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I just learned something the hard way



This is a caregiver story, hopefully some of you can relate. With the two year mark coming up, apparently it's time for me think things over and find a new path to acceptance.


The last few weeks Ray and I have been busier than I can say, with Nancy and Dan visiting, the hurricane, and now the the holiday coming up fast. I have let a few things go in the meantime. Mom had hinted to me several times that I should call Karen my sister in law down in Georgia; she not only has chronic, severe COPD, but also struggles periodically with no iron in her blood. You'd never know all this to talk to her, as she is the most energetic, pepped up, fun person you could ever meet. But she had been having a bad spell lately, with hospitalizations and 18 transfusions. My brother has been her caregiver for many years, since she is basically housebound, but he works nights at the Post Office and she is alone then, and gets very lonely. Probably a little scared too.


So last night, just before dinner, I suddenly decided I should call her. Now, the thing with Karen is, I love her to death but when she gets you on the phone it's two hours minimum, unless you can get a word in edgewise (not likely). Which is why I put off calling her sometimes, especially now that Ray makes so many demands for my attention. I go ahead and call, despite Ray's usual protests; he hates when I'm on the phone. Karen answers but sounds very distracted. Says she's watching a movie. I keep asking if she's alright, and suddenly she bursts out yelling at me, saying that the last time she called I told her we were sitting down to watch a movie, and then Ray started yelling curses (which is his usual MO when things don't go his way), so I laughed, saying I had to hang up to go calm him down. The laughing is the key part: I do remember being glad that Ray got me off the call so we could go on with our plans, he's always been great at that, but also I'm one of those that laughs instead of crying. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone, you know? She said she cried for an hour, knowing I really just didn't want to talk to her. What she didn't understand is it's not her, it's me. I do try to make every bad thing about Ray sound funny rather than whatever issue it really is, while it would be a lot more productive to just tell the truth. I am getting used to people, especially strangers, being TOO understanding and TOO helpful, then using it as an excuse to do whatever I want with no explanations. I'm becoming so selfish and self-centered, even as I accuse people close to me of the same thing.


As I tried to explain how Ray has even less control over his emotions than ever before, she said "I thought we were friends but you just wanted to hang up on me". I assured her I considered her one of my best friends, as I made feeble excuses about Ray needing my attention, but she said "He always did, but you used to go in the other room to get away from him". In the old days, I would stay on the line because I knew she needed someone to talk to, and that was my specialty. Now I feel like I don't have to do anything for anyone anymore except me and Ray (poor us! boo hoo), and that's so wrong. Here I am, mad at Ray's family for not "being there" for us and then I do the same thing. Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not even sure Karen has forgiven me, I put Ray on the phone and he kept saying "no" and "wow" to tell her he didn't really mean it. She was not only hurt, but holding it inside for at least a month or two, so I don't know if she was convinced. We did agree to talk on Thanksgiving so guess I will see where we stand then. I'll make sure to call her early, no matter how busy I am in the kitchen; I am going to tell her everything I'm saying here and hope she believes me.


A wonderful thing is that Ray's brother and sister are coming for Thanksgiving, and when I invited them a few weeks ago, for the first time I was happy to call them and not resentful or bitter. They don't owe us anything really; Ray hasn't been there for them during a few of their personal crisises so why did I expect so much from them? We only see them a few times a year but that's the same as it's always been. His sister too asks me why I never call her anymore. When I phoned to invite her, there was so much happiness in her voice, I could tell she must have thought I hated her too! Mom calls me almost daily, just to chat about nothing much, and sometimes I don't answer because I feel like I don't have the time, and that is the worst thing of all to admit. I am hiding from the world because it's so hard to put on a happy face sometimes. Now I know I am wrong, wrong, wrong, I should be happy that anyone thinks of me at all. I'm the only one that's making myself miserable! And if I want to complain or cry, these people are ready, willing and able to listen. Time to change my ways and stop feeling sorry for myself, and what better time than Thanksgiving, when I can give thanks that people still care about me and Ray.


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Boy! Those lessons feel good once we get them, huh?


I still am waiting for a few tons of bricks to fall to but they never seem to fall when we want them to. I really hope things work out with you and Karen.



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smile... and know you are cared about..nancyl///// how about a road trip to GA ?? just for a day or two.. i know its a drive but, ray does enjoy travel..

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A trip to visit them would be the best solution, it's something I've been putting off for at least 15 years, since they bought their house. And since they've been to visit us plenty of times, I'm sure they're insulted. I'd fly though, it's only a couple of hours if I go direct. Maybe if I bring that up when I talk to her, it will help, great idea!

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I know how you feel. William is the same way. He does not like me tied up on the phone for a long period of time. I too, avoid, the phone sometimes. Wm gets so upset...but then I feel very isolated and I do not like that.


Life can sometimes feel tough but we learn to accept and live life.


Take care and yes vent when you have to.



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Colleen :


thanks for writing this wonderful blog, I am also guilty of doing some of those things with my mom. but I am great believer in when you know better you do better. Now that you realised what you need changing doing will be easy.



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Colleen: Bruce is also like that with the phone. He does better now because he can see who is calling on the TV screen. He knows better than to pull anything when it is Mary Beth. But I do try to keep the calls short.


Colleen, I email almost every night. Consider that with your sister. We tried live Chat, but that is like being on the phone, except you can't hear what is going on, so if there are delays, the other person has no clue.


