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list of some things which I learnt hard way brought control & happiness back in my life



After my stroke I was hugely depressed & never thought I will find joy in living again. I accidently found some of the things in my life by going through lot of agonizing painful days, so just wanted to list down some of things I learnt hard way which if helps someone trying it out will be great gift for me cause I know that will bring them joy back in life.


1. have routine in life very important to make sure you feel in control of your life. waking up at set time & doing certain things on certain days will make huge difference on your outlook on life.


2. always try to do whatever you can do to best of your ability.

3. I also follow my Eastern philiosophy of law of karma & try to do my duties as wife and mother though still learning not to have any attachment to results. I am still learning my happiness is coming from doing my duties to best of my abilities & not get attached to outcome of it or receiving any thank you in return.


4. I have realised key to happiness is a decision to be happy

5. big secret I have learnt positivity in life brings in positive results in life.

6. write 5 things you are greatful for every day in your gratitude journal, its one of the best thing I did for myself it shifted my focus towards positive things in my life & even after stroke they were plenty.


Some of these things I know for sure in my life since I have been through it & lived to tell about it.




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Asha - again your wisdom & spirtuality knocks my socks off - thanks for the insight as I really do struggle with self worth


Susan in Alberta Canada

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I agree, being happy IS a decision. You can see this everyday in people who have everything, yet are miserable, and those who have very little and somehow are joyful. Sure, we all get sad at times, but I mean a lifestyle. The routine is the only thing that has gotten us this far, without it, we'd be like a kleenex in the wind!

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Asha - you know how strongly I feel about positive attitude. ;) It's great that you're sharing this important message. Can't be said too often.



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