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Thank you, Carl



Bruce and I were given the true meaning of Thanksgiving today. We, of course, always give thanks for our health, our families and friends, our life together,our love.


You all know of our recent difficulties: the trees going down,the engine light continuing to go on in the truck, the electrical conduit off the house. We had agreed to a large co-pay for the Botox before all this happened, not that I would have changed my mind, but we may have delayed it a bit.


Our dear friend Carl knows all of this. He has come most every Friday night to spell me off or do whatever needs to be done. He is one of very few who have stuck by us these past 2 1/2 years.


Carl went through a very difficult divorce several years back. He took to alcohol and had a very bad year. Got himself into AA, rebuilt his relationship with his two boys. Last year, most of you will remember he got engaged. The financee has a disabled son. Carl being the person he is learned first hand how to help the son, who lives in a group home, but is with his Mother every weekend. The marriage was postponed and they have been having difficulty of late even just relating to each other.


When Carl came last Friday, we were talking about Thanksgiving. Carl's boys spend the day with their Mother and the Financee (soon to be Ex, I think) did not include Carl in her plans. Carl suggested that he come and stay with Bruce tonight, as he knows our Thanksgiving is not until Saturday. I said I would think about it. It is a lot to ask and Cathy probably would have come. But later Carl called me and begged me to do it. Said the more he thought about it, the more excited he got and for me to consider double time and not having to pay a caregiver. So we agreed.


The plan was for the guys to get Chinese and go over some fishing stuff. Got a call about 5pm that Chinese restaurant was closed. They ended up with salad and frozen Mac and Cheese. I am still laughing. Staff at my work did the whole dinner and invited me. So I got the traditional dinner!


Carl was off to his meeting when I got home. But thanked me for getting him out of his own head and situation. He said they had a ball, make some new lures (?). Bruce always waits up for me and he said they are going to do it again soon. Carl also said he wants me to consider an overnight away and he will stay here.


These are the things that come out of nowhere to remind us of those very special to us, who we are so proud to know and love. That help and support are there for the asking and often just takes some simple communication.


We were given such a wonderful gift. Thank you Carl. Debbie


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Yes, you are blessed. Carl is one of those speicale angels that are there for us.


Enjoy yourself and plan a night away.


Sounds wonderful.


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