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Strokes In Younger People Before Age 54



A stroke, brain attack, or a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), is the sudden death of brain cells caused by a lack of supply in oxygen to the brain. There are two main types of stroke:

  • Ischemic strokes or cerebral infarcts (80% of strokes) result from a blockage or a reduction of blood flow in an artery that irrigates the brain. They are caused either by a blood clot (thrombus) which blocks the blood vessel or by the buildup of plaque (often due to cholesterol) within the arteries which narrows vessels resulting in a loss of blood flow
  • Haemorrhagic strokes are due to the rupture of an artery within the brain triggering an intracerebral haemorrhage (15% of strokes) or to the rupture of an aneurysm (arteriovenous malformation) entailing subarachnoid haemorrhage (5% of strokes)

I wanted to add more information to my topic but my skills to get this completed are not working as I wanted to add the number of people having either one of the strokes above before their 54th birthdays. It was an interesting read and much information for me since we have members right here that survived strokes at a very young age and many others long before their 36th birthdays.


The stroke I had was Haemorrhagic which I call a Brain Bleed for lack of being able to spell and pronouncing the word correctly. I had read earlier that only 3% of people survive this kind of stroke so I considered myself very blessed at age 62 to have survived the stroke. I suppose it being only 5% of strokes the survival percentage would be much less than the other kinds of strokes!!


Strokes in children has increased dramatically also however the cause has not been reported fully to where it can be understood. They did say cholesterol and obesity along with high blood pressure was the underlying causes which is the case in most strokes for all people!


The next part of this review was the disabling factor a stroke has on people with strokes and very few being able to not show signs of having had a stroke whether or not therapy was obtained. I know for a fact you can usually tell any person who suffered a stroke by the way they walk or hold their arm as they walk!!


The last part of that review was the lack of support groups where that person lives and few if any therapy clinics or nearby hospitals and clinics available to them. Equipment was also a big problem to obtain what helps survivors the most like arm, leg and foot braces that helps with their disabilities!

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Strokes are so weird. I just wrote another reply and remembered your topic was strokes in people younger than 54, so erased it. Instead I'll tell you about a therapist that I met when my friend had a stroke and was in rehab. this therapist was in her 20s and had a stroke. I don't know how she was right after, but while seeing her, the only thing that she had was that she had no memory - not one, of her life before her stroke. Not growing up, nor parents, not any event.


When her parents came to the hospital to 'meet her' she thought, "oh no, they're really ugly' (remember these are strangers to her). When it was time for them to take her home, as they drove up to their home and she saw it for 'the first time', she thought, "and we're poor too!" Never got back one memory.

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