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No limitations



I just found out I got approved for special transportation services! I had to do an assessment on Thursday and I got my eligibility letter in the mail today. This means that I will not have to stand outside waiting for the city bus. I will be allowed to take the special transportation bus which transports people with disabilities door to door wherever we need to go. Who needs a car? ;) I am excited. I start my internship on Monday and start my classes on Thursday.


Today I went to the gym in my apartment complex. We have a pool too but I know it would not be safe for me to go there without someone to help me get in and out of the pool. In the gym I just did some walking on the treadmill for a few minutes. I wanted to use the stair stepper and stationary bike but I could not use those because they didn't have foot straps on the peddles to keep my left foot on there. It felt good to exercise. Hopefully I can make it a routine and improve my gait. I wanted to work on strengthening my arm also but I cannot find my wrist support. I am going to try to sleep with the splint on tonight since it is the only other thing I can find. It usually falls off in my sleep but Im thinking about doing some stretches and taking the muscle relaxant before putting it on to see if it helps keep my hand in it. Well I think I am going to find something to cook :)


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Sounds like life for you is taking of in great fashion and I'm so happy for you! There is life after stroke and you deserve all you can accomplish on your own!!

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good for you --- you have worked long and hard towards complete independence and honey - i think you arrived !!!

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There will be times when you are out there on our own you will think you can't do something but ALWAYS remember there is nothing you can't accomplish if you set your mind to it! You are a fighter and you will overcome all obsticals that come your way! So happy for you keep up the good work and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!



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It looks like everything is falling into place where it should and I am so happy for you. You are such an inspiration for everyone here and are embarking on an exciting and new time in your life. I think you should consider changing your name from cagedbird to miss independent!! Congrats on all your success, as you definitely deserve it.



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Katrina - sounds llike you are tackling a few problems - that may end up giving you some control over your life - awesome & you rock.





Keep us informed on your internship etc. I forget what you took in school & what your career will be -- I would like to know I know there are lots her with my memory deficits - let me know

Tks Susan ffrom Alberta canada.

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Katrina, you are an overcomer, so look at what you need to do the next step and then find a way to do it. F0r instance you could ask a friend to come to the pool with you so you have someone handy to help you in and out. See if you can find a strip of velcros that you can use to attach your foot to the pedal of the bike.


You are always moving forward and I admire that about you. And you are willing to go back a step in order to go forward again. Enjoy the rest of your summer.



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congrats. getting resources is so important and transportation is defiantly a top of the list. im so happy for you. i hope you keep up with your routine .

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What a great thing to make you more independent and 'out there'! What is this special transportation service you mention and is it available every where? How does one find them?

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Iam new to strokenet and just read your post. Iam so please for you . I also dont drive after my stroke, would love to know how you got hold of transporation? I feel so alone and have to wait till some one can take me . Any help I be grareful. Thank you.

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Your tenacity has taken you so far. As you now move to independence and building your career, you are sure to discover just how amazing you are! Receiving awards and accolades can not even begin to compare to what self discovery will do for your self esteem and confidence.

Don't be shy or afraid to blog about how proud you are of yourself or amazing you think you are. We all know it and have been waiting for years for you see it for yourself.




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I know you are so happy to finally be independent. It’s such a wonderful feeling to feel like you can take care of yourself. Can’t wait to make the big move myself.



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