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A Wonderful, if different, Thanksgiving



Well it went splendidly! Mary Beth left a few hours ago and hopefully is pulling into her driveway at this time. Her husband and both girls left very early this morning to take Liz back to school. Dave and Melissa should just about be getting home at this time as well.


Everyone arrived on Friday afternoon. My brothers came up for some time on the deck with everyone, as they were not coming for dinner on Saturday and wanted to see the girls mostly-lol! We have had 60 degree days for the past week or so, so perfect for being outside. Bruce and I did the cranberry sauce and stuffing and we had pizza for dinner. Mary Beth only has Greek pizza available in her town, so that is always a treat for them when they are here-real Italian pizza!


Saturday morning I got up with Bruce and we stuffed Mr. Turkey and got him in at 7am. Bruce always stuffed the turkey and did the gravy and it was so good to see him in the kitchen, directing me, having his coffee. He and Liz always do the gravy together, so Mary and I sat with Bloody Marys awaiting that.


Dinner was great. Brittany and her family. I had invited my brothers back for dessert and coffee of course. They did not come but our nephew did-Brittany's brother, so a great day was had by all. We all did dishes and clean up. Mary and I worked in the yard and Dave chatted with Bruce. Dave has had a very difficult time with this stroke. He is 100% supportive of Mary Beth and what she does for us here, but can not interact well with Bruce. It was nice to see him make an effort.


Bruce has wanted to do fresh cranberries for years. Getting kids to give up their jellied is tough-lol. Its not the same without those can marks! They are delicious and he was so proud.


The difference in his this week was amazing. When we decided to do this four weeks ago, because Bruce was involved with his couponing, I made up a menu and we worked for three weeks to get everything in we needed. Bruce prepped each grocery list and I will guarantee that this was the least expensive Thanksgiving we have ever had-lol. Didn't matter, his involvement was priceless.


This past week I scheduled every day, based on the weather and keeping to our regular routine. Wednesday was pouring rain, so we cleaned and prepped all the guest rooms and washed all the good dishware. As the week progressed, I could see his excitement. Carl's visit on Thanksgiving evening was the topper. The most precious moment was when he told me he was going to have a beer with Mary Beth. This was always a special time for both of them. We would arrive, I would start in the kitchen with my nieces and Mary and Bruce would have a beer out in her sunroom. This is a breezeway between her house and the garage. Two sides of full glass, overlooking the mountain behind her and her street. Probably favorite room of most of us. When she opened one for him in the kitchen and it was just the two of them, I cried in the bathroom. That was probably one of my most emotional times in this stroke recovery!


I asked him to do the dessert dishes while I pulled laundry and while a bit surprised, was more than happy to help out.

He took a good nap this afternoon and is sound asleep right now, after a shower and warm flannels. Busy week ahead and hopefully we will hear from the Rehab about his PT-OT. Mary was impressed with the difference in his arm and leg with the Botox and is also anxious to get the pros in to evaluate.


On a personal note, I have not seen the inner light in his eyes in a long time. They are just shining, he is laughing, interacting and taking part. He seems happy, content. TV was off most of the weekend. I reflect on his decision to not continue PT-OT last year, taking the year to become comfortable and responsible in his own home, now considering some PT-OT when he realizes what his disabilities are, what he considers important to him and accepting that he may need professional help.


So we enter a new week. We will be busy, but weather is forcasted to be again in the 60s and sunny. Hopefully will hear from the tree and electrical guys. I will follow up call to the Rehab. Pool will be back on normal schedule and he really needs to do at least one day at work. I am so thankful we did this, for all of us and again, new traditions in the making. Debbie


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I am so happy & delighted reading this blog you both are on great journey of accepting & making best lemonade & memories along the way. once you start enjoying every day life you realize hey life is not so good or bad its just different still very satisfying.



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I'm happy you and Bruce had such a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family. Those moments will be forever remembered with everyone there. Bruce has come a long way, and he will continue to improve. He has a lot of support in you, Carl,friends and your family and that will help spur him on. Things are looking up for you. Have a good week.



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I am so glad I read this courtesy of a friend's computer, and so glad that this precious time happened for you. You can't beat that glimpse of "family solidarity" that sweet glimpse of what life can be like when we become people of goodwill. That to me is what the Christmas season is all about.


I think this may be a breakthrough for Bruce, back to some kind of "normal" that he can maintain. Be prepared for the bumps ahead though, life is a roller coaster not a pleasant plain.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Bruce is coming along. I am so happy to hear this. I am the optomist. Recovery is an ongoing process. It keeps plodding along. We just need the patience of JOB.


You ae doing well.




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