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Christmas NYC again, and no visits to Bellevue this time (I hope)!



Wow we're on a roll. The cruise last month was such a success that I asked Ray if he wanted to do another trip into the city for Christmas like last year, and he seemed agreeable. Truth is, he'd go on a tour of a garbage dump, he wants to get out so badly, so I try to suggest something crazy periodically. I was actually hoping for the Bronx with some Italian food shopping for Christmas, plus the fabulous train layout at the Botanical Gardens. But he is such a Brooklyn boy, the other boroughs don't thrill him. So we agreed on Manhattan again, same midtown area as last year (Grand Central, St Pat, Rockefeller Center etc); this despite his terrible curbside fall last year and resultant ambulance ride and 8 stitches on his eyebrow. Time to break the curse! We haven't been into the city so much since we were first married.


I called a good friend of ours; we met only a month or so before Ray's stroke. They are a very pleasant, sociable couple, even though we only see each other sporadically, despite living minutes away. He recently told us that he had polio as a child and was in a wheelchair for several years, so that could explain things; he definitely gets it. Isn't it weird how you run into the right people sometimes? They have been spending a lot of time in Manhattan and Brooklyn lately, so I asked if they'd be in next week and if we could meet for dinner or drinks. Just to be polite really. He told me they are leaving tomorrow for two weeks in Paris and Amsterdam (drool) but offered us their condo which is just two blocks from Grand Central. He is telling the doorman we will be there three days; I doubt it be that long, overnight would be long enough, but then again who knows. How do I get so lucky? Now we will have plenty of time to explore without the pressure of the ride home (only an hour or so normally, but, oy vey, the traffic this time of year!). Again a guardian angel is looking out for us. It was sort of scary last year to go in alone for such a long day of sightseeing, have a major crisis and then have to drive home (after midnight as it turned out!) Oh yeah and then a black cat ran across our path just before we got home, I slammed on the brakes and Ray banged his newly stitched head against the windsheild. Not my finest moment. But I was in my "proving how tough we were" phase at the time, and although I stayed up all night watching him, it worked out fine. He's got a thick skull anyway!


One thing that is good about stroke (yeah there are a few things) is that you don't have to be "cool" anymore, so we will just do the farty, touristy thing, maybe even hit Times Square; taking lots of photos in the process to post on Facebook for the family. Who cares what we look like? Our life is so different now, but in many ways it's better than the old rat race we were tied to. An alternate universe, if you will. And now I'm thinking Paris and Amsterdam might be a great destination for our anniversary getaway next spring! Just dreaming of course, but if we can do Manhattan, what the heck? Fingers crossed, as usual. Wish me luck!


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I love NYC in all seasons & love going there once every few months, good luck & hve fun. More you try out vacations like these paris will be defintely in agenda.



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Thanks guys, I'll give a full report afterwards. I have high hopes for a fun time, Ray does love to get out and do things, and doesn't tire easily, which is a blessing.

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Hey you could even hang out in front one of the TV morning shows and maybe get on TV for a few seconds long enough to wave at the cameras! Or better still get seats on the View show!!! You could talk about that for years to come!!! Good luck!!

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I'm so glad you are able to do these things. It must make you feel like you are getting some sense of "normal" back. Such fun.

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