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Time for bed



I am so tired tonight, but need some down time before hitting the hay. Tomorrow we start up again, but it is a Debbie day: hairdresser, new glasses.


Seems we are back on the treadmill after many months of just hunkering down and concentrating on stuff here at home.


Engine light went on again in the truck. Didn't we just do this? After four days at the shop, the catalytic converter they just replaced is apparently setting off the Engine light. Company has agreed to replace it yet again and pay my Mechanic to do it, with a better one. I am so thankful to my Mechanic for being our advocate here. I can just imagine the number of phone calls this took. So probably another week without the truck. Bruce really does quite well in the Honda. He gets in and out himself. Space is tighter and I can only get a hand on him-not much help.


We have been out the door at 9am every day for a week with stuff to do. I knew Monday was going to be tough at Rehab, so we did bank, mail-sent taxes off, groceries this past weekend. One thing we did not fit in were meals for the week.


Monday-five hours at rehab. Tuesday, eye doctor. Bruce has gone every year since the stroke. His eyes are fine. It was three years for me. I am in glasses two prescriptions ago and doc was not happy. Tuesday night Bruce's girl friends from work came for their monthly dinner. Cathy came early to help with housework and I was able to put in some free time at work as friend took Cathy home when they got here.


Today PT and Lexi broke his re-vamped long leg brace. Fortunately we have appointment with Orthotics on Friday for yet another brace, so will take the long leg in at that time. Leo is available Friday during the day and we agreed that he will do the appointment. Then Pharmacy for the drugs.


Tomorrow is a Debbie day-hairdresser (I look like a hag) and new glasses. Bruce will have to go with me of course, but he will get out and that is always good. I had been scheduling around the expected snow storm for today. We are still awaiting the results of the Xrays of his hips to qualify him for the Estim bicycle.


Poor Bruce, he is exhausted. Monday he napped for two hours since most of the work was on him. Today it was almost two hours. Leo was sick last week and I am just praying that Bruce is overtired and not coming down with something. Tonight Leo fell asleep here and woke up when I called from work. Missed his bus. I try to remember that he is 60, suffered a heart attack last year and is working full out both at the SNF and here.


In the meantime, Saturday morning can't come too soon. Even Kira is confused with the change in routine. Bruce never sleeps in, but will be happy I think with just coffee, newspaper and no agenda-lol. Kira and I plan to cuddle up on the couch with a good book. And Monday, we wll begin again.


Good weekend to all and hope you are all safe and warm. Debbie


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Missed you at chat Debbie, only four of us this week. I an see whay you were not able to fit it in.


I remember those flat out weeks and how tired Ray would become and how uncooperative sometimes. I am glad Bruce has a nicer temperament.


Thanks for the update, hope to see you next week in chat.



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Debbie, you say you don't have as much energy as Ruth?? I think both of you are to be commended, and especially since you work in addition.


I had the same errands - bank, get tax stuff sent, groceries, Dr. appt. When we went to the Dr. yesterday for Larry's 6 month dopplar on the carotids, we didn't see the Dr. They said he would call later with the results. I was disappointed and hope they don't have a staff member call us back. I guess he was in surgery. We have another appt. next week with the Nuero assigned to his sleep apnea. I hope he can help!


Warm weather again today. I'll send it your way. Get some rest this weekend. Missed you in chat.




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I love your updates. you come across as very organized person like my hubby, no wonder survivors under their care flourished. as a survivor I admiredthat trait in my husband & I am trying to integrate in my own life. Currently I am incharge of my son's activities & our house.



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Let's hear it for "Debbie Day!" You sould so very busy I am glad that you are fitting in time for yourself.


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As a care giver you GET tired and sometimes you can't think straight! Bruce is so pleased at all you do for him like I was with my wife. I'm so glad she got the chance to return to her job after getting me on my feet and out that WC, thank God!


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