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2-1/2 years of water therapy



Wm had his stroke almost 3 years go. He was in the hospital for 2 months. He came home in a wheelchair. We had OT, PT, and speech and acupuncture.


I started the water therapy 5 months post stroke. Wm was not able to get into the pool without the use of the chair lift. He still used the chairlift today. He is not able to walk down the steps. I have found a pool that has a ramp like walkway. He is able to walk into that pool.


I bought him a water shirt at H2O wear. This is a shirt that keeps him warm in the water.


Today our routine consists of using the chair lift. Getting into the pool and walking without any floatation devices for 30-45 minutes.


At the beginning I used 2 belts and a noodle to keep him up. He was afraid of the water. He would just stay in the shallow part and walk along the edge. for 15 minutes. I had to manually move his weak leg for him.


Today, William can move his own leg in the water. He can actually walk by himself in the water. I help the weak leg after he gets tired because I believe that the physical movement of the leg is important.


Sometimes I use a noodle and put it between his legs. This gives him a bit more bouncy..and changes his balance. I just do this for a change of pace. I also will put the noodle under his arms sometimes when he gets tired and doesn't pick up the weak leg as well as he needs to.


I use the water weights and do a push in and push out with both arms. This keeps him arm limber. I also try to move the weak arm through the water as he is walking in the water.


I have started doing a pedaling motion with the hand weights in the water.


William does a belly to the wall and butt out movement..this keeps his core moving. I also have him do a hip to the left and hip to the right. Next is the hoola hoop movement. to the right 5 times and then to the left 5 times.


Planks against the edge. This is done by placing both hands on the edge of the pool and then touch his nose to the edge and then push out.


I hold my leg up in the water and have him do two sets of 10 kicks. He will stand on the right leg and kick my leg with his weak leg. It is amazing how high he can kick.

We repeat this with him standing on the weak left leg and kicking with the right leg.


Next is the windshield wipers. He stands sideways to the wall and kicks his leg to the wall and out. hip flexor movement.


I have him walk to the chair and get him to do a few knee bends in the shallow part of the pool.


If he is not too tired. I pull him around the pool on his back and have him scissor move his legs while I pull him.


he always wants to quit as soon as possible.


I get to swim now. Wm sits on the chair and counts my laps for me.


Now, it is time for his shower. He loves that part. This means that he can finally get out of pool.


I must say that William has come along way. Everybody that has watched his progress is simply amazed .. It is alot of work...but it works. I encourage anybody that has access to a pool to use it.






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Ruth, you have done a remarkable job of increasing William's flexability. I hope a lot of people read this blog and follow your example. I still wish Ray and I had lasted longer at the pool, I am sure it would have increased his chances of maintaining flexability too.


Hope you have a series of treats planned for William as the Christmas season approaches, he has sure earned it and you have too.



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Ruth, that is amazing what William can do in the water. Also, it seems to be good for both of you. Larry hated the pool and being cold even tho it was a therpeutic pool. I am the same way, so it is not for us. Have a good week and see you in chat.



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Ruth you both are doing great. Here is something you might want to try for a change. I ride a noodle like a horse. It makes me float and I peddle with my legs like I would a bicycle. good exercise for the legs. Have fun



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Ruth: I am so glad you updated. I was wondering a few weeks ago how the pool was going. But just Friday, Jen said it is time to add new stuff to Bruce's pool time. I will certainly share some of your routine with her. Bruce does a straight 50 minute routine, only two or three times a week and certainly not the variety William does.


It is quite amazing to see the strengthening and endurance he has built up over the past 2 1/2 years. And certainly with an awful lot of help from you. You have never wavered. Your strength and love needs also to be commended.


On another topic, William at your work. I can't imagine with your responsibilities. Yes, we all have to do it on occasion, but my set up is ideal and I am only doing paperwork-no patient care. Actually Bruce's biggest fear is probably that I will leave him there-lol.


You deserve a treat-think of something special just for Ruth and again a true shining example of what Caregiving truly is. Hugs, Debbie

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I am so amazed at the commitment that you have had being faithful to the water therapy. Dick and I did the pool after his stroke when we were still down south. It was what encouraged me to believe he would one day walk again. Unfortunately we have not been able to continue swimming here. A big pat on the back for both of you!


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