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Well, as I've mentioned before, every few weeks I have a dream that I see my husband move his hand and do something small, without thinking about it, and without even realizing it. This is encouraging to me, because I've had dreams thru-out my life that were predictive.(word?)


Anyway, so Monday he calls to me, with my REAL name (Sandra, instead of Mom) and I go running to him, alarmed. He said something's happening. I asked if he was sick or felt pain, he said, no, not like that. Then said, "I'm not sure if it really happened, or I imagined it, but I thought my hand just did something. I asked, 'was it like a spasm?' -no. 'Did you yawn?' -no. I told him to show me with the other hand, and it was just a little flash, and he said he wasn't even sure if it really happened or he just thought it did.


I said, well, your hands been sitting there since March 1, doing nothing, so if you thought it did something, it probably did.'


hmmmmm...... well, don't know what will happen next, but Monday night, I had another one of those dreams. I dreamed he was sitting in his wheelchair and was trying to move around in it, and he put his stroke hand on the handrail to move sideways a little bit.


I don't know.... I hope all this means something, and am working to try to give it the best shot of materializing.


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Things happen we don't know when or why but it's for our good and recovery in many cases. On this site I read of survivors getting up and walking after 20 years sitting in a WC. So only God knows when we get back what we do. I suppose those are miracles just when all hope is gone or not thought about.


He can come back we don't know when but one day it will happen. I look at myself and can see things getting better in what I can do so others will have the same experiences happen with them too.

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Hi Sandy,


That is excellent news! The very first movement I had in my hand looked just like a spasm. My thumb jumped a small bit and if you weren't looking--you missed it! As soon as my PT saw it she started on my hand aggressively even though I couldn't yet do it on command always. She said it was because the brain was starting to make the new pathway and we were going to strengthen it (the pathway) I got so sick of hearing "move your thumb", but pretty soon I could do it easier and better and it wasn't long before I could move my index finger and then others. Don't be discouraged if the ring finger and pinky are slow coming back--they usually are.


Get Bob to do anything he can with his hand but don't worry yet if he can't. Just keep trying. Yay! This is so exciting!



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Last night I did his shoulder/arm slow lengthening stretches, all kinds of arm movements, then with me helping the stroke side, rolling hands (like the wheels on the bus go round and round) , hand jive, up and down alternating, then ARM WRESTLING! ha, ha, he was pushing with his arm, but his hand was having to do weight bearing. His weak was about all I could do to keep even with. Then e-stim.


I can't wait till he comes back in here so I can read him what you said about your hand :)

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Some very simple things you can do, is ask him to try to move anything on his hand and once he can, just a few nuts and bolts and a bowl will help. They had me take the nuts and bolts one at a time and drop them in the bowl. It isn't as easy as it sounds! lol. Hand work is very basic and simplistic but there are so may tiny muscles in the hand so it's good to be basic.


I'm so excited.

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I like the nuts/bolts idea. Just anything to improve dexterity. My hand is maybe 30/40 % numb all the time but I do compensate and can handle almost any task. I had a screwdriver I had a work and i kept flipping it all the time until i got really good at the repeatability and it helped with my hand coordination. (Something to entertain an ol' maintenance guy) Enough for me to play on my own and see an improvement. That is great about his hand!


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Tonight Bob told me that he don't know why, but lately when he goes to sit back down into his wheelchair, that he pulls his arm back like he is going to use the arm. I was very excited because I told him that is exactly what I keep dreaming, that he is moving in his wheelchair and puts his hand on the arm of it. I feel very positive about this!

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Hi fellow Buckeye,

I still have trouble with my thumb and some with the index finger--Have you tried a mirror box and/or an estim. I know they both helped get my hand moving again, it's not as I want it to be, but better than it was even a year ago.My stroke was in July of 2010, and I still get improvement, it'll come for Bob,too. It's good that he is starting to pull his arm back when he sits. new connections are being made.I also on the advice of a PT got a 1 pound wrist weight to put on the affected arm, it does make you more aware of that arm.

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Brandy, that is really great to hear aoubt Heriberto! Such a great sign of a promise to come!


Beanna - when he first had his stroke, I was on the computer, pretty much nonstop, looking for every type therapy available to help him with. I did the mirror therapy with a dead computer that it's screen worked like a mirror for us - now I know why I kept it, ha, ha (one excuse for hoarding that actually sounds good!)


The e-stim, yea, I ordered one of those pretty much right away. Mine also has a TENS function, for pain, but I've never used it yet.

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Hi Sandy, Great to hear that Bob is still improving day by day! Mike had no movement in his hand either and thats how his started back. One day we were sitting here and i asked him to move his fingers. He said i can't but i insisted and so he tried just to please me. Well he didn't have any movement that day but then one day he moved his thumb just ever so slightly. Now his therapist says he has a "nice" thumb! LOL meaning he has most of his range back for it. He moves all his fingers now but still has trouble straightening them completely, especially the pinky and ring finger. His tone is very strong in them. A tip, Keep his fingers stretched out as much as possible so that they do not become overly toned. If they are already get his ot to teach you finger stretching exercises and do them daily! Hope this helps. Keep up the good work! Tell Dan i said hello!

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