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White Christmas...the musical



We started the Christmas season with a musical. White Christmas. It was fun and William really enjoyed it. He knew if from the movie with Bing Cosby. But, the part with the soldiers in uniform was missing. William wanted to see that part. We had Snow in the Hobby center. They had a similation of snow at the end of the musical.


William is afraid of heights. We are in the top area and of course in an area where wheel chairs can be positioned. But, William wants to be behind my chair. He feel very uncomfortable near the edge.


The next day we were signed up to go to San Antonio to see the lights on the river walk. I cancelled out of that one. We would have been too tired from the night before and White Christams.


Our old Sunday School class had their Christmas party. William wanted to go so we headed off after church to the party. It was really nice. Lunch and singing and visiting.


Next. I take William home and let him rest. I take off to the gym. William's friend Keith comes over to visit.


At 5:30 we have the Christmas pagent at our church. It is nice to sing carols and watch the little children and have dinner.


We have had a very Christmasey weekend. Next weekend we will go to my collegues house for the work party.


I told William that he had to go to the pool today. Because I will be working for the next 4 morning. Perhaps I will work in an evening swim.


My son has had a change of plans and will not be able to make it home this Christmas season.


I had switched my work schedule and an working up to Christmas and will get most of the following week off. that will be nice. I just have to figure out what to do.


Merry Christmas.




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Ruth: What wonderful events and so diverse. I am going to have to look into more of those here. I know our Baptist church across the street is having a holiday celebration Wednesday after. Maybe I will look into that. I think Bruce would enjoy holiday celebration, even if not with family and friends. My work will also do a day of celebration and we will definitely stop in for that.


Sounds like your dance card is full. Good week and enjoy. Debbie

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Enjoy the party season, whenever William feels up to going out do so if you can.That is what I used to do each year with Ray with a mixed success rate. Now when I see him becoming enfeebled I am glad we had those good times.


The week off sounds good and I am sure you will find plenty to do in it. Making a list always helps me remeber what my priorities are but I don't stick absolutely to it so make it more flexible, part working on the list, part holiday.



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