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Just an update



Well, I sure needed Chat tonight. So sorry it is down.


Getting Bruce back on routine over the weekend was a challenge. I do so love the time he had with friends, getting out to dinner. The conversation was amazing. He is asking questions, giving great answers, more vocal - much less frustrated with the problem of word finding. Taking his time, working through it. Most of it, I know, is because he is with his closest friends. Even tonight with Carole and Debi, he was very different. Explained his whole dental experience with them. I did not prompt or help once.


As to his oral surgery - two Mondays in a row. He was a hurting camper for a couple of days. We just hunkered down. I was able to go to work - top notch caregivers.


We are yet experiencing another NE storm tonight. The wind is incredible. I am so glad we had the trees taken care of. Still many without power and trees down. I did a pick up just before the girls came for dinner. But the worst is upon us right now and I know I won't be able to sleep until it is passed. It has been the year from "you know what" as far as severe weather here. Mary Beth came for a visit Labor day weekend - hazy, hot and humid. I had to put in an AC in her bedroom. Fortunately it was a small one I could manage - took a bit. I will have Carl take it down. I left it in mainly because Walter might have needed it. But the days Walt was here were terrific early falls days. High 70s, dry and cool overnight. Today we are back in the tropics. Kira had two shots today and blood draw for the pre-op, so she is attached to my lap right now - LOL. I went back to work when Carole and Debi came because I knew they would keep an eye on both her and Bruce.


Work is crazy. Big shake up in my department. Doesn't really affect me but the tension among the full-timers you can cut with a knife.


Kira had her yearly physical today. Poor little Kitty has to have surgery next week. Two teeth very bad. She has lost weight, probably because it hurts to eat. I am a mess. Her heart murmur makes it more risky and she will need antibiotics to protect it. Good news it is on Friday 9/28, so will be able to hunker down with her as needed over the weekend. The teeth family - LOL.


Of course I scheduled it the same morning as the furnace cleaning! But Bruce can let the guy in and Erma will be here within a half hour. Bruce's PCP called and said he wanted to see Bruce soonest. Most of this is to cover the medications, so that is Tuesday. Was going to do the BJs run tonight, but weather did not allow. Maybe can get Bruce to go on Thursday.


It is funny, or not, that we can go weeks on a nice, comfortable routine. I can plan errands so Bruce gets out every day and everything gets done, nothing an emergency. And then WHAM! Back on the treadmill. I do not let things lie. I try to take care of everything soonest, but somehow stuff keeps backing up. I scheduled Kira during a caregiver time. I really am exhausted and my back hurts with all the WC and Bruce, in and out. Last week we had all the prep for Walt's visit and the dinner party. Bruce wants to be a part of all of this and should be. He won't do any therapies, he needs to be involved here. But it does take its toll and then the weekend. I can get him out and I know he missed Walt, but there was still all the extra laundry from the incontinence, showers added to all that. And I have it easy with my caregivers. Erma did four loads of laundry Friday, plus the floors and both bathrooms. Debi and Carole both had power out at their homes tonight and I said, just stay here. We are all set for visitors and that is due to my caregivers. But still, I am hurting.


Bruce's post-op follow up was yesterday, at 9am. So today I took the 1 1/2 hours with Cathy, before work today, to do errands and take Kira. And tonight, the schedule for the next two weeks is even worse! But as we prepare for a good autumn and harsh winter, hopefully will be able to enjoy the benefits from that. Still I loved the time to myself this morning, without all the Hooplah! Good week all and hopefully Chat next week. Debbie


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Debbie you have my prayers for your family now and for Bruce to recover from his oral surgery two Mondays in a row! I don't know if I could survive one oral surgery let alone two!!


He will have to climb back into his routine once his pain is gone some!! I'm looking at the weather in your area it hasn't been to nice hope you can save the plants and things you have on the patio that Bruce loves to attend to!!

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Debbie, you finally get back on board and no chat! I was disappointed but heard Sally, Sarah and Bob were able to get on.


I thought about you too with the storms in your area. I had just ran across an old friend of Larry's at Trader Joe's and he and his wife are going on vacation in New England. He said the town of Burlington, Vermont was all booked up for most accomodations. I always wanted to go to your part of the world during the fall.


Well Furby got through 5 tooth extractions and did well. I since have changed his diet and Lucy's to the "Indoor dry and also canned food which has the anti hair ball added" It has stopped the spit ups. lol


You and Bruce are lucky to have such good friends who visit on a regular basis. Larry's friends have dwindled. Although the friend I ran into said he would take Larry to the retiree luncheons if he wanted to go.


Take care of your back and don't let the turkeys at work get you down. lol



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It's so good to hear about how well Bruce did talking. I hope Bob can get his talking 'in gear' one day.


Debbie, Bob suffers from incontinency, and I can tell you that since we discovered the mens Max Absorb.Guards, life has been SOOOO much easier. Pulling all a mans pants, socks, shoes off to change a depends is way too much work. Now I put on a depends, with a guard in it, and change the guard every few hours, leaving the depends on. When I change the guard, I offer him the male urinal, and he can often go in it.


At night I use the Assurance (walmart) max diapers that velcro on the sides. It took 3 months to learn how to put the monsters on. Now I put them on, pretty much, while he is standing. Then when I get him laying down, I slip in a guard, push the end all the way to the back, and leave on the tape. Then twice a night I change it, when I get up to go to the bathroom myself. It is easy to undo the velcro on the sides and slip out the guard that is not stuck down, and put in another, and go back to bed. It has saved my sanity.

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Yes, I too missed chat.

You must remeber to take care of yourself.

You are really blessed with Bruce's good friends. Wm is fortunate in that way too.

Yes changes of schedule are a real pain in the behind. but, you are managing well.


See you next week. Hopefully.


Tell Bruce that I am really proud of him. He is progressing so well.



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