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A "Normal" Moment in Time.



Sunday morning I woke up feeling "normal". My first thought was ok I have time before I have to dress for work. The Husband was in the living room with the kido. some of the four legged kiddos were laying on the bed with me. I looked at the closet and thought "where are my uniforms?" Then reality set in I no longer had work. But I felt Awesome today like the last months were a bad dream like nothing was wrong. No Hazy mind no tingling arms or legs I could move everything freely no pain, not even a tooth ache. Then I stood up and it all rushed back it was all over the feeling of being normal and full of life was gone. Hello hazey mind. tingly fingers and toes and achey legs, Hello pain and aches. Wow how I wish I had not moved from the bed. At least it was a moment that I got to feel or remember what it felt like to feel like I did before the breaks were applied to slow down this train.


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Wow, that must have been a surreal experience for you. I fantasize about waking up one morning and being back to my normal prestroke self. Did you think that was what happened? I hope it doesn't happen to me because it would seem like a cruel "tease" for me when I got up and realized it was not true after all. I wish I didn't remember how it felt to be "normal" because then I wouldn't miss it sooo much......



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Can you trade in that mind, that hazy mind, for the one like nothing was wrong??? I like that mind throw that tingly/hazy one far away but not toward Texas I don't want to catch it!!

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I wish It worked that way fking I wish I could just throw that tingly/hazy mind far away.


Luckygirl I really thought I was waking up from a bad dream, a long over due sleep. But then when I looked int eh closet and seen my uniforms weren't in there I knew it was no dream when I stood up and the hazy and tingles came rushing back I knew. It was a cruel joke that the demons like to play to try and still what faith you have away. But it wont happen I refuse to let it bring me down I will walk tall and hold my head high even if I stumble, stutter and struggle along the way. This is my now my "normal" I have to learn to except it and cope with it and move on in life." For what does not kill me only makes me stronger." ( I don't know who said that just know it was something my Dad always told me)

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