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We leave for Puerto Rico in 1 week. This time, a week from today, we will be on the plane and on our way to my island home, and an entire half of my family that I have not seen in more than 30 years. I am excited, nervous, curious, anxious, all at one time.


According to my mother, that is why I have had more than the usual pain in my right leg and arm, the past few days, and why my sleep cycle is in a complete shambles, making me feel just as exhausted as when I first came home from the hospital. She also says that once things calm down again (won't that be after the holoidays), I might need some time for my body and brain to catch up, but everything will go back to whatever normal is now. Mom says I should even stop feeling emotionally raw and quit having the crying jags that plagued my early days home from hospital and have resurfaced lately. According to her, these are the same things my grandmother would go through when something had her stressed, whether it was good or bad stress. Stress is stress. I hope she is right. I had been becoming a little concerned about the emotional outbursts and hightened pain.


My sleep cycle being in ruins I chalked up to the fact that I am no longer working and have no schedule mandating that I keep a regular bedtime. I know that I shoould kep regular hours because it is best for my recovery and my general health overall, but somehow, that has become more difficult that it used to be. The blame, according to Mom, is stress of one kind or another. It amazes me that something as simple as life being something more than placid calm can cause so much chaos in a person.


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that's what I was afraid of for you. I know I suffered in the begining for not having routine in life. post stroke after I came home from hospital & all rehab visits were done, I was in more chaotic state. why get up in the morning if I don't have to go to work. it was height of my depression. once I set routine for me, I look forward to getting up & do my exercises & my motherly & wifely duties.


hope you realize this sooner & start having routine for you& you will see life is joyful again & will look forward towhat new day will bring today. hope you have great time with your family members in PR.



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Fun and excitement, fear and anxiety, all surround our biggest events, weddings, funerals, holidays and moving days. You are stepping outside your comfort zone, meeting people who are new to you since the stroke event and may "judge" you. That is frightening or exciting, whichever way you want to look at it.


Life after work needs to be planned. If you were going to die in a year's time what kind of things would you want built into your life now? What kind of lasting memories would you want to make? How could you use your present time to move toward that?


Life is a gift. 24 hours at a time. And personally I don't like to waste it. I am adjusting to life with Ray seperated from me by his illness but still needing my time. So my roiutine is up, breakfast, housework, computer, morning tea, off to see Ray, home three hours later, lunch, afternoon tasks, dinner, after dinner tasks (mainly recreational including computer) and bed. Still a full day to use and enjoy.


Use your time well, do some exercises both physical and mental, do what you can to contribute to the household, enjoy some recreational activities. You need to include time for Monster training etc. You have been given a second chance at life so make the most of it.


Your Mom is right, you are stressing, relax as much as you can, prepare to learn to love and be loved in this new part of your family. May you be at peace as this exciting new adventure unfolds.



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