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Yahoo! What a perfect day and such great fun. I think since a lot of the preparation was started so long ago and then, doing it so quickly and simply, helped. Really that is the way most of us here, now would have to do it since our lives and time are so re-organized.


The day was perfect and with Julie's help, I managed to get some pix in the gallery.


Bruce was a trooper. That is a long day, with a lot of confusion, conversation changes - but he hung in there to the end - LOL. I had walked my family to the car and then went to put on sneaks and get my wallet. Quick aside, my brothers, neice, nephew and Izabella all came in one car - that must have been an interesting ride - LOL. When I got around front, our room was cleared. Then I saw Bruce at the bar, surrounded by everyone. I must have laughed for 10 minutes. Other than the WC, it was such a flash back. He and his "buds" enjoying a drink, laughs. He was ready to get out of his dress clothes and into comfy's and I think we were all in bed by 9pm. Old folks don't party like they used to.


Everyone commented on the food. Bruce had done almost 100% of the selection and the vows were perfect. In true Bruce fashion, they were short and to the point. LOL.


There is a great shot of Bruce and I just before we left the house. Bruce wanted to put his shirt on last minute and of course I didn't want to put my dress on until he was in the truck and the WC was loaded. So there is Bruce in a flannel shirt and me in my comfy hooded sweatshirt: hair and makeup done, pearls. That may end up being my all time favorite.


Friday night was a true gift. Mary Beth, Melissa and Scotlynn were enroute. Bob stopped just to check in and get the plan for his son, who was Bruce's witness. Dan showed up about 20 minutes later. He is such a dear person. He adores his Godfather and even though he knew his Dad had his back, wanted to step up himself. The pictures of him putting on and tying Bruce's tie and the boutinere are just precious. So we ordered pizza, Bob got the music going. A spur of the moment gathering that was fun, stress-relieving and a reminder that the focus is on love, family and friends.


After everyone left this morning, Bruce and I just had a nice quiet day. We tidied and set up for a normal week to come. The extras that were unearthed for this wonderful time, are now back in storage. We have enough cake for the next year. That will be going to work tomorrow - LOL.


I was wondering if Bruce would be able to wear his ring. He is now left-handed and our rings are wide. But bless him, he refuses to take it off! I see him looking at it and smiling. That tells me all I need to know. Debbie


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Hey Debbie Sparks, you looked just sparkling in the photos in the Gallery, Bruce polished up pretty well also. Well done both of you! You will never go back to the old "normal" but a "new normal" has started that INCLUDES the "happy ever after".



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So glad to hear this report, you sound like you are floating on a cloud! Ray also is very attached to his wedding ring, he gets very upset when I want to take it off for his shower. And this after almost 36 years! It is a nice feeling to know how loved you are.

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It is so wonderful. You and Bruce had a memorable day. It could not have been any better. I was thinking about you and Bruce. I love the pics. Thanks for posting.



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congrats debbie to the both of you. what a exciting day. you both waited a long time for this day to come and it sounds like it was a beautiful day. you amaze me will all that you do to make your new lives happy and organized.

i wish you both many happy years together with good health and making many new memories to remember forever. i can just imagine the smile on bruce's face, while reciting is vows. god bless you both. kimmie

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I'm so glad you had nice weather and everything turned out so perfectly! I saw the wedding album with 2 pics, did I miss any? Isn't it wonderful to have digital cameras and be able to get such wonderful shots these days and have them right away and know they came out! What a joyful time and long in coming, but finally!


On the other hand, some of your strange friends/relatives thought my hat and purse were hord'overs and gave me a problem... I suppose they are just not knowledgeable enough about high fashion to know any better....

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I'm glad and happy it all came together for you and Bruce after such a wait but it was meant to be and a stroke couldn't stop it!


I feel the stroke was a test in the strength of my lovely marriage and it has held together 9 years since the stroke and 14 years total!!!

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Oh Debbie, sorry I missed the fun and excitement!! I wish you and Bruce the best of everything. Congratulations to you both!!


Mary Jo

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