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I used to be a blond.......



Well I thought I'd share my blond moments today. I was supposed to see the lawyer this morning, so I was showered and dressed by 8 a.m. Well no appointment took place, but it was the third day in a row that I thought I was getting out and about. I've been antsy and a bit bored the last day or two. So I asked my dad to take me grocery shopping. My daughter is spending most of the weekend and I'm tired of hearing that I have nothing "good" to eat, meaning fast food junk. So I needed to stock up on some "good" food to make her happy. My dad calls says he's on his way down, yikes! I need to get out of the dress clothes I had put on for the lawyer...... So I'm rushing. Find out the pants I put on had lost their drawstring in the last wash. I think no problem, they won't fall down....... So my dad shows up to get me, seriously asks me if I'm putting on a jacket, cause my pockets are facing the wrong way and I put the pants on backwards! I start laughing. Get to the store, walking in and I feel him hauling up my pants on the left side. He says" Gee, couldn't you feel that your pants had slipped down"????? I said nope, had no idea, just call me the geek patrol. So now he is concerned because I put my pants on backwards and didn't know they had started to fall down. We had a good laugh, because I felt so much closer to the old me personality wise this morning, I wouldn't have cared if I ended up mooning the whole parking lot. lol_2.gif At least he didn't take what I picked up out of the cart today.... But the sun was shining and it was a warm beautiful day here finally! After a week of rain, it was needed. So I am returning, slowly the layers of my old personality are coming back. I think the change of my own apartment has helped so much. I am happier, more content and somewhat at peacce with things.



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I am so happy for you, things are starting to fall in place, that's wonderful, after my stroke for lonest time till tpday when I pull up my pants, my left side is stil sometime little down, my niece and her friends always giggle saying, don't you feel cold that side, my answer is always no if i feel cold that side then i will think my whole left side is nude since don't feel a thing there. my hubby or someone is always checking on my that side of body.


hey does ur son has any GF yethe is 14 right



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Now I don't feel so alone. I get my pants on backward ever so often. Forunately, I usually know it within a few minutes. I usually just shake my head and change them and wonder how old I have to get before I just look and accept that it's too much trouble to change them and wear them that way all day.


Thanks for the laugh.



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I know just what you mean ,,,when my hubby first came home we went to church and he wanted to go to communion so I followed him and he was loosing his pants on the way up and wouldn't let me help him pull them up so evidentally he were very close to mooning the congregation,,,,how embarassing still doesn't pull them up high enough//// I guess it will get better I hope... good luck with the lawyer...

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