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Big Hill, big fun, big squeals



I wrote about expected snow but the next morning I woke up, went outside to assess the situation and sure enough, I was the only flake out there but tonight it's snowing.


A few years ago we had that blizzard but some of the kids in our neighborhood were too young to remember and some weren't even born. Just a few doors down are three little girls, sweet as can be and really nice parents--a young couple who actually spend time with the kids instead of letting them run wild.


Our house sits on a huge hill and I remember as kids we use to ride our sleds down it, screaming as we went so I called to the mom and invited her to let the girls go down the hill. Right now the are squeals of delight coming from our side yard.


Let it snow!


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Ok I hate snow. But when you give an example like that I love it! In Ohio (where I am at) it is a little flat. We have to improvise with a four wheeler and tug the sled. Just gotta watch out for the poles! LOL

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Though parts of Maryland are hilly our neighborhood and town are flat too. Our yard has the only hill I can think of and when it snows it's a little Norman Rockwell-ish--until the older boys (hoodlums) show up which eventually always happens. Everyone in town, it seems, converges on our yard.


Sheds have changed over the years and are just plastic with flat bottoms but when I was a kid my brother once thought it would be a great idea to rub wax paper along the runners of the sled. When those runners hit that snow it was as if someone shot us out of a cannon down that hill! Norman Rockwell meets Deliverance...that explains a lot, huh? lol

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Your telling of using wax paper on sled runners reminded me of what we used to do as kids. We took wax paper and sat on a piece and then slid down the old metal type slides. Talk about being shot out of a cannon! BTW, we used to wax or sled runners also.

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Well, it's that time of the year for snow to fall almost everywhere and kids will be out there playing in it all day if they can stay outside that long. That reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon that says "Never eat yellow snow"!

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our house is on little hill so when it snows kids r always outside going on tube down, even I enjoy doing that even after stroke, ofcourse coming up mom needs hand. Its so much fun to watch kids play in snow



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