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Enjoying the warm weather yet today



We have been lucky with the weather this year too. Last week we had a record high in the 60's and one day it was 70! The weather guys say the temp will drop to 29 for a high tomorrow. I hope we don't get much snow. Too hard to navigate, and we have road construction off our subdivision to deal with too.


We have been doing the usual stuff. Today we both had eye exams and we both got through with flying colors. Larry had not had an eye exam since 11/09. I want to get him to an audiologist but he refuses. He won't wear his old hearing aids as they are a pain to get in and out. I even have trouble getting those little batteries in and with someone who is one handed, it is impossible. He stopped wearing them when he was in rehab and has not wanted to wear them. I even took them to be cleaned and one to be fixed, but he still refuses.


We went to a Stroke Support Group last Saturday. The leader was a stroke survivor herself, in her late 30's and the speaker was a PT who also taught at a community college. She was very informative. I had been wanting to go for some time but never could go due to the time. They now have Saturdays so that is easier. Larry said he would go again. There were two other couples and some who were still in rehab, and another family who had a loved one in the hospital. I wish they had this started when Larry was in rehab. I was in the dark a lot at first, and to be able to get information and share with others would have been valuable. I asked the lady next to me if her spouse had any appetite issues with his stroke. She said "yes, he won't eat chicken anymore". Larry has a lot more things he won't eat. He has lost more weight and I have E-mailed is doctor about this. We have gone over this before and the doctor didn't seem to think his weight was an issue. Now that he is still losing, I hope he thinks differently. I don't want to start him on any new meds as that could be worse. I noticed the "Boost type shake" has 22 grams of sugar and that is not good either.


Our granddaughter, Rachel, is having her tonsils out today. She was happy she could take her "big red" into surgery, which is her blanket. Our other granddaughter, Emily, will be 13 Saturday and is having a party which we will attend. I ran to the mall to get her a gift certificate to one of her favorite stores (half of which I hadn't heard of). I walked into one and left with my ears ringing, as the music was sooo loud!


I hope I don't lose my connection to StrokeNet. I couldn't get on chat last night even trying internet explorer. I tried a few times and gave up.


Hope more blogs come in.




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thanks for your update, its nice to hear from members & know they all are doing good in their respective life.



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Thanks Julie, I am glad the tests went well. I just tried the chat rooms and they seem fine although a couple had "alerts" I still found I could post in them. I was away from home at chat time Tuesday night due to the kidney specialist appointment for Ray.


The losing weight would worry me too, by the look of the photo you posted in the Gallery he can't afford to lose too much more. Maybe try a few foods Larry liked as a younger man, food memories are like other memories, some fade and sometimes something from the past (Momma's chicken and dumplings...lol) will be an enjoyed meal.


See you next week in chat.



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Julie: like you, we are enjoying and using the mild winter to our advantage, knowing our time is due soon-lol!


I too hope doc has some advice as to Larry's weight loss, but maybe time to call in dietician or even our CallmeRachel. With Rachel, you know it will be healthy. Again, it will be trial and error.


Enjoy your weekend with the family. Hopefully Rachel will be on the mend by then. Let us know. Debbie

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Your path has been nearly the same as mine this week. The weather about the same. Last night was a low of 22 and today 55. I have hearing aids too with the same problem in wearing them plus I have ringing in both ears.


My grand daughter had her tonsils removed on Tuesday morning and she thought she was having something done in her mouth, She was not scared then. We will tell her in a couple of weeks or when she returns to school. So far she is recovering real good to be 7 years old.


I mentioned on the board about not getting into chat with my computer for the last two years. So hang in there it has to get better this new year! I'm watching my Saints about to lose to the 49ers with 2 minutes left to play.


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