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I know, Sue, three times in one week-remarkable! LOL. But I must share this and don't want to take up post areas.


Today was another crazy day. Bruce has to have yet another brace and appointment was today. In the meantime, PT broke his long leg brace-just recently re-vamped. So that worked out. Most of this is my fault. I am tired of fighting with Bruce about putting on even his AFO and of course, his foot rotated. Yes, I know better. But we'll try the new one and I will be more attentive.


Leo had the day off and agreed to come this morning. Leo has not been feeling well and Friday at our SNF is payday. Leo usually bums a ride to the bank to cash his check. He knows Bruce's Orthotic's guy and now has access to our car. So up I am at 6:30 am. Bruce will not do any grooming with the caregivers, so I knew I had to get him washed and dressed, breakfast, me dressed for work and pick up Leo at 7:45 am.


I told Leo to just take Bruce after the appointment and get Leo's errands done. Bruce loves being out and about. They even went to the Pet Store to get a new fish for Leo. Bruce wanted to treat for lunch, so they got take out. Bruce waited up for me, so no nap and personally people, he is one cooked fish! Looking forward to a down day tomorrow-due to weather forecast and then back on the treadmill Sunday. And the week's list so far does not include picking up the new brace, the truck or my new glasses. LOL.


Wednesday night Leo fell asleep. I wait until 8:10 pm and then I call, because I know Bruce is on the floor or some other emergency-lol. Just a caregiver's reaction. Last night Leo could not start the Honda-has an ignition lock that is sensitive. I got a fast ride home from the unit secretary, got the car started and Leo to the bus stop, again a late night.


Julie: just a side note. It started sleeting just after I spoke with you and is now sticking. Again, hit the cherries! No agenda for tomorrow. Just a down day.


But my reason for this blog is our Kira. She has no clue what is going on this week. I keep Bruce to a routine and it is interesting to see that this is important to a cat. When she sees Leo or Cathy, is is mealtime. They usually come between 3 or 4 pm. When I get in, usually 8:30 pm, it is pill time (given in chicken, so it is a treat). Poor thing has no clue what is going on this week!


I basically got in the door at 2:30 pm. I, of course, check Bruce first. He has been alone for a bit. Kira is crying and making a scene. I had to sit down and just cuddle her for a good half hour. Bruce and I talked, and of course, laughed at her antics. She has been attached to me since. Problem is she is the exact color of my hardwood floor and I am hopping around, trying not to step on her! Trust me people, 60 year old people do not hop well! Bruce went to bed about 7 pm. He'll stretch out for a bit, gets night meds at 10 pm, TV off and he is out. But then Kira gets me totally from that point on. Somehow she knows once the computer is on, it is her time. Just went off to settle in with Bruce, so she is finally calmed down. I am still laughing and just wanted to share. Debbie


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Let's face it Debbie, you were not on chat and so Kira missed her "cat call". Be a responsible pet owner and make sure you are on next week.


I know that too tired to see where I am going feeling. Maybe next time get a white cat or one that glows in the dark.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Sue, lol, that is funny - a glow in the dark cat! Yes, Sue sent out the "cat call" as I had Furby on my lap during chat. He jerked his head up and noticed. lol


I hope things settle down for you this weekend. I hate sleet! We have some hills around here I would hate to slide on!


So far, sunny here today and no tornado warnings. Everyone here now seems to have a NOAA Alert radio. I found out, it does wake you in the middle of the night!!



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Poor Kira! All cat people understand that at least from the cat's perspective, they come first! Instead of hopping I have learned to do the kitten shuffle. That way I avoid stepping on one of the fuzzy ones!!


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