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Well the queen is home and seems to be healing nicely.


She was still fairly stoned when I got her home; cross eyed, her pretty little face is still swollen. But she handled the sliding and tottering well. She was starving. But her post-op orders were to drink for an hour, then light, soft food - about half of her normal amount. She is usually pretty vocal but wasn't on the way home and I was so relieved when she starting howling for food. Bruce and I ate first and Bruce dropped a piece of cake on the floor, Kira went diving for it, right under the WC. Bruce froze, didn't dare move. Pretty funny.


It had been a long day - week and when they finally called and said I could go get her, all I wanted to do was get home, but everyone at the hospital wanted to say good bye to her. She is a pretty, little kitty; I must say, but it was so nice to get the compliments.


She does have some pain medication, which I gave her bedtime last night and nap time today. But she really seems much more comfortable tonight. She seems to not be able to get enough food. Part of me is sad, because if her teeth were bothering her so much she could not eat and did lose weight - shame on me. Part I think is she can have no dry food for two weeks, so there is no snacking and her mouth must hurt, but she seems to just keep wanting more. She is still below the average intake for her size, but this is a big change for her.


It has been a long week and with Don's unexpected visit, we ran all week. I was checking the list today, trying to figure out what was going on and only one thing was put forward: my flu shot. But it was Bruce, this morning, who said "Flu shot first thing." Bless him. Cognitively he is just amazing lately. Please just pray this continues.


I think over the course of our stroke journey, I have just become used to stress and the never-ending responsibilities. Our routines have changed. Once we got home from the morning jaunt, lunch and nap; it was time for me to set up dinner, morning and then go off to work. Now with working days and the two double shift days, it is so different. I have the caregivers give him lunch early and nap, so he is ready to go when I get home to get through the errands. So it is a long day for both of us.


Last night, after dinner and Kira had drank, ate, peed; it was like both of us had the air taken out of our balloons. I forget sometimes that Bruce is just as anxious and concerned as I am. He was so on-board during the week, knowing my goal was to be able to have Saturday off, in case Kira needed care. I medicated Bruce and Kira and we were all in bed by 9:30 pm. Today I have not changed out of my pjs. We got up late, took long naps. Bruce prepped the grocery list and we did the month end paperwork, laundry. But for the most part just kicked back. It was just what we needed.


Tomorrow it is back on the treadmill. But I think things have become comfortable, manageable. And I have finally realized that I can take some time off. Bruce is much better in understanding what he can and can not do, he is so much more patient, willing to do more for himself. Actually thinking of doing more "can you get me another cup of coffee" is now, he just goes and gets it. So things are good.


Thank you all for your prays and concerns for our darling. She is doing well. Debbie


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i am so glad kira is feeling better it is hard to watch our loved ones -- and animals do qualify- go through the pains of aging and illness... part of life/// nancyl

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Glad to hear she is doing well :) She will undoubtedly pick up weight now that her mouth will be in good chewing order....uh oh, I hope the same isn't true of me and getting my teeth fixed!


>I think over the course of our stroke journey, I have just become used to stress and the never-ending responsibilities.


-Boy you hit the nail on the head with that statement! I wonder if they'll ever be a time when I don't think I'll fall dead from exhaustion. Somehow we all do it, everyday.

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Kira was a good patient and I'm sure will do better now with her eating. I wish you would post a photo of her as we all know her now as well as Bruce. lol Our two are a little spoiled but still behave well. Larry and I know what time it is by those two critters. I always tell them "Larry is first to get his food".


Now you can relax a little from stressing over kitty. Actually, pets they say, help keep your blood pressure down.



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Here is hoping everything turns out fine for Kira cause you and Bruce would be hard to live with if something happens to her just like I would and my wife if our little Princess got real sick!!


As we look at her now at almost 10 pounds and 9 months old today I think she'll be OK by the time she is ready for puppies! You know I'm the baby sitter now so we have a bond now!!


She has to be company for Bruce all day since you are working and it's like therapy for him as he probably picks her up and they ride in his chair!!! together

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Actually Fred, she hasn't left his lap today - LOL. He is having trouble petting her and managing the TV remote (good enough for him.) I think her stitches must be starting to dissolve because she is licking more, but her saliva is clear - a good sign. She also knows, from the morning routine that we are back on week schedule. All that napping and attention over the weekend is done.


With all your huffing and puffing about training and taking responsibility, you knew you were going to bond with her and be her main man! LOL. Big softie! Debbie

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LOL debbie, i remember fred huffing and puffing about getting the dog in the 1st place. now they are best buds. fred you are a big softie, thats why we love you so much.

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