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Sometimes we need to learn to compromise (urge to kill)



So, a therapist was showing me how to do a heel stretch today, and I made the mistake of not just saying yes, but saying, "it's harder for me to do it like that, because (long explanation about how our bed and bedroom is laid out). To which his idea was to just shove this or that out of the way, which I explained that everything in the house is already shoved out of the way, and there was no place left to shove, as it would only block another thing we'd need later. He kept insisting why did I need this here or there, and admonished me that 'sometimes we need to learn to compromise' - yes, that's me, the one with the home from the magazine cover that won't relent from her 'perfect' arrangement. I feverishly looked around for an empty wall I could get to, to beat my head against, in hopes that cracking my head open would prevent me from throttling him. I wish I could get into my large walk in closet, but things are shoved against it, and I now stack my clothes on top of those things. It would be great to move this chest to block the bathroom door, perfect! What I'd like to have said, was:


1. When my husband left rehab, they gave me a long list of things they thought would be helpful, it was a list of nursing homes... as most people would not dream of trying to care for someone in this condition on their own.


2. Don't assume that I'm so selfish that I wouldn't inconvenience myself or how I want things, for my husband, you're too late to assume such a thing. Every room in my newly decorated house is out of kilt, for him, and the 50 pound chest at the bottom of the bed you want to move, is loaded with 4 types of diapers, male guards, disposable bed pads of all sizes, quick changes of clothes, shoes, socks, wipes - everything I need to get him up and going. But, I'm not going to announce my hubby's bathroom problems in a crowd. Even so, if that weren't true, there is still no place to shove it, this is not a mansion and we have arranged things and pushed things, to where his wheelchair can get to the bed.


3. Don't assume that I'm so stupid that I only needed YOU to explain that I could shove it out of the way. Oh my! Now why didn't MY poor little weak brain think of that? Maybe because it's a poor little girlie brain, and you have that great big guy brain that knows so much more than little ol' me.


4. I despise how a doctor/therapist/whoever looks for what would be 100% best for the one that they are treating, and hit a complete blind spot for what WE need to be able to do the job effectively. Picture them scanning area and when they get to where I am, a blank spot appearing over my face...grrrr.... caretaker = invisible. What we need to function and keep going, our own health problems, and energy levels are invisible, and no excuse for not giving more. Reminds me of the lady who I had told how much the meals on wheels have meant to us, as I didn't have to shop for those foods and drag them home, prepare them, nor clean up after (unlike the other foods I give all day). To which she replied, "why can't you make that meal yourself, while he is napping".


5. As we all know, those of us who are sole caregivers for massively handicapped people are not living a life of compromise. That would infer both parties benefited somewhat, and there was give and take. We live a life of total sacrifice. But I lie.... I do get something from it..... I get to have my hubby with me, which is what I want. The other day, he said in aphasia talk, 'you have a horrible job', and made a grimace with his face. I replied, "I only want to be with you".


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Hurry up and kill him. I've got a head start on you and I'm on a roll!


For different reasons and different situations survivors go through the same thing. My father and I run into this more often than not and I'm sick of hearing from people how much he loves me or cares. Just like you said, he cares as much as it's effecting him.


I don't think, however, it's about male/female thinking or stupid/brilliant, but more about having absolutely NO understanding and point of reference and can't even imagine what it's like. But it does make you feel like that.


I'm sorry you had to endure that again. I wish you never would have to again. I've learned to smile sweetly while planning their demise. I don't even waste my breath explaining why what they just said is vacuous. Take a deep breath and count to ten and know you're certainly not alone in this.



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Yea, I don't think it's good to keep hammering on someone about how much someone is doing for them either.


A third, and less often thing that occurs is: I wanted to kill a therapist who came here and told us how she had to drop her stroke husband at the door of events, and then park and walk back herself, and how much she resented it - imagine saying this with a pained look on your face about how much you resented it.... saying it to my stroke hubby in his wheelchair!. What?! You stupid *#* Did you just explain to my husband that he was a bother and his wife probably resented him for it? How dare her make my hubby feel like I probably resent him!!! He has enough to shoulder, and it's not like he doesn't appreciate my work. I know some don't and need a fresh grasp on what people do for them, but hubby is thankful to be home and have me making it possible.

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Sandy, consider this. Your hubby could have just as easily been thinking how glad he is to have a wife like you instead of someone like her. It sounds like you are consistent with Bob, and his achievements in recovery uphold that. Next time that happens just ask him if he feels that way and tell him how you feel---He will know its true because your actions will confirm it. But my bet is that he already knows

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People are just truly ignorant, they don't have a clue. Unless you have gone through the same thing, you just have no idea. You would think though that therapists and people in healthcare positions would be more in tune with what's going on and what not to do or say. It boggles my mind to hear the things that some of the staff at the HCF that mom is in say in front of her. She is not deaf and she understands what they say. I guess they just need to be educated and all of us caregivers are advocates for our loved ones. It sounds like you're doing a great job. Don't give up!

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Sandy: so sorry. I sometimes just don't understand why all the therapies just don't work together. When Bruce was in Rehab, he could not do OT - sublux. OT worked everyday with the PT, which is part of why Bruce was only in a lift for a week home. But then they all give you pages of their stuff that they want you to do. If we got through half of it, it would take all day.


And I agree with you, don't take the high road attitude with me. You have him one hour and have no clue about the other 23. And don't condescend to me. You have no idea what this involves. You answered my blog. And I do thank you for your best wishes. Try explaining that to a therapist - my wedding day and all I am concerned about is no accidents - LOL.


I don't argue anymore and try not to get too angry, because in the end, it is still up to me to figure out what works best for us. As you mentioned, it just makes Bruce more on board if he thinks I am comfortable. Personally if I move any more stuff to accomodate this stroke journey, I won't have a place to sit - LOL. Well, guess I could just sit on the bed.


Go easy, give Bob a big hug and kiss for me tonight. Tomorrow we start again. Debbie

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Jangelini - actually, I could see the pain and sorrow in his eyes, and feeling completely useless while that idiot therapist was talking. She got the door!


Debbie, I told Bob that we would just take the parts of the therapist that were useful to us, and throw the rest away. Then I held up my fist and said, "or he can eat my knuckle sandwich!" - Bob kinda laughed and shook his head :)

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Sandy :


sometimes people are ignorant & don't think before dolling out advice, you have to forgive them & move on, by getting upset about it, you are going to harm your own health which will not be good for your survivor.



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I got your back Sandy!! I know just how you feel. Mike had a home OT that wanted me to move our King size bed around to another area of the bedroom so that Mike could get on and off the bed on the other side all the while me telling her it wouldn't fit that way due to the size of the room. Then she proceeded to ask me "Is this the only bedroom in the house?" There is another bedroom but it is the one Mike and his previous wife shared and also the room she passed away in so Mike refuses to make it our bedroom which is fine by me. Also it has abut 30yrs worth of stuff she collected stored in it so you can just imagine how full it is! Needless to say she wasn't his OT after that LOL! They as others have stated have no clue as to what we endure as sole caregivers. I do not regret anything that I have given up as Mikes caregiver and would probably punch someones lights out if they ever made a comment like that in front of Mike because he already thinks he is a hardship on me. He tells me daily "Thank you for taking care of me" which is not necessary but he does it anyway. You just keep doing what you are doing and keep the faith. In the end you are his best therapy!

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Cat, yeah, like she would assume that there was a better bedroom and you were too dumb to pick that one without her thinking of it first! They all think they have 'second sight' and see things like in a vision that us mere mortals will be amazed and wonder how they ever thought of it, since we were apparently to dumb to think of it and they did!

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