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A sick caregiver...Christmas Eve & Christmas



I got off work at 6P on Christmas eve. My plan was to rush and pick William up and attend the Christmas Eve service at church. But, Oh, Boy, was I sick. I just didn't have any energy left to try to go to church. It was damp and cold out, William was not dressed. Everything told me to just stay home and recuperate.


William was understanding. He was dissapointed he had been dreaming of attending this particular service all month. I have been so fortunate..Not so much as a sniffle for the last 3 years. I guess it was about time for the bug to catch me.


I made some tea and had dinner and sat down to vegetate in front of the TV.


This was going to be a very quite Christmas with just William and me. My son would not be joining us this year. That actually worked out well. I needed the day to just sleep and rest and drink plenty of fluids. I did manage to cook a roast and roasted some veggie. Neither of us were very hungry.


I am afraid that I would spread my cold to William. He got a little cough.


Being a caregiver that is not feeling well and having to care for somebody is not fun. I get angry with William and tell him that he cannot be so demanding. I am afterall not feeling well and must take care of myself...so that I can take care of him.


Who knows how much he understands.?? I think that he just forgets quickly.


He wants me to take him to the movie. War Horse. I am still debating in my mind. Should I do that tomorrow. but, I have PT scheduled and I still do not feel great.


perhaps I will take him Friday. i should feel better by Friday. I do have the rest of the week off.


Being sick is the pits. There is just so much to do.




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Ruth, I am so sorry you had a cold, especially at Christmas time. At least you were able to get some rest.


Yes, being a caregiver and sick at the same time is awful. It's not like we can just curl up in bed and take care of ourselves.


I hope you have a good week and feel better. The movie William wants to see sounds good as I have seen the reviews.


Happy New Year :cocktail:


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Will you be well by New Years Day? My wife got the same or similar thing and came home sick. I think it's some kind of stomach virus that has to run the course.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND WILLIAM! May you prosper big time in every way.


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Ruth: in the early days home, I got a virus. Mary Beth was already here every weekend and I had to hire Cathy to come tend to Bruce while I slept. Easier now, yes. He understands that he has to help out and his "needs" might not be met. Somewhat easier, yes, but still that mind set that we need to be front and center.


So sorry this had to happen at Christmas. All the plans and things you both were looking forward to. But also a relief that you did not have to call in extra help to accomodate family coming in.


You will get to the movie or order it on-line. William understands that you need to be at your best to deal with daily life now.


Still tho, sounds like your Holiday was pretty special. New Year, I hope, finds you back on your feet and feeling more like yourself. Take the time, don't push. You already know that. Best and praying for both of you for a healthy, Happy New Year. Debbie

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I raised five children. When mom was down things didn't happen. They were dissappointed but that was life. Shortly after Dick's stroke I tood the same attitude with him. He was going to have to learn to deal with a new lifestyle which included times when I was not at my best. It is funny how well that has worked for us through the years. I have learned that I actually placed higher demands on myself than Dick did. He seems to enjoy "caring" for me when I am down. It might be letting me lay my head in his lap - nothing "big" but it makes me feel better.


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