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Finished my 12 workouts with Peter the retired Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Reconditioning Director. These workouts were very tough he had me do the total body fitness reconditioning program. Peter changed the back of the gym into a mobility circuit where you go under plastic bars and over bars and you can adjusted the bars higher or lower.There are handles to help you if you need them, there were different floor exercises so you need to be able to get up and down. We also used some barbells and dumbbells for different exercises. Peter showed me the correct way of doing the exercises and how they all blend together for the total body workout. I was very sore after some workouts even on the effective side which of course was new to me because I was feeling something on the left side. This was a good sore and to have feelings in the left side of my back and leg was unbelievable. He also introducted me to new rowing machines, these are a great workout all by themselves. I was give all the information on paper and sent to my e-mail, so now I can keep track of my progress and workout on my own. This program is not for beginners, I have been going to the gym for 3+ years walking 2-5 miles a week and stretching daily. My mobility and endurance are good; my gait is still off, we all know there is a lot more to walking then meets the eye, but it is getting better.

Lastly I had my checkup with my neurologist on Friday and she could not believe how much more I am using my left side since the last time I saw her. (6 months) That made my weekend. I am 4+ years stroke and still getting better, so never give up.


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Ken. It sounds like you got a pretty good program and workout routine going. Hope it helps you much better when you finish the program. That sounds like something I could use. I'm about due to go back for another session of therapy real soon that Medicare pays for since this is a new year now.

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Ken :


I am so happy for you, you got great workout tailered towards your recovery, do them regularly, more you workout better life will become.



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Ken you have done very well. Good for you. And to have your neurologist notice was good too, maybe she can make a note of what has benefitted you and pass that on to others.



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Ken, so please for you. You are so right, we just have to keep on working on it. I was doing so well with my walking, every day,slow and steady. Then three weeks ago, I wake up and my left foot is swollen. It has taken three w,eeks of my foot to get better.

I am back to the begining again, can not walk much, the pain comes back. The walking I have been doing, brought down my blood pressure, my doctor said she was proud of me. I felt so good and I can now travel!



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Ken it sounds like you know what you won't Iknow how you fill When i had my last stroke i had no felling in my legs our in my fet our my hands i got home thirp but it did not do eny good tell i made my self get so mad that i told my self that i was not going to let eny stroke get the best out of me ..So i got up one morring an told my self GETup and i did grinding my teieth Iwot mad at my self an made my self do what ever it took for me to be abble it walk by my self so i work out for seven mouth then one day i said to mty self ok im fgoing to put the walker down an i did i was talking baby steps put i was so proud of my self didnt have no help for 12 weeks i work out but now im walking all by me self . Soi know it can happen IF THEY wont it to . it hard but i did it .

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Ken, that is great news. It sure pays to keep moving. Very inspirational. Wish I had your motivation. Although, working on it. I'm still sleepy all the time. I'm sure that'll pass, and should get better. Keep up the good work! :D

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