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Better Things, even GREAT things!



I promised better news today, so I'll keep my word. Hate to just blog when my head is spinning around like in the movie The Exorcist.


1. When I went to get the insurance papers looked over by the senior service lady who helps with paperwork, I was telling her how we were going to tell his doctor that he needed one of those lift chairs, so he could stand at will. That would make him stronger to where maybe he could start crippling around the house. The way it is, he has to wait for me to come over and say, 'it's time to get up for awhile now'. So she whips out this 'chair lift' that you put into a chair and when you kinda start trying to stand or lean forward, it lifts you up. She gave it to us! I brought it home to see what he'd think of it when he tried it. He stood up, and stood awhile, then sat down. I worked on my computer a few feet away. He stood up & sat, a few more times, and I heard him announce, "This is a BLESSING!" Thru the night he would do it more, and I might be in the kitchen and I'd hear him lift and he'd say, "it's a dandy!" So, this is a really big thing for him, to be able to stand on his own (pain is what keeps him from doing it on his own.)




2. Next, I was reading on some 'get out of debt' board, and it came up that this person was disabled and their college loan was one of their bills they couldn't pay. Someone else mentioned that if you were TOTALLY & PERMANENTLY disabled, you could get a discharge(forgiven) of the college loan! I asked if it would work for us, as it is a parent plus loan, and they said yes. I called our loan people and they gave me links to paper work, which I faxed in and withing 60 days, we hope to hear the rest of the loan is forgiven. Granted, we have paid a fortune on it since 1998, and there is little left to pay, but the monthly installment remains the same, so it would be gone. We also filed a 12 month forbearance that stops the payment from needing to be paid, while they decide if you are really disabled or not.


When I first took the paper to the doctors, he filled in the obvious things, but I talked to the loan people and told them I noticed he left off some things, like that he lost 50% of his vision and that he had no bladder nor bowel control and couldn't change his own depends. I said would it be ok with the things about his aphasia and right arm & leg, or should I go back to the dr with the papers. She said to go back, because the stronger my case, the better chance it'd be forgiven. So that is done and faxed, and the 12 month forbearance was something that could be done online.



3. When we got our first month's LTD from his work, I completely lost it, because it left us not making our payments. I kept crunching numbers and thinking, this doesn't seem right, because before, when they paid us 60% of his wages by accident (should have been 70% for STD), we had enough money and they were taking out taxes. Now they are not taking out taxes and we still don't have enough money. I knew something wasn't right. So, as I figured and studied and looked at the strange things on the check stub, I realized that the the STD & the LTD disability had overlapped by about a week. On the stub, they had removed about $1500.00 in extra pay from the overlap! So guess what? We are not going to go hungry nor be thrown into the street afterall! Oh my GAWD, the relief I felt when I realized this!




4. Today we picked up my husband's AFO and our wonderful insurance paid 100% ($1037 amount, $465.88 allowed by insurance company, I owe $0) Now, at this point, I'm not sure it will help him, as he doesn't have much of a foot drop problem, but some side curling under, and toes. We will have to see. We had to get up at 7am to get there and were late. Then we went to Walmart to look at bigger shoes and see if we could get it into any of them. My fingers are pretty much all feeling like they have been hit by a hammer, they are so sore from pulling on shoes, but we came home with a pair to scrutinize.



5. Son & fiancee are coming to work at the other house :)


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Sandy: wonderful news all around. Juggling so many things, but isn't it wonderful when everything gels and comes together. You go. Good weekend and time for some time off for a bit. Debbie

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Well, they are going to be here Sunday, so no real time off, as I have to make a master list of things they can work on, in each room. I did get some time today. We got up at 7am and was on the go until we got home at 3pm (men's max guards made this possible!).


Then I took the phone off the hook and we both passed out for hours. We ate out all day, while on the run, and made leftovers for dinner, so no hard work, just some dirty pans now.


I was going to start the list tonight, but my brain is still woozy, so will devote Sat to doing it.


Wonder if I have enough brain power left to crochet on my doily...

