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is life better or worse?



This has been a mixed week. I think I got a touch of the virus that Trev and Edie had as I had a couple of days of aches and pains and dragging myself around. It has been doing the rounds and I hope it has left for good. I also got a few mosquito bites and I guess they were swampies which I am allergic to so got some large painful areas and that ruined my sleep for a couple of nights.


Edie, Lucas and Trevor are moving out again at the end of this month. They have found a rental house that is on the right bus route for Lucas’s school and decided to take it. I think it is a bit premature as they were going to wait until a month or so before the baby was due but it is their call. They want to set up a nursery and maybe Edie thought she would do it now while she has the energy.


It is a pity as we did all that clearing out so they could move in and now it all has been for nothing. I am be glad for them that they will have a larger space to live in, it was going to be a squeeze here if they had stayed until after the baby had arrived. But on the other hand they will not be saving much money toward their own place so that is a pity.


I took Ray to the kidney specialist today and he said Ray’s kidney function was the best it had been for three years. It is “really good”. I asked how good was “really good” and he said about 25%! I am so glad it is not bad!


I asked the kitchen staff if Ray could have a lunch meal 15 minutes ahead of schedule and they did that for Ray. They also gave me a pack of sandwiches, so he had half his lunch before we kept the appointment and half when he got back. I think the experience did tire him out a lot though he was still smiling when we got back to the nursing home. We went in a wheelchair taxi, just under $100 for the round trip. Without balance I couldn’t have got him in and out of my car so a taxi was the only viable solution. Luckily the taxi driver was talkative so the miles just slipped by.


Ray doesn’t have to see the kidney specialist again as he said there is little more he can do than is being done for Ray, he did suggest a change of one tablet and a variation of dose on another. I have appreciated his expertise at balancing tablets for Ray and it was he who talked me through the change from diabetic tablets to insulin for Ray so he has been well worth the expense as far as I am concerned.


As I said before, Ray had a burst blood vessel in his right eye which the nurse says due to an "episode of high blood pressure". It looked awful, totally red and he rubbed it all the time. After a week it has just faded to a red streak so I hope that is the last of it.


I am a bit worried about Mum. I took her out into the sunlight and noticed her skin is translucent now. In the past few days she seems to have gone a creamy color as if her skin is paling out and the veins in her hands and legs seem quite blue now. I asked one of the aides who frequently looks after the ladies in her room if Mum was well and she said yes, Mum was fine. It seems as if there are no changes and then I notice somehow she is different. I just don't panic as much now; I think this is just a step closer to the end.


The staff and I are getting more used to finding Ray when he goes missing. He self-propels with his good right foot in his wheelchair and often ends up sitting watching television beside someone's bed in the hostel section. The staff like him to get about but I think we're all getting a bit frustrated with the game of hide-and-seek. They have started noting where he is now and I just run from one nurse’s station to another and someone points me in the right direction.


I have met up with some other wives now and we often sit under the cover near the BBQ in the hour before lunch, three of them (two husbands, one wife) are smokers and that is why they like being outside. With eight or ten of us around one long table there is a lot of chatting going on and it is very pleasant. The staff are really pleased as they see this as some kind of support group forming.


I wish I felt good about all of this, I try to but a big part of me still wants Ray back home. That may not change any time soon. We are able to do so little now that we once did. I know the “Ray might come home one day” is a pipedream or another form of denial but I so wish, wish, wish, it could happen. I do not feel complete without him here with me.


I foolishly thought having Trev and Family here would be a distraction but in a way it made it worse. I guess I thought we would be company for each other but with shift work etc that never really happened. I am finding it is hard to get used to the idea of being a woman alone. I will have the week with my duaghter at the end of the month so have that to look forward to.


I have some friends and the people here but there are things that there really is no-one who would understand and I need someone to talk things over with. Maybe I need to find a counselor, I have thought about that but don’t know where to find someone who specializes in separation due to illness and the feelings of bereavement that causes. Maybe find out from my old dementia group if someone has any idea on who I can see.


Now I have to get to the end of the month, take a deep breath and start practicing being “Sue alone” again. That is until the next emergency comes up and someone else comes to live with me or wants me to mind their children.


