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One more birthday celebration to go-that I know of-LOL



We had a terrific day today. We don't go out much in the evenings. This was part of why I set up my work schedule for evenings when Jen relocated. I was the only one signed off to take Bruce in the pool, besides Jen. Cathy and Leo can usually only come at 4pm after work, but neither can do the pool and I just dragged my heels getting someone else-no one could drive a five speed.


Bruce's closest friend has her birthday end of March and Bruce is first part of April. Pre-stroke we always had a celebration night of both birthdays and Bruce said he wanted to try again this year. Bruce is her son's Godfather and we have limited contact now with them over the past few years. They had major changes in their family some years back and stroke just widened the rift. They are right there if I call, but the closeness we shared over the past 25 years-more for Bruce-is almost gone.


Jen is back for the week, visiting family and helping me out here. I have done extra hours at work and got in some major errands, some time off and just trying to get this back situation straightened out before she leaves.


She ran Bruce ragged today! There is no waiting in the car with Jen. You get out and go in. She did my errands and then some shopping for gifts for her family. I got a bouquet of Tulips they found on sale! Bruce, prestroke, gave me flowers all the time, for no reason, and this was important to him. I told Jen about dinner, so she insisted on down time. Bruce was excited and did not nap, but waited for his shower for me.


Dinner was early. A brand new, lovely diner. He looked very handsome! We had a wonderful time. So much like the old days. Bruce still hesitates to get into conversation. But he always does his best with them. We got home at 7pm and he stayed up until 8pm! I can hear him just settling now.


I can only think about how he is going to feel next week when Jen returns to Arizona and he is back to is ho-hum routine with me-lol. But also he has an early day tomorrow in that Jen is coming early to spell me off for Doctor appointment and he will still have Leo and walking at 4pm!


The one issue I came to realize is how far he has come in recovery. I did not hesitate to plan on a dinner out at that hour. Didn't even bring my schlepp with the back up stuff. His continence is so much improved and he can handle a bathroom with help. He no longer gets tired or cranky at that hour, even tho he has been up since 5:30am. We talk often here of the prep needed to have a special jaunt. And yes, that is still certainly true. I got home from work at 2pm and had the normal evening set up for morning, his shower and dressing, my changing, garbage night, Kira. But a lot of that is to take the pressure off me when we get home and he needs bed prep.


Next Tuesday night is the last of the planned Birthday celebrations-his lady friends from work. They had cancelled this week, probably a good thing with all that went on this week. I have a work dinner meeting, so that fits in perfectly. Kira will be going in to have her check up with the kitty Endocrinologist! Isn't she special! Mary Beth brought enough food for a month and Jen and Bruce are doing the milk-fresh produce run tomorrow. Forecast is heavy rain for the weekend and I, for one of us anyway, will be happy to work in the house, enjoy some good movies and just relax. Bruce and I have some new developments to work on and we need to do them just us. Will fill you all in later as things progress.


The Rehab pool will be back up May 1 and I want to be OK'd to take Bruce in once again. Since he loves the Estim bike and the pool is right there, that will be our new Spring routine if all goes well. Once we figure it out, I will push to get a caregiver to take over maybe a day or two a week.


I am so happy for him. What a wonderful celebration for him and to feel so special and loved. This gives him so much incentive to push forward and reconnect with this new life. He watches less TV, reads more, functions in the kitchen well. Slow, baby steps. But we are getting there! Debbie


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I'm hoping both birthdays goes well and celebrations will again be a wonderful occasion for you and all involved! I'm sending my good wishes in advance by e-mail!

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Debbie, you and Bruce have come such a long way. The going out without thinking about it reminds me of Ray's recovery after the 2001 stroke, we had a year of rehab and of building up to it and then suddenly all was well. All we had to do was to keep going forward, building on that.


Is Bruce any more motivated in the way of keeping himself amused now? Could he use a Kindle or play computer games, do a family history or plan a new garden? It seems to me that his the next step, becoming more independent in his mind. He has been heading that way for some time with his couponing and his meal preparation, maybe look for the next step from there?


Love that continuing "Happy Birthday" you are having...great idea.



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