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A Trip To the Flea Market



Sometimes when you get up on Saturday mornings you never know what the day will bring! I went to bed hurting a bit more than normal, if there is such a thing, so I had to take my arthritis meds to make the pain ease up some! My wife was off today so she wanted to travel 50 miles to Austin Texas 50 miles away to visit the flea market. For me that meant being on my scooter while she walked to look at every site there was to be seen! They had two booths selling many kinds of live birds with the cages for way too much money! My wife was tempted to buy but the prices were on the roof for a flea market setting!


Finally we settled on buying me three sport shirts for a decent price and some items of jewelery for her to wear to work only! Her favorite food was the ear of corn they make better than any other place I have seen! So at different times she bought two of them and ate it all then came the turkey leg concession and funnel cakes so we sat there for awhile! There weren't as many people today as I have seen at other times when we go there. Maybe Sundays draw more people than on Saturdays! The thing about flea markets are you can buy just about anything that is sold in any store and beyond!


There were many stands selling cowboy boots, hats, spurs, and all kinds of foot wear from baby sizes to about size 16 in any color combinations you want! Of course the usual TVs, stereos, radios and laptops to washer and dryers! You could get your car windows tinted, signs of any kind, and tires for any vehicle! Old vintage car and truck shells to modify and put an engine and seats in them which they also sold pretty cheap. Made me wonder if some of the seats and engines hadn't been stripped from stolen cars headed for Mexico?? Over all there was plenty to see and buy for various prices if the item would still be working when you got it home!


I do imagine some of the items sold may be great bargains for the do-it-yourself kind of persons! I don't see you getting your money back once you leave there with the item! That's the nature of markets of that kind when you may find a bargain sometimes and dud stuff other times! I guess that's why they are called Flea Markets and the Sheriffs are walking all around with the local police there as well to insure everybody acts civilized! I saw many knife stands but no guns or pistols to be seen! The knifes are lying on the tables where they can be handled by the public and that's a bit scary the way people are in today's world!


I think for any survivor a trip like that would be great for walking slowly and just being out in the public looking and eating. Concession stands are about every 40 yards apart along every display route which are covered! Restrooms were readily available for those drinking beer and a dance area was set up with a band playing all kinds of music for your enjoyment. There was a one dollar per car entry and parking fee to keep from having to walk about a mile to the entry gate! It takes a couple hours to visit ALL the market with so much to see! So we had a day out unplanned but had a great time looking then a short stop by Burlington Coat Factory before our trip back home!


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Fred, you are talking my kind of talk. We call them Outdoor Markets here and they probably cover a smaller area than where you went to but fun just the same. I love the corn too, and a stop for a coffee and cake if there is something I fancy. You are out in the fresh air and have those chance encounters with strangers while you wait to be served. Glad you had a good day.



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It was a great outing and not have to worry about being mugged or someone taking your life for what they think you have in your pockets!

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