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Hey, that lift chair is great but mine is downstairs and I only sit in it on Sundays! It's great because if I sit on the sofa I can not get up!! We got those high chairs for the kitchen table and that works great for me again!! So I'm sure he will love that chair for some time to come!!


I sat in those low chairs at the doctor's office and can't get up once he does come in the room!!

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smile --- i am--- a little faith went a long way--- not cold not hungry -- just enough.... ummmm that loan thing got me thinking -- so this is a forgiving thing for parent who signed for a kid for a school loan ( plus) right??? gonna look into that if that is what it is..let me know.... now Q is it possible at all and i'm sure you would have caught it but it was tried on us so i am wondering is the LTD possibly trying to pay on a percentage basis of the STD instead of his former base pay ?? they tried this on us and if i hadnt caught it we would be ( you know) .... just double check the numers although i know you have several times.... terrific about the seat for the chair......the AFO will work wonderful trust me--- he will be way more stable when walking..... i found the newbalance shoes to be the widest -- the carry up to a 6 e in width.. little spendy, but worth it the shoes have lasted well over a year.. just a "share" for you .... i would wish you a great day-- but that is already going on for you.. !!! your getting there babe..nancy

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It's about time you got a break. The gift of the lifting chair seat...you will be grateful for that for a while to come. Whenever you feel down think of all the good things that have happened. It is such a struggle to make the money go the distance sometimes that you can feel the world (or at least the commercial world) is against you. And funny how companies are so fast to take your money, so slow to give it back!


I hope this is the start of good things happening in your lives.



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Nancy, the forgiveness of the loan is good for a student who becomes permanently totally disabled on their student loan, OR a parent who becomes Tot Perm Disabled on their parent plus loan. (also cancels the loan incase the borrower dies). Whoever the loan's name is in, has to be the one who is disabled, most probably. I mean, if it were me, and it's in his loan, I don't think they'd care. But if someone had to quit work to be a caregiver, I don't know if there is room for that, wouldn't hurt to check, though. Here is link, and there are other links within that site that give more info. The only thing I read that is not true in my loan is that is you have Soc Sec disability it is all they need. My company was not interested in that, just the doctors report, and he should list EVERYTHING, so check it before sending it in:




On the loan, I checked the figure at the top of the pay stub, and it was what it should be for 60% of his base pay, it just went down too far with items that weren't clear what they were on the stub. And I did worry, because they pulled the paying us for 60% instead of 70% on the STD, so when I saw the really low pay, I first panicked, but then began to wonder if they had paid us core (40% employer paid, instead of buy-up 60%). But no, it was where the 2 overlapped by a week, and they just removed where they were both paying. But, I still need to crunch the figures a little harder, because I still think they took out too much.


When he had the AFO on at the brace shop, and took it off, I whipped off his sock to see if it did anything, and his whole foot looked really odd. His toes looked blue, and his foot looked real dark and with white scale all over. It usually has a lot of dryness, from swelling, but you can't usually SEE it, just feel it. I was very concerned that his shoe was putting way too much pressure on his blood supply, which is why we went shoe shopping. Oh my.... I'm envisioning a video coming to youtube of me trying to get those things on his foot and turning red in the face and pushing and huffing and griping.... that wouldn't be a pretty video.


One thing that went wrong as soon as we got there, was someone tried to help us, and it went all wrong. I parked up on the door brim and walked him in, looking for a wheelchair, and some lady said she didn't think places had those anymore and hopped into a cart and drove it over to us (not working there, just a customer). I told her that he had 50% vision loss and was not safe to drive it, for runnning people down, but she rather insisted he sit on it and she would watch him while I got my car parked. It would have been so much more helpful if she had volunteered to go to the other door and see if there was a wheelchair THERE, or where did that lady who was watching the door disappear to when I needed to ask a question? I saw her when we came in, and she was gawking at us, and soon as I thought I could ask her, she was gone!


