fking's Blog

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Well, well, well I'm almost at 8 years recovering. It seem like a long, long road but on the other hand people are saying to me, "Has it been that long?" Yes it has and I feel every year of it but I thank my God he wasn't ready for me back then and I'm still here.


It's good to feel better about yourself and your ability to recover. Sure it's slow but it's steady and I feel so blessed to still be here. One time I told myself I would walk again soon when I was still in the hospital. Well, I remained in that hospital 5 months. By that time I told myself that I would never walk again without help like a cane. I came home in a chair unable to walk when I saw others leaving the hospital walking.


That was hard to take for me so at that point I guess I gave up learning how to walk unassisted. This blog is now about me learning to walk finally unassisted. Some of you may know I been trying for awhile now. I'm making big strides inside the house and outside too! It's not pretty to look at yet but taking my sweet old time I make it to where I'm going without falling. I'm in a different mind set telling myself I can do it and it's working for me. I feel it can and will work for any stroke survivor when "YOU ARE READY."


Now when I think back to 2006 when I was a people greeter at Walmart I probably could have started walking then. I remember parking my scooter and started walking to the room for my interview when the lady said Oh, you can use your scooter. I turned around and got my scooter. I kept using it for my three years I spent there. I remember getting off it and exercising on the bars where the shopping carts are kept. I parked the scooter daily and greeted the customer standing using my quad cane.


It's been two years now since I was there and I'm just now learning to walk. Man, I lost real years I could have been walking by now. I'm convinced the longer you stay on the quad cane or any cane the longer it will take to start walking unassisted. I can only imagine it is the same way with a person using a wheel chair. If you continue to sit there day after day you will not convince yourself to try standing then taking steps.


I learned to take steps from sitting in my chair while I was still in the hospital. That's probably why I learned to transfer so easily when I finally came home. I would call for the nurse to use the toilet, they would ask me if I could do the paper work myself? If I said yes someone would come immediately. If I said no then everybody was eating lunch or dinner and no one came. I would get out of bed and into my chair and get to the bathroom alone and get on the commode myself. I did fall off twice but got up myself.


I think I have been blessed to do a lot for myself and now I know I can and I have the will to walk unassisted now. The thing is we have to convince ourselves "We Can Do It." I'm getting better! Now I'm out on the sidewalks going about five or six driveways from my house and back. Some without the cane and some with when I get tired. I probably should stop at that point instead of using the cane but it feels good for support on the walk back to my driveway.


I first spoke about walking the end of last month, I'm making strides you all! I got that big dance to do with my wife at her bank Christmas party next month. I gotta be ready for Freddie to get down! :happydance:



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You go Fred! I pray that Bruce will find your strength and fortitude. Remember you have one, not so young, cheerleader here-lol. Debbie

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You are walking in Gods time and recovering in Gods time......Im so proud of what you have accomplished. It has takin me a long time to realize that when God is ready to heal my son he will. My father in law kept telling me God would heal my son and give him a new brain. I laughed at the time trying to picture God pulling Caydens brain out through his nose and shoving a "good" brain back in. I realize that what my father in law was saying was that what Cayden couldnt do then he would be able to do when God was ready for him to do it. I guess I had to learn patience for God.


We just found out that there is something new that they are testing out right now and Caydens doctor wants him to try it. I dont know exactly what it is she wasnt supposed to tell us but she said that if it works that it would retrain Caydens brain and it could truly heal his brain. Maybe my father in law knew what he was talking about after all. And people say that he wasnt in his right mind because he had alzheimers.



Keep up the great work and I will pray for your continued success



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Guest hostwill





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Keep on walking Fred, one step at a time. I hope you ARE dancing by the time of your wife's Christmas party - that would be great! I've been amazed that you have improved so much recently. You have been a long time on this journey.


There are always new breakthroughs being made in medicine and therapies so one day you might be even better than where you are now. Keep hope alive!



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:congrats: you have great attitude towards your recovery & life. I bet with that attitude you will be dancing with your wife in christmas party.



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Fred you really are an inspiration to me I'm at 9 yrs now after 6 mos in hosp still not walking I blame most od it on my bad knee - the pain is excruciating & I can feel bone on bone moving & slipping sometimes. won't do a replacement as I cannot move that leg at knee so could not do active rehab . I am now on a 4-6 mos wait list for a hip & knee clinic that does partial replacements & resurfacing so I have that hope. the only med that seems to relieve the knee pain some is Ibuprofen and Ihave taken so much, I am starting to have big stomach problems. to me tylenol is a waste of pills & does nothing to relieve pain.



your determination & attitude are a big positive on this site - Thanks Fred for all you take the time to give.



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Fred you really are an inspiration to me I'm at 9 yrs now after 6 mos in hosp still not walking I blame most od it on my bad knee - the pain is excruciating & I can feel bone on bone moving & slipping sometimes. won't do a replacement as I cannot move that leg at knee so could not do active rehab . I am now on a 4-6 mos wait list for a hip & knee clinic that does partial replacements & resurfacing so I have that hope. the only med that seems to relieve the knee pain some is Ibuprofen and Ihave taken so much, I am starting to have big stomach problems. to me tylenol is a waste of pills & does nothing to relieve pain.



your determination & attitude are a big positive on this site - Thanks Fred for all you take the time to give.



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Way to go!--I have a Christmas dinner dance to attend next month. Let's make a deal? We'll both dance.Me with my husband (another Fred) and you with your wife.May I suggest a nice Rhumba? Anyway,I am thrilled for you!happydance.gif



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Thanks everybody, I try my best and always wish the best for all the members here. I think I'll be ready for the dance floor I believe the second week in December in a hotel ballroom. If I can just make it through two dances I'll feel like a King for sure! I'm surprised at my progress so far. I should have done this long time ago, silly me! Now I know nothing gets better if you don't use it and trust it!


I walked inside the bank today stood in line and walked out with no problems.


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Hi Fred,


Congratulations!!! This is awesome news. I just happened to drop by today and read your post.


Keep up the great work my man. I am sure that Freddie will be getting down in no time at


Wishing you safe walking.


smiles :D



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