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I'm Back After My Heart Doctor Visit



I guess I'm OK according to my doctor, it took many test and five days for him to say the slow heart beat at my age and my activities was somewhat usual!! Maybe that's another way to say I couldn't find what is causing the slow heart beat but don't be too concerned right now!! My arteries were not blocked and no construction anywhere else could be seen or found and I had several kinds of test so for all that I don't feel any pains in the chest area just that the other doctor wouldn't give me the injection until that report was complete!!!


So I made appointments today for next Monday to get my injections in my knees!! They don't last me the 90 days or three months they suppose to last always less time but when you are this old and got arthritis what else can I do?? My cholesterol is good, no blockages, so I will go with this until something else appears out of the question!!


I missed my pain shot in my back for the same reason then I find out that injection med has been tainted with meningitis somehow so I'm glad I didn't let him inject my back either!! I was the same thing on TV about people dying who got that shot in the back for back pain!! Now I really know when some things happen it's for a good cause to miss getting what was intended for you to get!!


And it was all because I had a slow heart beat that had to be cleared by a heart doctor first so that procedure may have saved my life!!


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I am glad that you are taking care of your self.


We are having the best weather now.


Enjoy the fall days of Texas.



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Fred, I am glad you came through all the tests so well. We all get more fragile as we age but there is plenty of good life in you yet!



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Fred: good news. Thank you so much for posting. I was awaiting! Just go easy, slow down a bit. Chasing little puppies is not the best of things to be doing - LOL - I know you love her and love doing it, but please be careful. Debbie

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Fred :


wow God works mysterious way, otherwise you would have gotton those shots in back lucky you, your job here on earth is not done yet, enjoy this second chance to fullest.



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Guest lwisman




As my Dad said, getting old is not all it is cracked up to be.


Glad to hear what the doctors said about your heart. Good luck with your knees. BTW, have you tried Tiger Balm. It is wonderful stuff for arthritis.


Take care,


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Thanks every body I feel better already!!


Lin, no I haven't but I will!! I think I tried about everything else however over the last 40 years I had this problem!!!! I just pray I can always walk and not be confined to a chair because of arthritis and I have decided No knee replacements I'll go to my grave with the ones I got now!!! They are only 71 years old and I see recalls on TV for some of those knee joints!!!


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hi Fred, so please that you are okay. I dont blame you moving away from knee replacements, my Aunt haded her left knee done, than her right one the year later, she is in si much pain. She is so sorry that she took that route. Like you said 71years is young. god bless.

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