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Kira's day at the spa!



We have had an incredible two weeks. Seems like most of you, we go several weeks, nice even routine and then WHAM! a new change. Now, in all fairness, I stretch out the errands. Bruce loves being out and about and if he is, there is little TV.


Truck is back in the shop for the Catalytic converter again. Manufacturer agreed to change it out, free to us and the mechanic. So I fit in today changing out the Honda for an oil change and fluid check for the truck. I can take Bruce and will worry about how I get the Honda back later. OK Scarlet-the life of a caregiver.


My hip has been "out" for five days now. I can not stand for very long. Did all the stuff I posted about. But rest seems to be best. In the meantime, we have another crazy week and great weather. So we move on.


After vehicle change out, Kira has follow up apppointment with the Vet. All the other patients are dogs. And they are beautiful. Bruce so loved interacting with all of them. In the middle of this, I get a migraine. I do not get them often, but they do take a lot out of me. So I call Cathy and she can come early.


We get to the Vet. Kira is shaking she is so upset. Blood draw for her thyroid and kidneys. Heart is good. Murmur is still there but no arrthymia. Vet tech notices her eyes, cleans them and adds an ointment. Doc checks her right ear-been giving her some trouble. Between Vet tech and Doc, they both clean her ears and then an ointment to soothe. Clean her teeth and then Doc notices her back paws. She is declawed up front, but Doc tells Vet tech to help clear her back paws, then it is claw clipping and a massage. Now this cat is sitting there loving this. With me, it is hiss, bite, hiss bite. I have to physically restrain her to do any of this!


Vet tech opens the door. Kira runs out to Bruce, Meows. He brings her up and off they go for a ride in the WC. I thought Doc would pee her pants at that. Yes, Kira is so pretty and so special. And do you think she knows that! Only cat I know who goes in for a simple blood test and comes out from the spa. I should be so lucky and pampered! LOL Debbie


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I must say that is better than most doctor's visits I've had. Maybe we need a new kind of medical center closer to the day spa treatment Kira received. So glad she is still bringing joy to Bruce's heart.


I'm glad you were able to be in chat today, you bring a special kind of wisdom to bear on the topics discussed. Thank you.



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Yepp, don't we all wish we could be that pampered! lol Have you tried acupuncture for the hip? Maybe take a sit in a hottub or sauna, too! Is there a rec center near you where you could do that?? I keep thinking I need to get another hottub, as the arthritis flares up and some days I can barely walk.



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Debbie, it sounds like you need to go to the doctor if hip is still bothering you. You don't want it to get worse. That's what I always think anyway.


Gee, your vet sounds pretty good. Maybe even my scaredy cats would like it there! I have been needing mine to get their teeth cleaned but the vet says he would have to put them out. They both have terrible gums and breath! lol I hope you can post some pics sometime.


Take care,


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