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Hunting Day



It's 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, Oliver, Mikey (son) and Caleb (grandson) went deer hunting (a favorite sport in southern WV). This is the first hunting trip with son since stroke. They hunted every week-end (rabbit hunting) prior to the stroke. I was excited for them both, but nervous at the same time. I planned to sleep this morning then go shopping for a little while maybe even get a pedicure, you know pamper myself a little. I haven't done that for almost a year now. I still work, but took vacation this week as my two caregivers both hunt, so I knew they wouldn't want to miss the first week of gun season. I love going to therapy with Oliver, it gives me a chance to talk to the therapist. He has been taking outpatient therapy since May and the therapist is already talking about discharge. I questioned him about it yesterday, he said the longest he has kept a stroke patient is a year. He said he couldn't risk losing his license. I understand that but then I thought license verses walking again. Oh well, I'm not going to let that get me down. I've always loved the holidays. My family is very large. I have 9 siblings and with their spouses and children, we have a total of 75 or more. Then you throw in the aunts and uncles, we have around a 100. My mom passed away last year and my dad has been gone 22 years now. My mom had dimentia for 5 years, got really bad last year and passed away in June. We (my siblings and I) took care of her in her home until she passed. What a blessing to be able to do that. But remember with the siblings, in-laws and grandchildren, it was possible. Gosh I miss her. That was another thing that made the stroke so hard for me. We (Oliver and I) could now do things as I wasn't burdened with the responsibility of mom (not really burdened but responsibility). We had a disney cruise scheduled with the kids and grandkids in May. Our first cruise. Every things was reserved including our flights. Of course we had to cancel. The cruise line reimbursed our money, however the airlines would only give a credit for a year. Try explaining to them it takes longer than a year to recover from a stroke. We have until January to use the tickets or lose them. Oliver and I won't be using ours, but hopefully the kids and grandkids can use theirs to go somewhere. We will have Thanksgiving dinner at house with our kids, but we won't have our family get together as I just can't handle it this year and neither can Oliver. I have one sister that lives in Indiana that is coming in today. The rest of us all live here in southern WV. Some visit every now and then, but for the most part don't see too many of them. You all know how it is, when your down, everyone seems to disappear. But then again, everyone works and have busy lives, so I do understand. If I called any one of them, they would be here in a second. Well, I need to get moving if I get anything done while Oliver is gone today.




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Wow! How exciting is that! I know Oliver's first time hunting since the stroke will help lift everyone's spirits. I am glad to hear about your day out too. Personally, I think your day sounds more fun.:)


I know how discouraging it is when physical therapy cuts us loose. It can feel like "the end". It seems easier in ways when we have a scheduled time to meet and someone nudging us when we feel like sitting out a day. But recovery doesn't stop, or even slow down for some of us for a while. When I lost physical therapy I was making good progress and couldn't understand why they stopped. I still was in the wheel chair and thought now that they were calling it quits I always would be. Before they discontinued PT, I was shown the things they wanted me to do everyday.


Even with formal physical therapy ended, I have gone from the wheel chair, to a quad cane, to a single point cane and for the past few days walking unassisted...all within less than a year. I can't say it will be just like that for Oliver but I'm saying it is possible and that healing will continue.



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hey Judy:


recovery doesn't stop just because therapy came to end. Actually real life post stroke begins where its joy to find new normal again. We have gone to vacations every year just after my stroke & that includes going on cruise to Alaska & Europe. I have found more I do for myself & my family easier it has become over the time. So encourage Oliver to do more for himself inside & outside house, he is just differently able now.



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Judy: just got in from work and your blog has made my day. I am so excited for both you and Oliver and so proud of you to plan stuff for yourself and not just a well, I am alone, so I'll do the heavy cleaning-lol.


I agree with Asha. I bet you are going to let us know that Oliver had a terrific day and today made such a difference in his outlook and acceptance of his stroke and its residuals. Yes, he will be disappointed in what he finds out he can no longer do easily, but bet it gives him great inspiration to get back what he has lost!


I would like you to think about having some "me" time now that you have finally done it. Maybe ask a sister or brother if they could stay with Oliver one day, while you do something for yourself. You don't have to be gone all day, but maybe set up hairdresser, massage, mani-pedi or even go to a movie every few weeks.


Bruce really does best with our caregivers here. They were trained by his therapists and since someone has to be here if I am not, they work him at some level every day. Maybe a brother or cousin could help out for an hour or so, twice a week and work with him at home. Just some thoughts as therapy comes to an end and you will have a new routine now at home.


Please do let us know how the day and holiday went. Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie

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How sweet it is for him to go hunting this time of year after so long not being able to pick up a gun. That reminds me of long, long time ago when the Pilgrims landed and hunted Turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner this time of the year! Peace be with you all!


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