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First day of my new job.....training.



Well, you know, the anxiety of a new job. I am just so glad that I did settle on this job. The drive is really not that bad. 35 minutes in off peak time.


Today was our 1st day of training. Not much happened. We waited for an hour for somebody to get off the phone. Then we stayed an extra 2 hours for a little orientation. and got some handouts.


It appears that the class before us is having computer problems. So that is putting us a little back. No class tomorrow. We start on Wednesday.


We got our parking passes. It sounds different. We will be checking on Medicare Part D claims for prior authorizations and non-formulary or quantity limits. This is interesting ...especially since William has medicare part D now. I will get to learn all of the ins and outs of the insurance part.


It is so hard to get jobs. I was talking to a young graduate that moved from NJ because she could not find a job there. She has been looking for 7 months for a job. She finally got this job. There was another guy who is driving 2-1/2 to 3 hours to get to work. He lives in a nearby town. And I was complaining about the drive. What is with me.??? And I got this job offered to me within 3 weeks of quiting my old one. I am blessed. Times are really hard.


I did some research on stress and change. Quitting my job so quickly really sent me into a tailsping emotionally. I wasn't eating or sleeping. It was bizarre.


I decided that it was the lack of a schedule. I was just stuck in the house. I am not used to that. Finally after 4 weeks at home. I finally got a new schedule of church and gym. I was just getting used to that and then I had to think about the work schedule.


But, I do realize that a schedule is important for William's mental health. I had the caregiver bring William to the YMCA for a stretch Yoga class and to play some pickle ball. I just have to make sure that he gets out and meets people and does some exercise. He enjoyed his outing.


I got home early. So I took him to the YMCA for a swim and his shower. I took him to the warm pool. He loved it. This worked for me since I had skipped my morning swim.


I went to the grocery store after our swim. William is still up and has not had a nap today. I am amazed.


I had the car inspected and had a new set of tires put on it. This is the first time since we bought the car 4 years ago. that I have had to put on new tires. We do not drive thecar much. I renewed my AAA membership for car assistance. Just in case.


I have outing scheduled for Wlliam everyday. Bible studies and YMCA classes keep him busy and involved with people. I was watching a TV show on the brain. It said that physical activity does make the brain make neural pathways. I have been pushing this at William. WE need to keep moving.


Well, on Wednesday I have the 2nd day of my class for my new job. William is enjoying his new caretaker. She is doing a good job and is so willing to work with William on the gym. I am very pleased.


Sunday, I had taken him to the Christmas program at church. this Sunday our old church is having their annual Christmas dinner. So, we will be going and then my neighbor wants us to go with her to her church for their Christmas program. Hopefully, William will have the energy for two outings this Sunday.


Well, we just wait and see.


I get to join in chat one more time and I get to play pickle ball one more Tuesday.


I am happy.


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Ruth :


I learnt hard way not having routine sent me in despair of depression. I was like what's the point of getting up if I don't have to do anything, since that time hubby had hired full time housekeeper. for me having routine helped & now I look forward to my laundry day & exercise days lol.



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Ruth - so glad we get to have you one more time in Chat. I am still on wedding high, but do understand your point. A structured routine is so important. Not so many outside of stroke get this. That was my biggest issue with the wedding.


I am so glad you are on schedule and it is working for both of you. I know you are still in training, but William is getting used to the new routine.


People asked if Bruce and I were taking time off. No, you can not do that. We are in Christmas preparation this week. The shopping is mostly done, but I have tree and house decorations. This is an important time of year for Bruce and I am just trying to stay to routine.


But I did a double today, just to get some free time in and weather was not good for getting Bruce out. Tomorrow we will do the grocery shop we missed on Sunday. That is just how we have to deal with this.


So to chat. Debbie

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See, that's why we said to you, you choose the job and you'll be happy so that worked out great! Like you stated, so many people are still out of work and looking for any job they can find!


Maybe I will hate I said this, but it's just me, I think and feel when any person is close to God in all they do many great things will happen in their lives! I came up very poor but with a mother who turned to God night and day asking for His blessings and we had a little food, a little money, a few clothes for school but we made it!


You mention church often so I feel your help is coming from the Lord! My wife and I have been together now for 14 years and in the church together just as long and great things are happening in our lives!


William has survived the stroke and doing great with a care giver while you work, I call that a blessing while you had jobs offered to choose which one you wanted after being released from another job!!


We hope to visit you and William soon as it warms up again!

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