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I had been trying to do a little at the house -painting, packing the car full and bringing it back and ditching the boxes in either the garage or study that we don't use (still highly visible). The antibiotics I've been taking for a MONTH for the abscessed tooth, only worked somewhat - worked better on tearing out my intestines than healing the abscess... so I'm back on 500 mg of penc, only this time 3x a day, for another 10 days.


Right after I went to the senior center and had them review my insurance, I felt such relief, like I might actually live thru all this red tape. Granted, my red tape is a larger ball than it should be, because his LTD & insurance info was so badly handled by Eon Hewitt, that the Vice President over the whole company in the United States, made my case a case study and created a team to go thru every step that went wrong and what should have happened. That will help those who follow me immensely, but not so much us. ANYWAY, I felt all this relief from about 6pm that day on, after I came home and got online and chose cobra to continue our excellent insurance. It did not even last 24 hours of relief! I could not believe that I couldn't even enjoy that relief for one single 24 hour period, before hell rained down again.


Bright and early at 9am (when I'm still unconscious and a phone ringing next to my head only serves to put me into shock), I get a call from the senior services saying they have to do a HOME visit. I asked why, and they said because we use senior services, and so they must come out here. I went into a complete panic of mamouth size. Here I had all these boxes I had brought in sitting everywhere, and wait... had I said something when I was there before that might have given them the impression I wasn't being careful enough with him? I do go run errands when he is napping or after I get him up and taken care of and he is watching his shows. They didn't seem to approve of that, because if something happened he couldn't get help. I told them that if they were EVER at home alone, their lives were in danger, because they THINK they can get help, but as soon as it happens, they won't be able to. Just like Bob, if I had already left for the other house and not waited on him to come home, on his stroke day, he would have been dead. So... I began to worry that this smelled of a 'home inspection' of sorts and here I had this place with boxes and weird stuff from the other house - which they always would see as a red flag when there are piles of boxes.


My girlfriend told me that her daughter in law had her grandmother die and leave her some furniture and boxes of things, so they brought the furniture and stuff home and had it sitting there as they drug furniture from upstairs down and switched it around on different floors, working in the grandmothers furniture. The kids were in one of those corals you can make any size you want in a big open spot, out of the way. A golfer hit their window and came in to take responsibility, and when he left he got right on the phone to report them for child abuse and said he was appalled at the condtion. A child service person flew right out there and told the daughter in law that she was coming back in 4 hours, and everything better be in place and perfect, or else! So went crazy and started calling people to come help her, and did manage to get enough help to finish and the lady came back once more again to see if it was still ok. So, this was going on in my mind, if she sees my moving boxes.


I spent the week carrying heavy boxes (that hurt me to bring them here the first time) back out. Cleaning, dusting, scrubbing, crying, praying, cursing and the day finally came. The appt was at 3pm. At 5 till 3 she calls and says she can't make it out of the office, and just wanted to know if there was anything she could help me with, as someone said I was interested in the adult day care. I said that I had told them at the center that I didn't have the money for it, and we made too much to get it paid for by them. So, that was it. You'd think I'd feel giddy with relief, but my sanity was already torn into shreds, and I was exhausted from useless work that I now have to redo to bring the stuff in, and hurt myself some more - and I lost a whole week of working at the other house. (which was really just a 2-5 hours, but all I can get out of a week)


Knowing that other house has GOT to GO as we need the money, and having my hands tied and I had to stop working on it, and start trying to hide boxes of things HERE, so she wouldn't come in and take my husband away, because I had a weird house, or something. Also, had to stop with plans to get Bob back to exercising, as now I had to do this. I was just terrified. I got on the phone and told my son if they didn't come help us, we were going to lose both houses, because I'm only one person and I CAN NOT keep trying to work in 2 houses, do all this paper work, have an abscessed tooth(read diarhea from hell) AND take care of his dad, around the clock.


And let's not forget that the stress with a big push to unload the other house was a budget scrutiny that looked like our new LTD amt (lower than STD) was going to put us $2000 in the hole each month!


THEY ARE COMING SUNDAY and will try to have it all done before they go back!!!

-better stuff in next post!


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well hopefully now with the son on board -- you can get a little help.. i cant specifically tell you when i have had to do the useless work you just did.. but it definatley happened over and over again.. well you are on it now babe you have a goal in mind and nothing not even a bad tooth is stopping you -- ouch!! keep moving forward -- just focus as you already have been -- life is gonna get better ( cant get worse) i remember when dan was in the hosp after his pulmanary emobolisim me and a nurse got into it--- bad-- i was exhauseted she was young and the care was inferior.. and i had the fear of having my husband taken away from me - same as you went through.. funny how no real help is offered but they would take someone and call them neglected --- i know that fear--- just don't get crazy that is what i did from to much work, to much stress and not enough sleep.. your mind will mess with you bad and even though you know you at that moment are nuts you cant seem to help it.... so take care of you-- keep working at your goal ( i know you will) but take care of you...nancyl

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I'm a little more sane today Nancy. I will devote all tomorrow to creating work list for son & fiancee to know what to do at the other house, so their time is not wasted!

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