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November Newsletter



I read with considerable interest the article in the Nov newsletter about why some make better recoveries from strokes than others. I can certainly relate to the article. I have a reasonably positive self image, know what I may be able to fix and what I cannot, etc. but to the point of this blog. For long time readers you may remember my friend "Mike" I met in rehab. We had similar strokes at about the same time, and called each other every day for quite awhile after we both came home. Soon it became apparent to me that "Mike" was sucicidal, even telling me how the event was to happen. Mike lives alone, and with the deficits from his stroke, the things he loved to do had been taken from him. I made it my mission to call Mike everyday and encourage him that life was indeed still worth living (even though initially I had some doubts myself). As we both slowly recovered, Mike's attitude improved. He then had small brain bleed, and suffered some mental deficits from that. Understandably his attitude slid downhill again. Now the good news is that Mike has found a lady friend he spends most of his time with and her family. She is a widow and they both seem to be prospering from the relationship. Mike no longer talks much about his "deficits" but rather what he and his girlfriend are doing. It is now hard for me to catch him on the phone and call backs take several days, and I couldn't be happier. I think Mike's story as well as my own reinforce the point of the article in the newsletter, the point being we must first like ourselves no matter our state of affairs, and do our best to accept and be happy with where and how we are. Longtime readers of my blog will remember that I usually wrote positive things, even when what I had just tried was not effective. It wasn't always easy to do that, but I learned early on that complaining did little to help. Trust me, if complaining would have helped, I would have become the complainer in chief! Only my efforts and those around me really made a difference.


My coffee cup is empty, longtime readers know what that means.


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George, you are so right but as a caregiver I would say here it is not just about motivation but about support. You supported Mike through some pretty dark days. Now he has a ladyfriend and she supports him so you can back off for a while but keep that friendship going, he still needs his buddies too. We all need people who love us as we are and are lucky if we have them. Regards to Lesley too.


I loved your blogs, your determination was such a contrast to the "let it all go" attitude of my dear Ray. But Ray is still going 12 1/2 years from the 1999 stroke, 21 years since his first so we must have done something right I guess.



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I remember Mike! That's the way strokes work and it's confusing to me at times too. It seemed like all the stroke people after me came to the hospital and left way before I did. They told me I had a brain bleed and those guys didn't. That's when I learned a couple of them got that shot within 3 hours of their strokes. Man that makes all the difference in the world getting to the hospital quickly as possible.


Here I am about to reach 8 years in January and trying to walk without a cane. Something I thought a few years back that I would never do. So it just takes time, plenty time in my case. I'm very glad now to have survived a brain bleed stroke. My thing now is live as long as I can and recover as much as possible whenever it comes to me! :Clap-Hands:


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I agree with you 100% that's why I loved your blogs since you were never complainer & always focused on what is working in your life. I know & I have also tried to do the same. I am so happy for your friend Mike I am glad he found a lovely lady to share his journey with. but as Sue says stay in touch with your buddy we all need friends in our life.



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