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Sue, Feeling physically bad always makes things seem gloomier and harder. I do hope you feel better soon. I can't help but think I'd like to spend Christmas where the mosquitos are out! It has been mild weather so far but I do hate winter. It is always good to hear a positive report on Ray. It does seem that he is settling into his new living arrangements better than you. For that you can be thankful. Scary about Mum. It seems like you are always just holding your breath until her last breath. But I do think she is still bringing you pleasure. I was surprised that Trev and family are moving so soon. Don't think of all the clearing out as a waste though. I have found that purging our "stuff" every once in a while is getting things closer and closer to a manageable level. My dad just handed me another $100 for some junk jewelry he sold for me. I will not really miss the jewelry but the cash will come in handy. I have yet to really live alone since my youngest is still at home at least until spring. Still she is often doing her thing in the basement and some days I don't see her. So it is a different feeling being alone. Sometimes I really hate it other times it actually feels kinda nice. Hopefully you will feel more and more of those kinda nice days.


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Adjustment to all of those changes!! What a mess! But, Life is change. I do agree that talking with somebody over everything that you are ging thru is a good idea. I do hope that you pursue that avenue.


I am glad to hear that Ray is doing well.


I know that adjusting to the aloneness is hard. The empty house can feel so empty sometimes.



I agree cleaning out the house (clutter ) was good. Not a waste of time. I need something to give me a push to do more cleaning of the house.



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Sue, I was glad to hear Ray's Dr. appt. went well in spite of all the energy/money you had to give to do it. I remember taking Larry to one of the many Drs. he was suppose to see while he was in the SNF. They had a transport for us as Larry was still in the WC. It was only a 20 min. ride to Dr. but the driver was confused as to where this Dr. was located. Once we got there, we had a 4 page form to fill out! Finally, the Dr. saw us and spent about 10 min. with Larry. The driver took the long way back, and Larry missed the regular lunch, but they brought him something anyway.


I agree with others that clearing out, although a lot of work, was a good thing. It is something we all have to do eventually I think. You are lucky you still have your family in the area and can see them anytime. It's too much of an adjustment to mix after so many years.


Take care,



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Guest lwisman


Thanks for keeping us updated Sue. This is not an easy time for you. Worry about Ray and your Mom has got to be frustrating. It is good you have been able to find care for both of them. Too many people try to do everything by themselves for too long.


Relatives can be frustrating. Most of mine are in denial about something! Oh well. Gotta love 'em.


Take care,


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thanks for update & I am glad Ray is adjusting to his new surrounding well if he would not & you can't take care of him at home, then it would have been more painful for you. Change is hard to adjust to, but keeping faith that " everything is happening at this very moment is for my benefit only will allow you to accept your now instead of fighting it". I agree with others about clearing out the old things to make a room for new is good thing. according to my hubby clutter in the house brings in negative energy. I am glad Trev & family is moving out, I think in the long run its better for every one. I know you are feeling lonely right now, but babysitting sounds like great idea. I know my mom does it in her basement & that keeps every one happy. She believes in keeping busy keeps depression at bay. So I feel even though as a family we all have to adjust to keep her business running is good trade off.



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Sue: thank you so much for the update. Good news on Ray's kidneys and now you can check one follow up and the expense off your list.


As much as it is stressful and of concern, and trust me I deal with this daily, I just love that Ray takes himself off on his daily jaunts. Yes, it does seem that he is adjusting a bit better than you are. Off to visit his "buds"-lol and still have to admire that determination and energy.


Bruce is now in therapy with three other right-sided affected strokes. All very different in their disabilities, but interesting to see. I am meeting up there with a CNA I worked with for years. Her husband suffered a really massive stroke and is an inpatient there. The three wives of the stroke survivors asked it they could join us. So we too have sort of started our own support group. The good piece of advice given to me was to take care of myself. Bruce is shaved, showered and dressed. I apparently-lol-look like a hag. Just throw on jeans and a sweatshirt and off we go. I dress later for work. But the three wives mentioned that they take care of themselves: jewelry, makeup. Can't remember those days, but am considering investing in some good skin care!


I too was surprised at Trev and Edie's decision. But again, as you said, maybe it is right for them at this time. I hope they will be close, so you can come and go; spend family time. Maybe you should think about going back to work part time. I do not mean volunteering. Finding something that interests you, that you have the skills for and education-you have a wide variety to chose from: your counseling, teaching, music. Just a thought. Best, Debbie

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Hi Sue,


Sounds like some good news for Ray-thats wonderful. Your mum is going through her journey and its not always straight.


I can remember when Mickey first had the stroke and for a year and half I thought he was coming home-seems everyone else knew he was not-talk about denial. And it was hard getting used to an empty house. This web site helped me alot. But its a precarious place we spouses of nursing home residents. There are not a lot of us around. Usually there are widows and caretakers and we are in between. What I want to say is it is hard getting used to the "alone" thing but there is light on the other side and you will get there.

all good things


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