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A Gift



We have just been running crazy last month or so. Hurricane Sandy certainly did not help and this new computer system at work has exhausted me. I had been putting in extra hours. I am not under any pressure from Administration, mind you, but there is certain paperwork required in a timely manner. Learning a brand new system, customizing a library and still trying to keep up with the paperwork is taking its toll.


Thursday, because of the storm, I did my eight hours. During my break here at home, Erma called and said she had an ear infection and could not come on Friday. Pema and Cathy can not work on Fridays. I did ask both of them, it is after all extra money, but no go. So I headed back to work right away, told my supervisor and then settled in to accomplish as much as I could.


I did consider taking Bruce with me over the weekend for a few hours. We have done this before, but we still had to deal with the contracture issue and of course, yard clean up.


There are times I feel that I am neglecting Bruce, putting off his needs. Bruce would never say that, but he won't clean up with caregivers, refuses his AFO, although he will put on regular shoes for Erma - he does the bare minimum. I think he does like that they take care of the house and that gives me time off. But in the meantime, neither of us is doing anything towards Bruce's recovery. And I while I do believe most of it has to be on him, after several posts here and re-evaluating his MRI, more help and direction from me is still needed.


Friday was all about Bruce: grooming, shower. I just don't understand how a man so concerned about his appearance has lost all of that. We did get out on errands and lunch out. I worked in the yard in the afternoon, nice dinner. But mostly a discussion about what I expect and what he is willing to do. He had to turn off the TV and get through Stroke Connection. I had asked for 45 minutes with no TV and Bruce did a good hour. After nap, Estim and snack, I asked him what he had come up with as far as work on the contracture. He went into the bathroom grip bar and did a good 10 minutes of stretching, rocking side to side, weight bearing changes.


I had spent the entire day, every time he moved, explaining that he needed to take those opportunities to stretch. I reinforced the areas he needed to feel it in. And I explained that if I needed to take him to BJs every day so he could "tool" around and get some exercise, I would do it.


Saturday we touched base with neighbors, how everyone was faring. We cooked for the week. And again, grooming, speaking, reading and exercising. He's beginning to get it.


Today, time change and I fell asleep this afternoon for an hour and a half. That never happens and then we watched a movie together - start to finish, no binking. And then Bruce asked me to spot him and showed me another way he is willing to exercise. He has been in his AFO since Friday - no sense in telling me no, it won't fly. So he has the support and he did not go far, but did walk with just my hand.


Tomorrow is yet another shower and some down time away from the TV. I have many phone calls and some paperwork to get through. He needs a medical supplement. I have the info, just need to get through it. Bruce knows I have to go to work in the afternoon - probably will be glad to see me go - LOL, but he knows I have a full morning and he is expected to step up as to taking care of himself. And there have been some subtle differences.


Sometimes things work out in ways we never expect and for this weekend, I am so thankful. Grounded me, gave me much to think about and some wonderful down time. Will let you all know. Debbie


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Sounds like he is slowly but surely starting to come around with the exercise/stretching. I think what he did Sunday, especially if it required no prompting from you, was huge. That shows he is beginning to show some initiative. Good for him and good for you!



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Bruce hasn't given up on his looks and how he feels it's just some things are not high on the priority list as it used to be!! I can wear what I got on and not change into clothes to go eat out in public!! I'm a casual kinda guy so I can be comfortable at all times in or out the house!!!!


You know I can exercise using my cane holding it over my head down to waist high back up then down to knees and different others with my cane alone so I get exercise every day, even raising my arms like doing pull ups then riding my bike daily!! Even then my walking can slow down some, I don't take 30 inch steps like I should!!!!!

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I feel the same .... so much to do... so much undone.... the more I try to actually get some work done, the more I'm NOT working with Bob, and he is regressing. So tired. Still trying to finish reading a stroke book I got 4 months ago... a paragraph here, a paragraph there, as I have a few seconds in between of.... it all....

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Today was busy - lots to do and when I asked Bruce if he wanted me to spot him doing his exercises before work, he said that he would do them with Pema. I had left her a note. Of course he balked when she asked him, but she insisted; said he had promised me and she said he did all three. She asked him what he had done over the weekend and apparently he showed her all of it. I am very proud of him. Tomorrow we have voting in the afternoon and out to lunch. Then home to exercise and Estim. Good day! Debbie

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It is a full time job just being a caregiver in my opinion. You do so much even with your nursing job. It's so frustrating asking Larry to work on his recovery. He will do the minimum. I am going to have to limit the TV as he is only hurting himself and making himself bored and sleepy. It's back to a routine like it or not.



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Debbie :


you are doing such a wonderful job in nudging Bruce in right direction. It's hard for me to comprehend survivor don't want to work towards its own recovery & independence, since that was never issue for me. Though as a survivor when I accomplish something in the begining used to like being applauded about it.



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