So anyway, this left me running beside the cart with my hand on the wheel to make sure he didn't run anyone down. Then when it was time to try on a shoe, I had two choices, stick my head up under the wheel to try to put the shoe on where his foot touched the cart foot area and he could push down, or get him to turn around where my head was free, but his foot dangled off the ground and he couldn't push. Also, the seat did not swivel. I really would have preferred to leave her there with him while I went to see if there were a wheelchair, but she had unfortunately, jumped into the cart and drove it up to the double door, blocking the entrance to anyone else. It was an act of kindness that went totally wrong. I think people who want to help, need to ask what they can do, instead of do what they think is best. I mean, it was pretty terrifying for me to have to run beside the cart, knowing he couldn't see from straight ahead and all the way right, AND that he isn't quite smart enough to drive anything.

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Sue, when Bob got up today, he announced, "this is the start of a new life for us!" He is thinking about how the chair lift is going to make him stronger and hopefully more independent, how the AFO may help him walk better, and how all the dreadful paperwork is done for the disability, and we are not going to be poor and afraid to buy groceries or run the heater!


Just a little more paperwork to go, with the 401K roll-over, but no time crunch going on with that, and it's possible we won't need to get a check from it each month, just to survive. So, we can save our withdrawels for much needed repairs, rather than just daily bills. :)

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Sandy :


I was so delighted to read your positive blog. I feel strongly & follow to the T more positives I think about & write about, more positivity happens in my life. Even though sometimes I feel writing guilty just writing good things in my life, but I like my positive feedback loop life, what I think about come true, so my day starts with I am healthy, wealthy & feel wonderful lol, so my blogs only focus on positives in my life & let hubby take care of negative parts like dealing with insurance & other stuff though it was rough in the begining, now there is not much to do & I have taken over lot of things in those regards.






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Asha, I write the positivies to share happiness with others so uplift and give hope to all, but they don't really support *me*. It is my darkest hours when I am losing it that I write the hardships, as a life line to save me, because I know the people here are going thru/gone thru the same things and have insight and can tell me what they do, and I can check it to see if I'm missing something, or at least get the support of knowing they care. I don't really have any support coming from anyone else, in my daily life, and it is with others in my position that keep me from sinking.


Also, I think when one has a lot of problems besiege them, I know hearing others go thru the same thing, made me realize they made it thru it, so keep struggling. If not for hearing their hard stories, I would think they had it easier and somehow I was just cursed! It's those hard stories, that bind me to the other fellow sufferers here. I even tell Bob when someone has a really hard time, and he feels like he is not alone, suffering by himself, and sometimes even a little blessed. It is hard to feel blessed when you've lost so much, as he has, but only on hearing what others are going thru, can he see it is not just him, others struggle and have things happen, so he can be thankful for any day he is doing 'ok'.


I do try to put my subject my posts so that people who feel drug down by negatives, can skip them if they need to. But I do so appreciate those who respond, and reach out to me, they save me.

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Sandy :


I do understand where you are coming from, I am biggest blog junkie & I spend most of my time in this blog world, reading all kind of blogs positive or negative make me feel less alone, and don't feel that I was being punished by suffering stroke. what I was trying to say that when I started looking at positive things in my life & writing about it, it made those ordinary moments with family extra ordinary for me & I call my blogs my happy pill now. by writing them down & getting support from others makes them more memorable for me. & all I was saying what worked for me & by sharing with others, I hope they will learn from my experience & not make same mistakes I made & suffered pointless in my first year. I used to say right after my stroke that I will be happy "when my left hand works", till my hubby said what abut now when you are surrounded by so much love right now, be happy now since who knows what tomorrow will bring.



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sharing the ups and the downs is part of what makes this so great--- and like sandy if i didnt know others were also having "difficulties" ( cleaning up the words ) then i would feel truley alone--but i am not most of you are a world away in distance but so very close to my heart.. dan to likes to hear about others and to know he is not alone... and we celebrate those little and big breaks each of us "catch " on occasion.. like Sandys and Bob -- right when they needed it the most...nice to hear...nancyl

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