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Hope I have a good week and the rest of the month!



I have experienced many things in the last several weeks and months so now I just hope nothing unusual happens and the rest of the month will pass with no surprises of course we don't always get what we want! A couple of members are talking about the cool weather and we are still cooking here in Texas with 100 degree heat and better for 27 day since July!! More are predicted so between gas for the car, food on the table and AC bill money, I will be short for sure!! That's life nothing works out like we wish it would so just to awake to see another day is satisfying to me and knowing my family members are in good health!!



I'm back in therapy close to home after a long break! Some parts of my run down body seem like it is over worked while other parts need more working out to get the strong feelings back! I think therapy is the one thing we will always need with one side of the body paralysed from head to foot!! The only thing is in my case Medicare will only pay for so many sessions and that's it!!


I think I just got to slow down and not try to do so many things in a week but I always been a go getter except I know now I'm not that young any more!! I sorta hate to sit still too long I might get lazy I have cut way back on my eating habits and I lost a few pounds which was great now all my pants fit before I couldn't get some of them fasten!! I just have to keep thinking to eat less when I do less work!!


With a little neighborhood help from a neighbor I managed to build me a BBQ house in the back yard complete with a ceiling fan and electrical outlets for my small propane grill/refrigerator I have had for three years and never used sitting on the patio!! The patio is screened in with siding around the bottom but it was just too little for cooking!! The house I built is the same way to let the smoke out from the big barrel grill with a smoke stack exhaust!! Being from Texas I like to BBQ and cook outdoors!!


That will save my wife trying to cook in the kitchen in this high heat weather and it's not letting up!! Since I stopped doing the wounder warrior job I have more time to visit and do a little shopping and going to the Malls! She does the grocery shopping on the military base it's much cheaper there! One of the benefits of being retired military I guess!! It does stretch our dollars a little more buying there and no tax!!


This is a military town both active duty and many retired folks here! The homes were pretty reasonably priced when I bought 14 years ago!! I got 5 years remaining and I'll be out of debt since I took it to 15 years in 2003 a year before the stroke which turned out to be a good move!! So I'll keep praying for the Lord to keep blessing us then my wife can sit down although she doesn't want to do that!! She loves working at the bank something she has done all her adult life!!


Most of the active duty troops are back from Iraq and Afghanistan and the traffic is terrible morning noon and evening trying to get any place!! A lot of the contractors are still overseas making that long money with most of it tax free!! They are working on the roadways to widen them out to three and four lanes trying to move the traffic better but it's not working! They have signs up saying left lane for passing only nobody pays attention to them they just do 55 or 60 in the left lanes making the traffic crawl or stand still!! There are people and cars from all 50 states here and some of them can't drive at all but they got new shiny cars on the road!!


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Fred, an outdoor BBQ area is good value, glad you finally got arund to it. It will take a bit of getting used to but I am sure you will do it. Ray was a great guy with a BBQ and I really miss that. Trev was coming good but now he has a wife and family of his own to take care of and I don't ask much of him.


Hope you do get those extra five years, no reason why not if you take care of yourself. I''ll come see you one day and you can cook me a steak Texas-style.



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Sue, better than that, I can ship you some Texas BBQ in dry ice! I'm proud of myself in what I can do as a survivor because it could have been so much worse! I'm going to live all I can since tomorrow is not promised to no one! I guess that is one reason I can't or don't get depressed because I got my wife and family to share this stroke survivor life with now and it's amazing!

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The BBQ sounds great. I know it is too darn hot. I try to stay inside as much as possible. At least until the cool weather comes to us.


Have fun and enjoy that BBQ. You are doing wonderful stuff. Keep up the good work.


I love your spirit.



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yummmm BBQ! Fred you are making my mouth water!!! You stay cool and watch out for those darn mosquitos!! I here they are really causing a heck of a problem out there!! Glad you are enjoying life and living large!!! Have a great weekend!!



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It’s amazing that it doesn’t take as much as we think to make us happy. And if cooking is your thing, then go for it. And yes I know what it’s like to want to do so much but just don’t have the energy or stamina like we used to.


You are truly blessed to have your wife who really cares and is there for you. I was just saying the other day that I wish I had a loving and caring husband who was by my side to help me get through this. It really makes a big difference having to everything myself. It’s exhausting and I have to constantly motivate myself to keep going and do what I need to do but sometimes it’s just too much and I shut down every now and then.


And Fred from the way you talk about your wife, she is a wonderful person and you let her know all the time how much you love and appreciate her.



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Fred, I thought we would never get out of the 3 digit temps but we did. The weather here is great with a low in high 50's overnight and 80's all week! We had record highs this year also. The drought is bad tho and now they worry about the barges on the river getting food transported. The river is low and there is a danger of a barge hitting one of the sand bars. This will make our food go up too and farmers are losing their crops.


The outdoor BarBQ sounds great. It's amazing what you are able to do. You are such a good inspiration for all stroke survivors.


Good for you on getting more therapy. That is the one thing I can count on for Larry to do also.




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Guest hostwill


Fred I get all my therapy through VA, just another perk being retired military. Never give up!


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