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One Wounded Warrior Expired!



I had a pretty good Saturday today starting with a breakfast with church brothers at Golden Corral here in Killeen! I did a BBQ this evening all by myself and that turned out OK even if I did sit on my scooter, my wife marinated the meat so I just had to cook it!!


Then about 840pm I got a call that made me feel sick saying one of the wounded warriors that I had worked with a long, long time had expired!!!! The guy lived not far from me but got all his therapy from the military base!! He lost both feet and was using a chair to get around but could not drive!! It really hurts when one of them survived the war and lose both feet but die after nearly a year after getting back from the war in Afghanistan!!


I may be wrong in my thinking but at times I feel and think some of them has lost so much of their bodies until they lose the will to live with what they got left where as stroke survivors have no choice!! We feel blessed to survive and will deal with what we got left! I suppose that's not losing parts of your body except it's paralyzed on one side usually from head to foot!!! We are left with the ability to use one side only in most cases!!


I had to express this to some one like the members here who knows about surviving and what it feels like every day trying to get better little by little!! Then the care givers know all too well about caring for loved ones after surviving a stroke!! That's why it's so hard for me to agree with doctors to get my knees replaced!! I keep saying "no thanks" I'll just keep what I got and one side I can't feel anyway! Then I will have to learn to walk all over again with one side still paralysed!!!


My big thoughts are what if they cut the wrong nerve???? and I end up paralysed on both sides!!! No thanks, I will stay with what I got now!!! Sorry for rambling on and on but my mind is really gone about now!!


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Fred, one sad thing about working with people who are wounded or sick or elderly is that some will lose their battle and die. It is so worth while doing it though, supporting people who have little support from elsewhere. I am glad you posted this as it is a good reminder to all of us that life is fragile and not everyone goes on to live an improved life, some just battle on the way they are.


You are a good man Fred and although you might not get a lot of praise for what you do remember there are silent witnesses to all of this , the families of those you help. May what you do for their loved ones inspire the next generation to also be helpers in the community.



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Fred, I am so sorry about your fellow veteran. And I don't blame you about the knee. I would be hesitant to let them do anything to my "good" leg too.



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fred I'm so sorry -- it is a difficult thing you do, helping others in the VA -- what a good and kind soul you are..nancyl

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Fred :


I am so sorry to hear the loss of wounded soldier. maybe someone should start online support community for this wounded soldeirs, I know for me this online community saved me from my dark demons. other than family & friends having this community gave me comfort of knowing I m not alone in my journey & there are lot of others who have walked before & came out of this dark tunnel, which gave me hope too. I am so glad I did not quit then when I felt like quitting. I am so happy you are volunteering at the base & offering your support



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Fred: my condolences. Your are a true inspiration and source of such warmth and support. I am so sorry for your loss. But you know you made a difference. So tomorrow you will pick up the good fight again. Debbie

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