Funny, with us - Bruce has the chatters. Those I do have to monitor and consider the timing before I answer. I don't know if it is reaction to stroke, feeling that everything is on us all the time. I do know this past year has calmed down immensely. I have much more time for me. It took time to be able to recognize that and use it to my advantage, but I do find I concentrate less on stroke and what is going on here and spending more time chatting, asking about other things, how their life is going. And for that I am thankful.


You are working on it and at least recognize where some things could change. That is the step forward. Best and Happy Thanksgiving. Debbie

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Glad to know Ray isn't the only one with phone issues! Thanks everyone for supporting me through this spiritual growth spurt. As always, now I don't feel so alone anymore.


Debbie, my SIL doesn't do computer communication, although my brother does; he both emails and Facebooks on a relatively regular basis. Guess he was afraid to tell my what was going on though. She's a talker, especially when she's had a beer or two (100% Irish so only natural), but she also has so much in common with us now, that I have no idea why I've been pushing her away.


We are considering buying a HDTV on Black Friday and if I do, will be sure to get one with Skype capability. I've used it on the holidays with family via our laptop, even attended my niece's impromtu wedding last spring, and it is the best! But nothing like in person, and I'm going to bring up travelling down to see them next year (St Paddys Day would be perfect) when I talk to her tonight. They have tried to get us down there for so many years, and I always had an excuse. Life is too short to put it off anymore, they are dying to show me the wonders of southern Georgia; how rude that I have turned them down every time. Apparently my going on a cruise really hurt her feelings and was the last straw to her blow up. Every time she tries to travel, she ends up in the hospital unfortunately so no more yearly visits back home as in the past.


This is going to be a Hallmark type of Thanksgiving for me, I think.

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I have a sister-in-law that although I love dearly, I put off calling her because she talks and talks....and I don't have the energy. So one thing that has helped me is to email or Facebook her--then she knows we care and I can do that when my husband is in bed. (the down side is that instead of disliking me on the phone--he doesn't like it when I spend a lot of time on the computer so I usually wait until bedtime.) Life is sure complicated isn't it? I hope she understands your situation and I hope you don't get down on yourself--you're doing the best you can! Happy Thanksgiving, Cindy

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I have been in the same frame of mind with relatives and friends. Feeling sorry for myself, mad at others for not calling or visiting more. Life is too short to be angry. Friends and family are what really count when we find ourselves with spouses who have stroked and turned our world upside down. Most of them don't understand what we go through anyway.


Larry always has asked "who are you talking to"? So, I have to stop and tell him and that satisfies him. I am not one to talk on the phone for long periods anyway. He use to ask me this even before the stroke.


Have a Happy Thanksgiving.



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colleen, what a nerve you struck - in a good way---- Yes the flight i promise is manageable -- i promise but if you decide to do it bring his hemi walker and get his brace fixed -- he will need to walk at least 10 feet from the door into the plane - to his seat--- it is possible if it is a bigger plane than the one we flew on that the "new" transport chair might fit ... i know you will research everything,- HAHA- but this might be as it was for dan the motivator to do more... and if you make it happen for him and he doesent work a litle for it than it will still be same old same old..... but of course have a "rescue" method -- and every one INCLUDING the pilot offered to assist Dan.... so if you want to do it - it can be done... and wouldnt it be nice for YOU to go somewhere..and the fact ray enjoys flying is a bonus!! all i can say is GO for IT !!! ohh and now my part-- in the spirit of your writting -I took dan to a casino and we took his mom with and spent the night ( i am not driving late at night anymore) .. and the time was good.. good for dan and good for his mom... so good job colleen --- healing our souls..nancyl

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We are always in sync for some reason. I called my sister in law tonight and she was just like normal, and said my brother told her she shouldn't call me so much but look at Facebook like everyone else. But we are going to talk tomorrow anyway. And for the first time in I don't know how many years, I am looking forward to seeing Ray's family tomorrow. I told Karen about our thoughts of visiting in the spring and she was all for it. Probably Southwest direct, so should be a pleasant flight. It is so good not to be mad at the world anymore. Karen said to me, you're finding all these new friends when your family loves you and wants to help too. She made me cry again, but in a good way. Something must be in the air!

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And Colleen, that is basically it. We are angry for so long. That is the hardest step in the grieving process, at least for me, to get beyond.


I often say to Bruce, lets get Chris - my best friend; Carl - Bruce's close friend and Don - Bruce's best friend in a room together and close the door. They might emerge in the next season, but probably not - LOL.


But we love them and they have all been there 100% for us. You notice I keep Mary Beth out of that mix. She is mine and my life line. All three of them can actually run out the answering machine and I speak with all of them at least twice a week - LOL.


Nancy's visit gave you much to think about and consider. We have our special people here - those that attempt the impossible, at least to us. Sarah is another. The examples and experience they expose us to are important. We all have the same pre-planning, organization. That is a given. I have list for the schlepp to the wedding already prepared for Chris. After a year or so post stroke, we all know what we need to get through a day. And yes, it is exhausting. But we get to a point where life must go on and we truly want more than, something special and important. Finally a chance to regroup and consider.


Go for it honey! Start plans now and just dig in your heels and say "this is going to happen." Happiest of holidays. Debbie

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That is how it began for us--- it simply was gonna happen... period and it did...... do it - buy the tickets lock it in ( travel insurance of course in case rays does get sick) but lock it in....in your mind and your heart...and ray hates the cold take him sooner than spring -- make arrangements for the cats ( they will be OK i promise) and JUST DO IT ---- thats someones old slogan... nancyl

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