was canceled due to the rain. It was in 70's yesterday and 40's today. Winter coming and that is something else I will have to deal with. We have some big construction going on in our neighborhood and streets are blocked and detours are made. So many obstacles in our way!


We have been watching the World Series with our Cardinals playing the Texas Rangers. I will miss that when it is over.


GO CARDS! (wish I had a Cardinal Icon)




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Well Miss Julie, your dance card is certainly filling up-I don't count the mammo and Larry's sleep study-lol.


Good for you honey. We all have to reach our own comfort zones. I still angst when leaving Bruce alone, but also realize that it is no longer 5 minutes. I can go almost an hour now. Little steps and while he suppports me going for a bit, as long as I can provide a caregiver for most of the time, that is comfortable for me right now.


We have snow predicted for tomorrow. Mostly our hills, but possible some for us. This is the good snow. We have not had a hard frost as of yet-maybe this weekend-so it will be pretty and doesn't stick. These are times I miss our wood stove. It has a drop down front door, just for a fire-no heating. Special cylinders have to be placed above the damper at a certain height in order to burn in it and of course, I have no clue. On my list is to sell the stove, have the chimney cleaned and then maybe have small, decorative fires for quiet winter nights.


Our November proves to be like Ruth and yours October. Please do let us know about the sleep study. Good week, Debbie

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That's great everything was OK. Look, my schedule is every 10 years. You just said Larry is due again in just 5 years! Has the times been changed from every 10 years to now every 5 years or is it just for Larry this time???


I'm due again in 2014 at the VA. I was a bit scared the first time but I should be a lots better this second time around!


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Julie, glad you have one appointment out of the way, good luck with all of the others. I know what it is like to try and fit it all in.


Take what time you can to be with people who are bright and cherrful and build you up, there is a time for that. We all love the one we care for but to be with them "exclusively" is to deny our own needs.



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Julie, Sue is right about take time for yourself.


I also had my colonoscopy this year, and also had a small polyp removed which was benign. i agree with Larry no more for 5 yrs. Yippee!


I don't want to think about winter but,

all of you are making it real. Ugh.

remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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