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we got through Christmas somehow



Christmas was the final straw I think, too much work, too little return as usual. I don’t know why our family must do it all, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day all seemed full and Trev and I had a big argument this morning. I guess we have tried too hard to play “happy families” when we have a feeling we are all on the edge of a Black Hole.


To me, with Ray in care now, it was a real effort to do family Christmas when all I really wanted to do was sit and cry for Christmas’s past, for the end of family life as we have known it and what we all have lost during the course of this year. For those who have your loved one at home it must be hard to comprehend that having your loved one in a care home does not seem easier or better. To me it seems like flying an aircraft in a thick fog, you know you are not in control but are desperate to land your life in a safe place.


I have been holding back on so much emotion, trying to stay calm as my house is reconfigured to take in three extra people. Yes, I do want to help them out by having them here so they don’t have to pay rent. No, I do not want things so changed that when I go to the cupboards they have all been changed around so I don’t know where anything is now. I want parts of my home and parts of my life to remain unchanged so I can cope with all the things that have had to change whether I liked it or not. And I don’t think any of my children understand that.


If the timing for this move is wrong then I guess they will move off to another rented house and I will rattle around here alone until such times as I decide to move. If it does happen to go that way. If I can’t keep up the expenses on my own, if I can’t find tradesmen to deal with some of the problems the house has developed, like the main toilet cistern broken, then I will have to do a fix up I can afford and sell it. It is hard to look after a family home by oneself on a single income. All of Ray's income goes to keep him in the Nursing Home and part of our savings too. It is not cheap now.


On Christmas Eve Trev was very tired, it was a humid day and he had to work till 1pm. Then he came home and was busy getting the main areas of the house free of boxes, not an easy task as there were still quite a few of them to move. In the end it was done and I hoped we could all relax. Lucas and I went off to a Children’s Christmas service which went quite well and I was proud of him for the way he looked after the little ones at church.


Christmas Day itself was quite good. I think the idea of having lunch with Ray was good, but I think affected all of us more than we realised it would. Lucas and I went to church first while the other two did some preliminary cooking. We went together out to have lunch with Ray. It took us 20 minutes to locate him as he had self-propelled himself to the very end of the building and was in someone else’s room. This seems a frequent occurrence now and is his stroke-affected version of being a dementia-related wanderer. The staff members are good but with few of them to be spared to look for him we had a fruitless search until someone finally located him.


The lunch was adequate if not plentiful (old folk’s portions) and we then had a cool down time under the trees out near the park at the back of the facility. There was some false bonhomie, there was no spirit in any of us to try and make it seem anything like the Christmas we hoped it would be. We got gifts for Ray but he just looked puzzled as usual and there was no feeling that he did know what day it was or the significance of our visit.


As soon as we got home it was straight into preparations for the evening meal. I think the ideas of what we wanted to do in catering for the meal was a bit ambitious for the time we had. We did manage to burn some vegetables and by then realised we were about an hour out with the meat dishes. Yes, we should have kept it simpler. I know that now, but then three kinds of meat and about five vegetables plus sauces and gravy seemed doable.


Finally the rest of our family arrived and it seemed to be Christmas at last. I am not happy until the family, or as many as can come, are assembled because Christmas is about family, about being together, or anyway it is for me. But without Ray our family was not complete. I just couldn’t get away from that fact. Shirley and family had called over to see him on their way to us and I could see she had been crying so I guess the changes in him had brought her to tears.


The rest of the evening went well, we had Shirley and family stay overnight and in the morning we all had breakfast, some talk and they went about 11.30am back to Sydney to pick up Craig’s Mum and take her away for a week’s holiday. She is a widow and loves to spend time with her grandchildren and beloved son. I will be down visiting them at the end of the month the grandchildren get to spend some time with both of their grandmothers.


The next day was normal activities for me, Trev and family were at Edie’s Mum’s place as it was her 60th birthday and her family had gathered to make a fuss of her. Good for them, so they should. Today was not a good day as again I think everyone was overtired and cranky and so Trev and I had the argument. I am not sure this multi-generational household is going to work out. Too much strain on relationships when people live too close can cause big rifts in a family and I would rather not go there. Lucas being hyperactive is an added problem.


Yesterday I did have a good encounter though. Ray’s younger brother finally did his visit to Ray and arrived just as I got there so we three spent about half an hour together out in Ray’s favourite spot in the courtyard near his room. It was all a bit awkward at first but at least he kept his word and visited Ray over Christmas as he said he would. For a non-coper this was a pretty big deal. He is a nice fellow, just not that empathetic.


I am not sure about the future. Yesterday Ray was missing again and when I found him he was missing a shoe. These are special shoes as they fit his brace, he was still wearing the brace and one shoe. Today he was in bed when I got there and the shoe had not turned up. I will have to see if I can find another pair the right fit without having him physically with me. Without a pair of solid shoes he can not take part in activities or go out on the bus.


Seems like we just lurch from one crisis to another, doesn’t it?


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Sue: So sorry--sorry!! I have been the nursing home route and understand what you are feeling. Also the living with someone. My grandaughter and her family (4 kids that she home schools and a husband that doesn't work) came to help me take care of Dale before he passed away. She was so good with him. They were supposed to be getting their own place anytime!! That didn't happen. They moved out yesterday and went to stay with her husbands uncle after an argument I had with her husband. My sewer had backed up so my son and son-in-law were out back digging to try and see the problem. I asked him if he could go help them and he refused!! So we had a few words!!! We both apoligized and they moved out. What a mess. I may be more lonely, but I am glad to have my house back. My love Shirley

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I must say that life takes us through many turmoils. I love your thoughts on paper. I feel that I am right there with you. I am sad to hear that this is such a difficult time for you emotionally. that can take a blow out of your energy.


