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I Read Many Newbie Post, Comments About How They Feel And Think!!



Boy, this has been a week of newbie post and comments sounding just like I did when I first came here looking for all the help I could find! I just hope as a senior member I gave them a bit of encouragements to continue therapy and doing all they can to get their bodies working again to be more independent and not having to depend on the care giver as much as they did at first!!


Strokes are the one thing many people know nothing about in how to get better and in the recovery process! Even in the hospitals and therapies they will tell you they can't say if you will get better or not and how long it takes for recovery because each person is different and probably had different kinds of strokes at different ages!! For the most part it becomes a guessing game on how and when you will recover and what you can expect down the road!!


I tried to answer some of their questions from my own experiences for the last eight years of my own recovery process!! Strokes are so different and can happen in so many ways however being a stroke survivor is the goal to achieve and we know that doesn't always happen! When it does and gives us a second chance at living we need to do just that "LIVE" the best life we can with what we got left!! Normally we got our spouse, care giver or a loved one we care about so we want to live life and enjoy our loved ones, the few friends we got left and our families and children!!


I learned so much about recovery in the last few years that gave me insight to try and inform other survivors of the journey to their recoveries with what they got left! In many cases we suffer paralyses on one side or the other while other may be affected on both sides or unable to walk at all! In any case we should strive to do all we can to recover and love our families like never before!! I feel the worse thing we can encounter as survivors is a separation or divorce after so many years living together through all sorts of circumstances!!


I really hope I may have helped someone along the way to recovery giving them a desire to live the best life they can at this time with all the joy of being with their loved ones!! It's not an easy road but more manageable when we work together! There is so much fear of having another stroke early on in our recovery until many times that is all we can focus our minds on and it interferes with our sex lives making that become a problem for many of us! Strokes are not like heart attacks where your veins become clogged and you may need a stint put in to not have another heart attack!


The recovery process is a real challenge and hard work if we intend to become independent again!!! Recovery never stops but it can and will slow down if we allow it to do that so remember hard work is the only way day and night weekends too!! There will be bumps in the road but we got our meds and sometimes they have to be changed to continue helping us feel better everyday! Ask your doctors, talk with them they will advise you of the best solution for your case!! We here only know from our own experiences with stroke and recovery!!


Recommended Comments


nice picture. It is new.


Yes, I want to thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom. it has certainly helped me.


Stroke is scary....and no two strokes are exactly alike.


Persistent recovery work is required every day. It is hard work. But, yes, always live your life and enjoy every minute of it.


take care and keep working at your recovery.



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Fred :


such a well said blog, great pearl of wisdom, I think you should post on our message board too, & should made part of required reading for all newbie survivors & caregivers. make best out of what you are left with is my motto too & keep on adding new item from your caregiver's list of things to do.





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Dear Fred, that was wonderful, great wisdom and full of love. I just found this web site and it is aGod send, at last I can have some thing of my own with people who know what I have gone throught and what I am going throught now. It has been a year from my stroke but two years with my other problems, the doctors would not listen, till I haded a stroke, it has taken me a while to stop blaminng every one and focus on getting well. I dont work or drive, but I could not walk or talk well, now I can. And its people like you who help me beleive in myself, Thank you again Fred God bless. Yvonne

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Dear Fred, thank you for sharing yourself and your insights! I don't post often on Strokenet, but I read daily and your upbeat attitude, wisdom and encouragements are always a source of comfort to me. My husband is struggling to find his way through this stroke world--it will be 2 years in Sept. and it has been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life--watching him and feeling helpless. You inspire all of us who are relatively "newbies" to keep up the fight. Thank you again and God Bless you!!! Cindy

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My Fred, you wax poetic - as my Bruce would say. For someone who says he only can handle a few lines of a post, you seem to have no problem, that I can see.


How often I have asked you to chime in when I know your insight will be valuable. But that is what we do here.


I think with your own energy to recovery, the fact that you always acknowlege your wife's role in that and your volunteer work at the VA, makes you so invaluable to all of us. Sometimes I think we ask too much of you. But you always step up and for that, personally, I thank you. I don't know how I would have gotten through all this without you. Hugs and prayers. And kisses to the puppy- Debbie

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Fred great post, as he progress in the stroke world we learn more and more about stroke and how they are all differant. Your posts have helped me in the past and will in the future have a great day.

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