You are handling life...It is just pushing you to the brink of what you can handle.


I do hope that you find Ray's shoe. It can be anywhere for sure.


I can only imagine how difficult it must be to live in a multi-generational househould. They only way that that would happen to me is have a mansion and we would live on the opposite side.


Keep working things out. You have another outing to look forward to.


I can just imagine that the nursing home is harder than having Ray at home.



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This is for you!


The Australian Christmas

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,

Sweating his fat away

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,

Water-skis on his sleigh


Never have a white Christmas

When you in Melbourne live

Wearing hot pants on the beach

When you your presents give


Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,

Sweating his fat away

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, Water-skis on his sleigh



Chestnuts roasting on the sidewalk

Castles in the sand

Eating ice-cream, having good talks

Warm Christmas, isn't that grand?

A little cheer for all you faced this Christmas and Boxing Day!


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Sue, I am happy you had a nice Christmas with your family. Yes, you got through it and you had a lot to get through! I can't imagine having Ray and your mum in the nursing home, your son and family moving in with you, and getting ready for Christmas on top of that. I think I would be in the hospital with a mental breakdown!


Take care and I hope you can find some time for yourself.



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Sue: shortly before my Mom died, she came here to live with Bruce and I. She had lived the previous 3 years with my brother, his wife and two children. And their house required no renovation: they have a three room with BR Mother-In-Law apartment just off the main house with its own entrance. So you see, honey, even with the perfect set up and plenty of personal space, personalities still rule. The grandchildren would come home from school and first job was to check on Grandma-make sure her meds were set up and her fridge was stocked. Mom could not separate the Grandmother from the Mom. After three years, my sister-in-law had had enough. When Mom relocated here from Florida, as to her health, it was agreed to by oldest four that she would spend three months with each of us. That never happened. To her dying day, Mom knew she was tossed. Bruce and I did our best to nay say this-I used her failing health in that she needed to be with me. But she knew in her heart.


Simplify-yes. And recognize that both Shirley and Trev are dealing with their own lives and the pain of the condition of their Dad. The guilt of not being able to do more or be there more for you. I still think you are making the best decision for all of you, but yes, just a real bad time of year, with too many changes and nerves raw, to have to do this.


Here we have units where wandering is monitored. Yes, it is always an issue when a patient is found in another patient's room. But honey, Ray is not violent. You know that. It is up to the facility to deal with it. And you must, at some level, be glad he is still interested and curious. It is stimulating plus he is moving-all positives. And personally, make a bit of a complaint, not much, but just a push. How tough is it to find a shoe? Is he in a facility with 400 people? Go through his closet and find a pair of sneakers. They will stretch to fit the brace well enough to get him out and at activities. But if his shoe does not match the brace-shoe, who cares? At least his foot is covered. If he were walking, yes but if it is just for recreation, warmth and support on the unaffected foot, anything will be OK.


With the finances, holidays, tension between you and Trev; you are way over-stressed. You need a "Sue" day. I am like you, would like nothing more than a day (few hours) home alone in my house. I would do TV, newspaper, cup of coffee, shower with all the lady doings. Not going to happen any time soon. So no visits to Mum or Ray, local library, nice walk on your lovely beaches, maybe a local art gallery; get lunch out-what's $20.00 at this point?-massage, hair dresser, window shop. Personally I could see you at that beach that you love, cup of tea and just some reflection time. Home, regroup, prepare for the next day. One other thing you might consider, is one place in that house that is yours-maybe your veranda or the garden. If Grandma is there, everyone respects her time alone.


I know the last thing you need right now is tension with Trev, Edie, Shirley and Craig. But they must understand that you are undergoing major changes in your life and need your space, however small that may have to be for now.


Know you all are in my prayers and thoughts every day. Debbie

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I am so sorry you are going through rough time during holidays. hopefully in few days everything will iron out. When going gets tough, leave everything on God to sort it out for you. Debbie gave you great advice. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers to get adjusted to this new change in your life. I know none of us like changes in life. but believing that whatever is happening right now in my life is going to bring out something good even though it does not seem that way right now, helps me leep my sanity. keep that faith in higher power & hold on tightly when you feel like drowning say a prayer, leave it on God & let him worry & solve it all.




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Sue: I couldn't do what you do. I agree with Asha about turning it over to a higher power. I have a care girl in 8 hours a day and don't know where anything is any more ( it doesn't help that there are 4 different girls). I want my house back too but then I will really be alone. I had a melt-down after xmas and think I have faced the reality that Jerry is really gone. I was so distracted around the holidays that I must have stuffed my emotions. Tomorrow a friend is picking me up to go to a grief group. I've made a lot of changes in the last 2 months but I know for my peace of mind I need to do more. I'm glad I don't have family knocking down my door. In fact, when they come, it's a couple at a time and I have a time limit. Of course, I am the stroke survivor but sometimes recently wonder if I am surviving. 2012 has to be better. God is watching over me and that I know is a fact. I think you are trying to make the abnormal normal and that is impossible. Hugs, Leah

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